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  1. #1
    عضو مجلس الشرف
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2008
    أنا وبكل فخر من يوم ميلادي .. إماراتي وهاذي الكلمة تكفيني

    من لديه تقرير او طلبات يرجى وضعه نرجو التعاون

    ~ .. // السلام عليكم ورحمة من الله تعالى وبركاته ... // ~

    (( // .. ×× مرحباَ بكم أعضاء الحآدي عشر // .. ×× ))

    اليوم عدت إليكم بفكرة جديدة لتعم الفائدة ولتوفير الوقت والجهد على أعضائنا وزوارنا .. ~

    بما أننا مقبلون على الفصل الدراسي الثاني .. قررت أن أفتح هذا الموضوع .. لكي نضع كل التقارير هنا .. ~

    لذلك من لديه تقرير للفصل الدراسي الثاني يضعه هنآ .. ويرفق المشاركة باسم التقرير ولو كآن بالوورد أفضل .. ~ ..

    وهذه خطوآت ارفاق المشاركآت بملف من الوورد .. ~

    1 .. عندما تفتحون مربع المشاركة .. ستجدون أسفل صفحة الموضوع الجديد هذا المربع ~
    نضغط منه على ( أرفق ملف في المشاركة )

    وهذه الخطوة الثانية ~

    الان نضغط على ( Browse) ثم نختار الملف الذي نريده بشرط أن لا يكون حجمه كبيراً ..

    2- بعد اختيار الملف نضغط على ( رفع ) وننتظر حتى انتهاء عملية الرفع .........

    وبهذه الطريقة نكون قد رفعنا الملف الى المشاركة وحظينا بمشاركة جميلة ومرتبة استفدنا منها واستفاد منها البقية .. ~

    تنبيه هام : الرجاء من فضلكم عدم طلب أي تقرير من هنا والا سأقوم بحذف المشاركة

    هذا الموضوع خصص لوضع التقارير فقط لا غير وليس لطلب المواضيع ..

    وأيضاً أرجو عدم وضع المشاركآت غير القيمة كشكراً وعفواُ ..
    لا أريد مشاركآت غير قيمة وقصيرة وإلا سأقوم بالحذف مباشرة دون العودة الى صاحبها ..

    كونوا متعآونين ووفروا عليّ وعليكم عنآء الوقت والجهد .... ~

    أعود وأكرر هذه النقطة لا أريد مشاركآت شكر و طلب تقارير رجاء .. ~

    شكرا لحسن تعاونكم

    تحياتي ووافر حبي

    ~ .. // فراشة علم مشرفة الصف الحآدي عشر أدبي ... // ~

  2. #2
    عضو جديد الصورة الرمزية احلاهم و اتحداهم
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2007
    in home



    Main idea
    The word tundra derives from the Finnish word for barren or treeless land. The tundra is the simplest biome in terms of species composition and food chains The tundra covers about 20% of the word . The tundra in the north of canada is called a polar desert or cold desert . It doesn’t have sand , it has no camels , and there are no oases because al the water is frozen solid for almost 10 months of the year .
    The report
    # Growthforms: typical are ground-hugging and other warmth
    # forms including: tussock-forming graminoids, mats or cushion plants, often evergreen members of the heath family, rosettes, dwarf shrubs, some of which are deciduous in habit.
    # Climate: The high latitude conditions of Koeppen's ET climate type that impact life in this biome include; extremely short growing season (6 to 10 weeks), long, cold, dark winters (6 to 10 months with mean monthly derives from the Finnish word for barren or treeless land. The temperatures below 32° F or 0° C.), low precipitation (less than five inches/year) coupled with strong, drying winds. Snowfall is actually advantageous to plant and animal life as it provides an insulating layer on the ground surface.
    # Edaphic controls: Permafrost, not cold temperatures per se, is generally believed to be what prevents tree growth. Furthermore, freeze-thaw activity, a thin active layer, and solifluction during the warmer months contribute to strong controls on vegetation patterns and create a mosaic of microhabitats and plant communities. Soil: No true soil is developed in this biome due to the edaphic factors mentioned above.
    # Fauna: Strategies evolved to withstand the harsh conditions of the tundra can be divided among those species that are resident and those that are migratory. Among the small number of bird (e.g., ptarmigan) and mammal (e.g., muskox, arctic hare, arctic fox, musk ox) species that reside year-round on the tundra one commonly finds:
    * Morphological adaptations
    large, compact bodies following Bergmann's and Allen's rules, a thick insulating cover of feathers or fur, pelage and plumage that turns white in winter, brown in summer
    ( 3 )

    * Physiological adaptations
    ability to accumulate thick deposits of fat during the short growing season. Fat acts as insulation and as a store of energy for use during the winter, when animal species remain active.
    # Distribution: The tundra biome is restricted to the high latitudes of the northern hemisphere in a belt around the Arctic Ocean. Many of its species, XXXX plant and animal, have circumpolar distribution areas.
    # Within the tundra biome a latitudinal zonation of communities is realized:
    # High Arctic Tundra: essentially confined to the islands of the Arctic Ocean and characterized by scattered lichens and mosses on care rock surfaces and perennial forbs growing in protected crannies among sharp, ice-fractured rock debris .
    # Middle Arctic Tundra: restricted to the Arctic Coastal plain where level terrain, a thin active layer, and freeze and thaw result in patterned ground, or rock polygons. The sorting of particles by freeze-thaw activity results in a waterlogged center to the polygons, a microhabitat conducive to sphagnum moss and sedges; and an outer ring that is drier and provides a microhabitat favorable to forbs and some dwarf heaths.
    # Low Arctic Tundra: the majority of the tundra lies on better drained slopes with greater depth to permafrost than is encountered on the Arctic coastal plain. Here there is a greater frequency of woody shrubs: willow, birch, and various berry-bearing members of the heath family. Along streams willows and alders may be 10 feet high. On south-facing slopes needleleaf evergreen trees (spruce and fir) are established and represent the northernmost extensions of the great boreal forest to the south. (Such areas where two biomes interdigitate are known as ecotones.)
    The tundra is very far north , Its called the " land of hhe midnight sun " . whether deserts are cold , I think it is difficult to live in any of them . so the tundra is very cold and hot . For 2 months per year the sun does not shine in the Arctic .

