عضو جديد
Black Dreams *_!
عضو جديد
[ FONT="Comic Sans MS"]U R right....I have the same opinion
& I notice that in the beginning of the year ..... but, what cauld we do
Do ur best ... & I am sure that U will do it... Perfectly ....[/FONT]
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ريمــ البوادي ; 08-11-2009 الساعة 07:46 PM
عضو جديد
like you
thes is first year for me
and it realy chaneg than before
i cant stay like that for ever
crying for the past
but think about it if you are not acsept for any collage
dont be sad for that this is nothing at the end we all going to die and that just live what will happend will happend becouse allh write it
we all feel like you feel
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- لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك
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