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  1. #1
    ÊÇÑíÎ ÇáÊÓÌíá
    Jun 2011

    752344177 ÇáÍá ¿¿¿¿ ßíÝ ÊßÊÈ ÊÚÈíÑ ÇäÌáíÒí

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    ÃæáÇð : ÈÚÖ ÇáÇÔíÇÁ ÇáÊí íÌÈ ÇáÃäÊÈÇå áåÇ
    1/Çä ÊÈÏÇ ÈÍÑÝ Capital ßÈíÑ ææÇÖÍ.

    2/ Çä ÊÖÚ (.) æÇÖÍÉ ãÚ äåÇíÉ ßá Ìãáå .

    3/ÇÈÏÇ ÇáãæÖæÚ ÈÌãáå ÑÆíÓíÉ ÊÍÊæí ãÌãáåÇ Úáí ÝßÑÉ ÇáãæÖæÚ ßßá.

    4/ Çä ÊÑÇÚí ÇáÊäÓíÞ æÇáÊÑÇÈØ ÇáÚÇã ááãæÖæÚ.

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    9/ ÇáÌãá Êßæä Ý ÇáãÖãæä æÊÌäÈ ÇáÌãá ÇáØæíáå ÍÊí áÇ ÊÞÚ Ý ÇáÇÎØÇÁ ÇáÇáãáÇÆíÉ

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    ËÇäíÇð :

    ÞÓã ÇáãæÖæÚ Åáì åÐå ÇáÚäÇÕÑ :

    1/ ÇáãÞÏãÉ(-ÇáÈÏÇíÉ) 2/ ÇáãæÖæÚ( ÌÓã ÇáãæÖæÚ) 3/ ÇáäåÇíÉ(ÇáÎÇÊãÉ)

    ËÇáËÇð : ßáãÇÊ ÊäÝÚ ãÞÏãÉ
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    äÊÝÞ ÌãíÚÇ Çä ...... Ôí ãåã Ýí ÍíÇÊäÇ.
    We All agree that... is important things in our life
    äÊÝÞ ÌãÚíÇ Çä....... áå ÏæÑÇ ÍíæíÇ Ýí åÐå ÇáÇíÇã.
    We all agree that ...has vital role nowadays.
    ßáäÇ äÞÑ ÈÇåãíÉ .......... Ýí ÍíÇÊäÇ.
    We all admit the importance of .... in our life.
    áÇ ÚÌÈ ÇÐÇ ÞáäÇ Çä ...... áå ÇËÇÑ ÇíÌÇÈíÇ ÚáíäÇ.
    No wonder if we say that ... has/have good positive effects on us.
    ßáäÇ äÊÝÞ Çä ...... íáÚÈ ÏæÑ åÇã Ý ÍíÇÊäÇ.
    We all agree that ...is plays an important part in our life.
    ÇääÇ äÏíä áÜÜÜÜÜ.... æÇáÐí íÚáÈ ÏæÑ Ííæí Ý ÍíÇÊäÇ
    We owe to ....which play arole part in our life.


    ááÃÔíÇÁ ÇáÖÇÑÉ (ßÇáÊáæË ÇáÈíÆí)
    äÍä äÓÊØíÚ Ãä äÑì Çä .....íãËá ÚÞíå Ý ØÑíÞ ÊÞÏãäÇ
    We can see that ...... stands for an obstacle in the way of our progress.
    ãä ÑÇí ÇÚÊÞÏ Çä ........ ÎØíÑ æÖÇÑ åÐÉ ÇáÇíÇã
    In my point of view, i think that .... serious nowadays.
    ãä æÌåÉ äÙÑí ÇÚÊÞÏ Çä íÌáÈ ÇáÔÑ Çáí ãÌÊãÚäÇ.
    In my point of view, i think that .....bring all eveil to our socity.
    áÇÈÏ Çä äÊÍÏ æäÊÚÇæä ãä ÇÌá ãÕáÍÉ ÈáÏäÇ ÖÏ....
    We should unit.co-operate and stand shoulder for the sake of our country against
    is-are aserious social evil in our society.....
    ãÇ áÇ Ôß Ýíå Çä ...åí æÇÍÏÉ ãä ÇÎØÑ ÇáÙæÇåÑ Ý ÍíÇÊäÇ.
    There is no doubt that ..... is one of the most dangerous phenomena in our life.
    åÐÇ íÌáÈ áäÇ ÇËÇÑ ÓíÆå æÓáÈíÉ Ýí_ÈáÏäÇ_æÞÊäÇ ÇáÍÇáí_ÍíÇÊäÇ
    ..bring us bad and negative effects in our country_nowadays_in our life.
    åäÇß ÇÓÈÇÈ ãÎÊáÝÉ áãÔßáå ......... Ýí ÈáÏäÇ.
    There are various causes for the probelm of ...... in our country.
    ÈÚÖ ÇáÑæÇÈØ Çááí ããßä ÊÓÊÎÏãåÇ ãÚ ÈÏÇíÉ ßá Ìãáå Çæ ÝßÑÄÉ ÌÏíÏÉ
    ãä äÇÍíÉ One one hand
    ãä äÇÍíÉ ÇÎÑí on the other hand
    ÈÇáÇÖÇÝÉ Çáí Ðáß addition to that
    ÚáÇæÉ Úáí Ðáß Moreover
    æÝæÞ ßá Ðáß Above all
    Ýí äÝÓ ÇáæÞÊ At the same time
    æãÚ Ðáß However

