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    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2008

    افتراضي طلب\تلخيص فقرات

    اباكم اتلخصولي هالفقرة ضرووووووري

    الفقرة الاولى
    Financial Perspective
    The typical destination for profit-seeking enterprises is a significant increase in shareholder value (we will discuss the modifications for nonprofit and government organizations later in the paper). Companies increase economic value through two basic approaches--revenue growth and productivity.(n3) A revenue growth strategy generally has two components: build the franchise with revenue from new markets, new products, and new customers; and increase sales to existing customers by deepening relationships with them, including cross-selling multiple products and services, and offering complete solutions. A productivity strategy also generally has two components: improve the cost structure by lowering direct and indirect expenses; and utilize assets more efficiently by reducing the working and fixed capital needed to support a given level of business.

    الفقرة الثانيه :

    Customer Perspective
    The core of any business strategy is the customer-value proposition, which describes the unique mix of product, price, service, relationship, and image that a company offers. It defines how the organization differentiates itself from competitors to attract, retain, and deepen relationships with targeted customers. The value proposition is crucial because it helps an organization connect its internal processes to improved outcomes with its customers.
    Companies differentiate their value proposition by selecting among operational excellence (for example, McDonalds and Dell Computer), customer intimacy (Home Depot and IBM in the 1960s and 1970s), and product leadership (Intel and Sony) (Treacy and Wiersema 1997, 31-45). Sustainable strategies are based on excelling at one of the three while maintaining threshold standards with the other two. After identifying its value proposition, a company knows which classes and types of customers to target.
    Specifically, companies that pursue a strategy of operational excellence need to excel at competitive pricing, product quality, product selection, lead time, and on-time delivery. For customer intimacy, an organization must stress the quality of its relationships with customers, including exceptional service, and the completeness and suitability of the solutions it offers individual customers. Companies that pursue a product-leadership strategy must concentrate on the functionality, features, and performance of their products and services.
    The customer perspective also identifies the intended outcomes from delivering a differentiated value proposition. These would include market share in targeted customer segments, account share with targeted customers, acquisition and retention of customers in the targeted segments, and customer profitability.(n4)

    الفقرة الثالثة:

    Internal Process Perspective
    Once an organization has a clear picture of its customer and financial perspectives, it can determine the means by which it will achieve the differentiated value proposition for customers and the productivity improvements for the financial objectives. The internal business perspective captures these critical organizational activities, which fall into four high-level processes:
    1.Build the franchise by spurring innovation to develop new products and services and to penetrate new markets and customer segments.
    2.Increase customer value by expanding and deepening relationships with existing customers.
    3.Achieve operational excellence by improving supply-chain management, internal processes, asset utilization, resource-capacity management, and other processes.
    4.Become a good corporate citizen by establishing effective relationships with external stakeholders.
    Many companies that espouse a strategy calling for innovation or for developing value-adding customer relationships mistakenly choose to measure their internal business processes by focusing only on the cost and quality of their operations. These companies have a complete disconnect between their strategy and how they measure it. Not surprisingly, organizations encounter great difficulty implementing growth strategies when their primary internal measurements emphasize process improvements, not innovation or enhanced customer relationships.
    The financial benefits from improvements to the different business processes typically occur in stages. Cost savings from increases in operational efficiencies and process improvements deliver short-term benefits. Revenue growth from enhancing customer relationships accrues in the intermediate term. Increased innovation generally produces long-term revenue and margin improvements. Thus, a complete strategy should generate returns from all three high-level internal processes.

    الفقرة الرابعة :

    Learning and Growth Perspective
    The final region of a strategy map is the learning and growth perspective, which is the foundation of any strategy. In the learning and growth perspective, managers define the employee capabilities and skills, technology, and corporate climate needed to support a strategy. These objectives enable a company to align its human resources and information technology with the strategic requirements from its critical internal business processes, differentiated value proposition, and customer relationships. After addressing the learning and growth perspective, companies have a complete strategy map with linkages across the four major perspectives.
    Strategy maps, beyond providing a common framework for describing and building strategies, also are powerful diagnostic tools, capable of detecting flaws in organizations' Balanced Scorecards. For example, Figure 3 shows the strategy map for the Revenue Growth theme of Mobil North America Marketing & Refining. When senior management compared the scorecards being used by its business units to this template, it found one unit with no objective or measure for dealers, an omission immediately obvious from looking at its strategy map. Had this unit discovered how to bypass dealers and sell gasoline directly to end-use consumers? Were dealer relationships no longer strategic for this unit? The business unit shown in the lower right corner of Figure 3 did not mention quality on its scorecard. Again, had this unit already achieved six sigma quality levels so quality was no longer a strategic priority? Mobil's executive team used its divisional strategy map to identify and remedy gaps in the strategies being implemented at lower levels
    of the organization.

    ساعدوووني بليييييييييييييييز ابا انجح
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة طاسه صغيرونه ; 12-03-2010 الساعة 01:53 PM

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