النتائج 1 إلى 4 من 4
  1. #1
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2010

    الي يبون adventure حيآهم ، مغآمره . [مدآرس الشرآكه]

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    شحآ’لكم عسآ‘كم مرتآحين

    بآجر آمتحآ‘ن آنجليزي نهآ‘ية الفصل آلدرآسي آلآول

    وهآلـstory عندي آيآهآ من فتره موزعينهـآ علينـآ ، فـ حبيت آفيدكم

    مادري اذا موزعين عليكم هالقصه ولا لا

    بس حبيت اساعد الي يحتآجونهآ

    adventure at ...

    I am a manager in an office. I enjoy my job but it is not very exciting. So I was happy to be invited to lead a caving trip during the Eid holiday. I asked my best friend Khalid to come too.

    The desert sunset was as res as fire as we camped that evening. In the morning we ate breakfast and drove to the cave at Devil‘s Sink.

    The entrance was nearly hidden by a fallen rock. One by one, the group wriggled into the black darkness. We were in!

    In the cave I could See thick mud on tne floor and water dripping down thw walls. The boys were hungry so we sat down for lunch.
    Suddenly a loud scream echoed in the cave. I jumped up and ran to the boys.

    Saeed had fallen through a XXXXX in the floor! Quickly, I tied a rope around my chest and gave the other end of the rope to Khalid. He tied it to a rock and I jumped into the XXXXX. I fell for a long time.

    "Aaagh!" , I felt my ribs breaking. My body bounced up and down like a rubber ball. "Saeed, where are you?" I yelled.

    Silence. I looked around me. Saeed was floating face down in a black poo!! I quickly swam to him. The water was very cold!
    Saeed‘s face was grey and he was shivering. Calmly I told him, "Everything‘s going to be alright."

    I tied Saeed With th rope and yelled to the group to start pulling him up. When he reached the top, the boys cheered.

    The rope fell down again and I grabbed on. Hand over hand, I pulled myself up.

    At last I reached the top. The boys rushed to me. Safe last! We found our way out of the cave and drove to the hospital for treatment.

    Then Khalid took me home to my family.
    My cave adventure was so exciting! I wanted to go caving again!.

    وآتمنآ لكم التوفيق .. ان شآء الله تييبون علآمآت حلوه ^.*


  2. #2
    عضو جديد الصورة الرمزية عيـــــناويـــــة
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2009


    اول وحدة اررد

    يالله حيهم حبتين لعيونج ولله ~

    من زماان كنت ادوره .. لا ماعطوونا والله يووفقج ويخليج من الاواااائل يرب
    وشدي حييلج
    مشكورة لاخلا ولاعدم نخدمج فعرسج فووووووديتج

  3. #3
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2010


    يع ـ‘ـطيكم الع ـ‘ـآفيـ‘ه

    الع ـ‘ـفوو للي شكروني

    آختي عينـآإويـ‘ه تسلمين ع المرور الغـ‘ـآوي عنوني

    نورتي آلبيج

    وآن شآء اللـ‘ه حـ‘ـليتي عدل في آلآمتحـآن

    آمييييين وآنتي بعد اللـ‘ه يوفقج ويآآرب تطلعين من آلآوآئل

    لآعدمـتج غلآيـ‘ه ، خخ‘خ تسلمين ع الطلـ‘ه الطرر ^^

  4. #4
    عضو جديد الصورة الرمزية عزوز العيناوي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008


    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????

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