    free time

    It is an important topic to write about . Since, time is our lives .sometimes, we find ourselves laying on a sofa infront of the TV ,hour after hour goes uselessly. If we keep doing this at freetimes,our lives will become fruitless .Our lives are very preciouse. Therefore, we must learn how to spend free times correctly.

    There are many useful things to do in free times. For example, we can take care of our health by doing some exercises .Also, by reading good books and using internet,we will increase our knowledge. We can visit a sick persone to amuses him_ her.

    In fact, free time is a treasurefrom our lord that we should thank Him for. Last advice, exploit free time and enjoy your life..

    ÇáßáíÉ ( College)
    [align=left]College is the place where you go to after finishing high school. In the college, there are many departments . You have to choose one of those department to specialize. At college, you meet so many different people coming from differnt places.


    ÇáÊÚÈíÑ The paragraph
    ( 1 ) åäÇß ßáãÇÊ æãÕØáÍÇÊ æÊÑßíÈÇÊ áÝÙíÉ ÊÝíÏß ÚäÏ ßÊÇÈÉ ãæÖæÚ ÊÚÈíÑ Úä Ãí Úãá ÃÏÈí Ãæ ÃÏíÈ ãÚíä :-
    -------,------and------are three kinds of ( Arabic / English literature (
    ( ÇÓã ÇáÚãá ÇáÃÏÈí ) is a ( true / fictional ) story written by the author about ____ .
    (ÇÓã ÇáÚãá ÇáÃÏÈí ) was written by ( ÇÓã ÇáÃÏíÈ ) in ) ÇáÓäÉ ).
    The story takes place in ( The __century / many years ago )
    The main characters are ---------,-----------and---------- .
    ( ( ÇÓã ÇáÔÎÕíÉ ) was ------,--------and----------áæÕÝ ÔÎÕíÉ ãÚíäÉ äÓÊÎÏã )
    In the story, (First, Then , After that, Finally, ÇáÔÎÕíÉ ÚãÇÊ ßÐÇ æßÐÇ ÇÓÊÎÏã Òãä ÇáãÇÖí áÓÑÏ ÃÍÏÇË ÇáÞÕÉ )
    ( 2 ) ááÍÏíË Úä ÇáÌÇãÚÇÊ Ýí ÇáÓÚæÏíÉ äÓÊÎÏã ÇáãÕØáÍÇÊ æÇáÊÑÇßíÈ ÇááÝÙíÉ ÇáÂÊíÉ :-
    There are two kinds of universities in Saudi Arabia .
    First, there are general universities which offer courses in humanities and the sciences .
    Then, there are specializes universities which focus on certain subjects .
    ( ÇÓã ÇáÌÇãÚÉ ) is a general / specialized university .
    It was founded in (14 - - ). It offers courses in ( ãæÇÏ ÇáÊÎÕÕ )
    It is located in ( ÇáãßÇä )with a branch / branches in ( )
    ( 3 ) ááÍÏíË Úä Ãí ÔÎÕíÉ ãä ÇáÔÎÕíÇÊ ÇáãÄËÑÉ äÓÊÎÏã ÇáãÕØáÍÇÊ ÇáÂÊíÉ :-
    ( ÇáÔÎÕíÉ ) was born in ( ÓäÉ ÇáãíáÇÏ ) in ) ãßÇä ÇáãíáÇÏ )
    In ( ÓäÉ ) , he (ÝÚá Ýí ÇáãÇÖí )
    He is remembered for his-----,------and -------- ( ÕÝÇÊ ) / We remember him as a ( ÕÝÇÊ ) leader .
    He died in ) 14 - - ) .
    ________________________________________ ( 4 ) ááÍÏíË Úä ÇáÍãáÇÊ æÇáÑÍáÇÊ æÇáãÛÇãÑÇÊ ÇáÇÓÊßÔÇÝíÉ äÓÊÎÏã ÇáÊÑÇßíÈ ÇáÂÊíÉ :-
    ( ÇÓã ÇáÔÎÕ( ÇáÃÔÎÇÕ) ÇáÐí ÞÇã ÈÇáãÛÇãÑÉ ) is ( ÌäÓíÊå ) .
    His aim was to ( ------and -------)
    First, he prepared -------,-------- and ------.
    His plan was to -----,------ and -------.
    In ( ÓäÉ ) , he ( ÞÇã ÈÚãá ßÐÇ - ÇÓÊÎÏã Òãä ÇáãÇÖí Ýí ÇáßÊÇÈÉ ÚãÇ ÞÇã Èå ÇáãÓÊßÔÝ )
    He learnt how to ) ÇáãÕÏÑ ) .
    One of his achievements was that he ...... .
    ________________________________________ ( 5 ) ááÍÏíË Úä ÇáÎØæØ ÇáÚÑÈíÉ æÇáÅäÌáíÒíÉ äÓÊÎÏã ÈÚÖ ÇáÊÑÇßíÈ ÇááÝÙíÉ ãËá :-
    There are many ******s which the Arabic / English calligrapher can use .
    ---- is an [ Arabic / English ] ****** .
    It is { very /quite / not } common .
    It is easy / difficult to read .
    It is ( not ) used in printing .
    It is ( not ) used in everyday handwriting .
    It is heavy , decorative .
    The ( ÇÓã ÇáÎØ ) is ( not )written vertical / slanted .
    ________________________________________ ( 6 ) ááÍÏË Úä ÊæÓÚÉ ÇáÍÑãíä Ãæ ãÞÇÑäÉ ÇäÌÇÒ Ýí ÇáÍÇÖÑ ÈãÇ ßÇä Úáíå åÐÇ ÇáÔíÁ Ýí ÇáãÇÖí äÓÊÎÏã ÇáÊÑÇßíÈ ÇááÝÙíÉ ÇáÂÊíÉ :-
    In the past / In ( ÇáÓäÉ )/ Before___ , the total area was ---- .
    The no. / number of ---- were ------ .
    The height of ----- was ----- .
    There were ( ÚÏÏ / not any ) ----- .
    ( Nowadays / Today / After--- ) , many things has changed .
    The number of --- became ----- .
    The ------- became -------
    ( ÚÏÏ ) of ----- has been added .
    There are ) ÚÏÏ ) ------ now .

