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الموضوع: طلب برقراف

  1. #1
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2011

    افتراضي طلب برقراف

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
    لوسمحتووووووووووووو ممكن تساعدووووووووووني
    اريد برقراف عن هذا الموضوع
    Write a report of 200 words about the UAE as a holiday destination.
    بليييييييييز محتاااااااجتنة ضرووووووووووري اليووم او باجر
    مشكوووووووورين مفدما ادرريبكم ماتقصرووووون

  2. #2
    عضو جديد الصورة الرمزية زهرة الاوركيدة
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2011


    Holiday Destinations in UAE

    The United Arab Emirates or UAE was formed by the conglomeration of the seven sovereign community of sheikhdoms.
    The union was formed after the British withdraw their power from the Gulf region in 1971. The seven emirates have everything that a traveler dream of. So come and explore the colorful beaches, dazzling deserts with the world famous camel race, mountains and ofcourse the luxury of shopping all here at UAE. The most unique feature of UAE is it is a blend of the traditional lifestyle of the Bedouin tribe as well as the Western consumerism.When to visit UAE: November and April are the best months to travel in UAE. The temperature is cool and comfortable for travel.
    Temperature remains very high during July and August. Average daily temperature rises as much as 40 degree Celsius. So this time is preferably avoided for tourism.
    Shopping at UAE
    Shopping is an absolute delight in UAE and thus known as paradise for shoppers. Tourists usually buy spices, gold, carpets, fabrics, perfume, designer goods, camera, watches from the dazzling shopping malls in UAE. There are also many duty free shops in UAE. The Dubai mall and the mall of the Emirates are the two most well known shopping malls of UAE.
    Accommodation in UAE
    High standard accommodation facilities are available in UAE as the general cost of living in UAE is quite high. Top rated chain of hotels are located throughout . The five star deluxe hotels in UAE are the ultimate word for comfort and luxury.
    The 5 star hotels offer all modern services and amenities to their guests to make your stay in the hotel the most memorable one. However there are also some moderate class hotels that ideally suits travelers with low budget as well as business travelers. Except Sharjah there are bars and discos in most of the hotels in UAE where you can have an experience of nightlife in UAE. Musical nights are also organized in different parts of UAE round the year Eating at UAE
    Since travelers comes here from all parts of the world hence you will get all sorts of cuisine here. Try out Pakistani, Mexican, Persian, Polynesian, Indian, Japanese, French, Chinese, Thai, Korean as well as Italian and cuisine in any of the finest restaurants of middle east. There are also a wide selection of theme restaurants in Dubai. You can even try out the local shisha in any of the restaurants here. While dining in any of the restaurants of UAE something you must taste are beef, lobster, shrimp, crab, tuna, kingfish, red snapper and so on. Tourist attractions of UAE

    Abu Dhabi
    Al Ain
    Ra's al-Khaimah
    Umm al-Qaiwain
    Transportation in UAE
    Being one of the major tourist destinations of the world, all the leading airline companies have their regular flight services from different parts of the world. You can also for various package tours offered by the tour operators. It is also well connected by road and sea.

  3. #3
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2011


    الاماراتMy country
    My country is UAE .It is in Asia in the region of the middle east .It has an area about 83.000SQ KM . It lies on the south of the Arabian Gulf and west of Gulf of Oman . It is bordered to the south and east Saudi Arabia and to the west with Omen . Almost two –thirds of the land area is desert .The UAE has a lot of mountains like Hafeet mount and it has no rivers .The capital of my country is Abu Dhabi

    الواجب"Home work" This word mean a night mare for a lot of students. That’s not a strange reaction. We accept it when student get stress. I'm one of these student who used to have this problem. I was always complaining from the major of homework's that I had, but after a lot of time I found my own way to avoid the stress. I will share it with you. First don’t delay the work of today for tomorrow and try to finish your homework's early. If you really want write it down. Always start by the most difficult homework so you finish faster while you r mind still active. If you find any difficulty ask your parents. They could help you a lot and involving them in your homework is for your benefit. Taking breaks is a very good reward you could give it to your self ,because after hard work your mind need to have rest so it will be fresh. Everybody is different so don’t accept that you and your friend will finish at the same.

    برجراف عن الغضب
    Lots of us looks like an explosion when we get anger. Some times you just can’t control your self specially if it’s a big problem. Although anger is a normal thing and we all felt it, but it gets out of control and turns into disaster. How to avoid this exploding? This what I’m going to talk about. Breath deeply, and repeat optimistic words ” calm down , take it easy , every problem have a solution .” cause after while you will start to convince yourselfAlways take a break. Don’t say the first thing that comes to your mind, slow down give your mind a chance to understand the conditions , so you wont feel guilty after relaxing.
    It’s better if you change your environment, some times the please you are in increase your irritation. For an example ,if you where in an comfort place it can help you to think better and to calm down.
    Hope is everywhere, If you didn't find it , create it. Keep in your mind that every thing happens for a reason and look at the bright
    كيف تنصح صديقك لنجاح في الامتحان/ success, what is important is that you do your best to achieve your goals to pass the exam; you abide by the advice from your teacher, parents and friends whose knows very well about it. Some ways in order to pass the exams are, first, Manage yourself, Plan your time and keep yourself healthy by eating well and have time for study, leave whatever you want to do like chatting in internet , watching T.V or going out with friends , I suggest you to concentrate on what you are studying , be sure you choose a place which no body disturb you to feel relax when you study
    Finally you should work hard to finish in due time. Being a successful and pass in the exams it doesn't happen in one day only it take time to achieveSuccess can really be defined in many ways. Whatever personal meaning you

    مجال الدراسة / The first problem that faces student after they graduate from school is picking there studying field.
    This is a very important issue, because your whole future will depend on this decision. Here you are some tips that can helpyou in taking your decision.
    Value your mental and physical skills. This evaluation helps you to limit your skills and to limit the fields that you can study." It's very important to know your skills" said Miss Hala. Consider your interests, because every one of us produce more when he study something he like. My father always says to me" you would be happier and butter if you study something you like"Do some searches and ask other people about their opinion. Searching could show you the required fields and advice is ever in want.