    Çí ãÓÇÚÏÉ ÇäÔÇÁááå ÇÝíÏßãÜ.

    Çááå íæÝÞßã ÇäÔÇÁááå ßáßã ÈãÑÊÈå ÇáÔÑÝÜ...

    ÏãÊã ÈæÏ.....[/CENTER]

    ^ÇãÇÑÇÊí æ ÃÝÊÎÑ^

  2. #2
    ÚÖæ ÌÏíÏ ÇáÕæÑÉ ÇáÑãÒíÉ ãÓáãÉ æÇÝÊÎÑ
    ÊÇÑíÎ ÇáÊÓÌíá
    Oct 2009


    íÜÜ Ú ÜØíßÜ ÇáÜÜ Ú ÜÂÂÝíåÜ Úáì ãÂØÑÍÊí áä íÜÂÂáÜÜ Û Üá ,,

    æáÇÊÍÑãíäÇãä ÌÏíÏßÜ ,,,, áÂÚÏãÊí ,,, æáÂåäÊí

  3. #3
    ÚÖæ ÝÚÇá ÇáÕæÑÉ ÇáÑãÒíÉ ÃÈæ äæÇÓ
    ÊÇÑíÎ ÇáÊÓÌíá
    Apr 2009


    ÔÜÜÜÜÜÜÜßÑÇ Úáì ÇáãæÖæÚ .

  4. #4
    ÊÇÑíÎ ÇáÊÓÌíá
    Nov 2009


    ÈÇÑß Çááå Ýíß æÝí ãæÇÒíä ÍÓäÇÊß
    ÓáãÊ ÃäÇãáß æÏÇÆãÇð ÈÅäÊÙÇÑ
    ÌÏíÏß ÇáãÈÏÚ


  • áÇ ÊÓÊØíÚ ÇáÑÏ Úáì ÇáãæÇÖíÚ
  • áÇ ÊÓÊØíÚ ÊÚÏíá ãÔÇÑßÇÊß