    2- Pollution التلوث
    Polluting the environment has become a serious problem in each country. There are many pollutants such as cars and rubbish. Dumping waste in the sea causes water pollution. Also, cutting down forests and poaching animals will destroy wildlife. I think that we should use unleaded petrol and fit cars with converts which remove many of the harmful gases. Laws should be issued to ban polluting the environment. Finally, planting more trees will help us to solve the problem of desertification

    3- Desert الصحراء
    Deserts are definitely one of the harshest places to live. They are massive and cover about 40% of the worlds land area. They are full of sand dunes and oases. Some deserts consist mainly of stones and rocks, with no sand in it. The temperature in these kinds of deserts is very hot and dry. Other deserts like the Canadian Tundra is very cold. People can’t live in deserts because of the temperature and the lack of water. Only Bedouin can live there. They use the camel as a means of transport. Some kinds of animals reptiles can live in the deserts like the camel, the fox ,snakes, scorpions . . .est. The rain is very rare in the hot deserts. The thorny plants can live there. In short, deserts are not the right place to
    live in because of the weather and the lack of water.

    — -- — —
    4- The importance of sport اهمية الرياضة
    — Sports and exercises play an important role in our daily life. Everyone can benefit from exercise. You should do some physical activity at least three times per week. Regular exercise will keep your heart and lungs healthy, make you stronger, keep you healthier, and make you look better and make you feel better about yourself. Sports strengthen the body function of people and preserve the youth of them. I advise you to make some time to practice sport in order to have a happy and healthy lif

    how to keep yourself safe from illnesses : كيف تحافظ على نفسك من الامراض
    — To keep your body healthy is an important thing to have anice life.And will give some suggestions to reach that enjoyment of life. first eat alot of fruit and vegetabels,and remember to keep away from fats.second do some sports that help you to have a healthy body.you should not forget to drink alot of water and fresh free sugar juice. try also to have avariety of food and do not focus on a specific kind,but eat different kinds in a wrigt way.and if you feel

    Write a paragraph about how to learn new information كيف تحفظ معلومة جديدة
    There are five main ways of learning new information . the first way is frequency .this means hearing or reading new information lots of times . for example you should write the new information 10 times and say it to yourself . the second way is activity . it is doing something with new information . variety is another way . it means doing different things with new information . linking new information with old one is another way . for example , you should link a new word to a word you already know . finally , finding something new information helps learning it

    How to keep friends كيف تحافظ علي أصدقاؤك
    Keeping friends is an important thing to do . good friends are sometimes better than brothers . moreover , l like the friend who is supportive . who can help me when I need him because a friend in need is a friend indeed . I don’t like those friend who always criticize me . on the other hand a good friend should be honest and reliable . I like the friend whom I can depend on and trust . I can tell him about my problems and he can help me solve them and try to think about my feeling . finally , it is very necessary to keep friendship forever because life without friends is impossible .

    How to solve problems between friends كيف تحل المشاكل بين الأصدقاء
    Problems may occur at any time between friends . problems between friends don’t go away by themselves . it is a good thing to talk to our friend about the problem because he may not recognize that he did something annoying . in addition , it is not a good idea to confront a friend while being angry , it’s better to calm down first , then discuss the problem . the best thing to solve a problem with a friend is to talk to him face to face and share feelings .

    Managing time إدارة تنظيم الوقت
    Managing time is very important in our daily life . we must have enough time to do the work we have to do . we must also ensure that work equals the time available . it is easy to and the previous work . it is very important to do the current work first then do the previous one , but if we don’t do the correct work , it becomes previous as a result the work accumulates and we can’t do it properly . so it is very necessary to manage your time in order to get done .

    How to beat the time thieves كيف تهزم مهدرات الوقت
    in everyone’s life , there are time thieves . those thieves could be people , things and inside ourselves . some people would like either to talk or take our time while we are busy to busy want to offer any help . for example , if a friendly colleague wants to talk , tell him that you want to study . sometime time thieves are the mobile phone or untidy desk . so it better to know when to use the phone and it wise too to tidy your desk before you sit to study . finally our stomach and brain can take much of our time . it is a good idea to stop studying when we are hungry , we have to plan to study after having a light meal .

    مقدمة/ Today Bergrav type of [name Baraqrav] and write about the positive and negative qualities of the subject and type of skills I'm sure the Bergrav will tell you about the qualities and some of the foals Bergrav will tell you the type and explain to you and thank you Baraqrav
    خاتمة/ After you finish writing Baraqrav Mho and clarify all existing and finished it and I hope that you like Albergrav won and I hope you like Albergrav which was written by and thank you

    الشيخ زايد / The UAE Ruler Sheikh Zayed
    His Highness Sheikh Zayed is the first ruler of the UAE.. During his leadership, the UAE has developed so rapidly that it became a market centre in the Middle East. The development includes several areas like petroleum industry, road works, high rise buildings and vegetation.
    One of the most notable things about Sheikh Zayed is his dedication for plantation during his rule. The dry desert has indeed turned into beautiful green gardens. He also gave his support to women to acquire a skill or an education, to join a profession or set up a business.
    We Love Sheikh Zayed so mush and ask Allah to bless hem.

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