    Pupils Book 12 ** Internet htte:\\www.radfort.edul\tundra.html# tunmat

    اتمنى استفدتوو

  3. #3
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2009


    Report :

    Wedding traditions
    In UAE

    Introduction :

    As a tradition in the UAE, the setting of the wedding date marks the beginning of the bride’s preparation for her wedding. Although the groom is also put through a series of preparations, the bride’s preparations are naturally more elaborate and time consuming.
    Wedding preparations :
    In preparation for her wedding, she is anointed with all sorts of traditional oils and perfumes from head to toe. Her body is rubbed with cleansing and conditioning oils and creams, the hands and feet are decorated with henna and the hair is washed with extracts of amber and jasmine. She is fed only the best of foods and her girlfriends prepare the best dishes which they share with her. Traditionally, she is not seen for forty days except for family members as she rests at home in preparation for her wedding day. Fine pieces of jewelry, perfumes, silk materials, and other necessary items are presented to her by the groom, from which she creates her elaborate trousseau called Addahbia.
    Festivities :
    The festivities usually take about one week before the wedding night. During that week, traditional music, continuous singing, and dancing take place reflecting the joy shared by the bride’s and the groom’s family. Nowadays, although most weddings are celebrated in less than one week, they are just as elaborate and ceremonial, if not more.
    Henna night :
    A few days before the wedding night is the henna night or Laylat Al Henna which is a very special night for the bride since it is a ladies’ night only. On this night, the bride’s hands and feet are decorated with henna, which is a dark brown paste made from the henna plant. When left on the skin for some time, the henna leaves a dark red stain.The henna night is a time for all the bride’s sisters, female family members, and girlfriends to get together and sing and dance. All female family members and guests also decorate their hands with henna. The henna is not used for decorative purposes only but it serves also as a hair and skin conditioner as well as a medicament for some wounds, when mixed with special ingredients.
    Other customs :
    Another traditional element of the UAE customs is the Arabian Kohl or eyeliner. The bride, as well as many other UAE women, like to line their eyes on almost all occasions. Famous for their beautiful, large, and black eyes, the UAE women have used the Arabian kohl for many years.
    Taken from a black stone known as Al Athmed which is brought from Saudi Arabia, the kohl is prepared through different methods and stages. First, the stone is heated until it disintegrates and then it is processed in water and Arabian coffee or sometimes henna leaves (depending on the method used) and it is left for forty days to process. Finally, it is ground into a fine powder and it is ready to be used as an eyeliner for the eyes. Used by women of all ages, the Arabian eyeliner is also known to be useful for the eyes.
    After her eyes are lined, her hair is perfumed and her hands and feet are decorated with henna, the bride is ready for her wedding night. The back-to-back feasts and celebrations involve XXXX men and women who usually celebrate separately. Although different areas of the country may have slightly differences in their celebrations and customs, the general traditions are the same throughout the country most of which are still adhered to.
    Marriage Fund & State efforts :
    In 1992, under the directives of His Highness Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, a Marriage Fund has been set up in order to limit over-spending on weddings and celebrations. The fund was aimed at encouraging the UAE men to marry UAE women, assisting in covering the expenses of XXXX the wedding and the setting-up of a family, increasing the birth rate, and discouraging men from marrying foreigners.
    The Fund provides between Dh 60,000 to Dh 70,000 depending on certain criteria to young UAE nationals. In tandem with this, the government has launched a campaign aimed at persuading UAE fathers to accept lower dowries. It has also built special wedding halls where receptions can take place without incurring the expenses associated with expensive hotel receptions.
    Under the directives and instructions from President His Highness Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan to curb soaring wedding expenses which burden the youth, the UAE’s Cabinet, on the 29th of September, 1997 approved a letter from the Justice and Islamic Affairs Minister outlining a draft law defining dowries, the money paid by a groom to his bride, under Islamic Law, at Dh 20,000, divorce compensation at Dh 30,000, and wedding parties should not exceed one day.

    Conclusion :

    As far as this topic is concerned , we notice that wedding customs in UAE signify the importance of this occasion , starting from pre-wedding preparations to weeding night . The traditions of it inherited from one generation to another .
    Despite of differences in the living standards with progress of time , the social culture still being preserved and treated as a heritage that should not be ignored .
    The state efforts to facilitate marriage and encourage youth to it , found a great appreciation from all social classes . and many harvested the fruits of this great social project .

    والسموحه من القصوور..

  4. #4
    عضو جديد الصورة الرمزية 3Bo0od 999
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009

    هذا تقرير عن diabetes

    هذا تقرير عن diabetes

    إنشالله يعجبكم
    الملفات المرفقة الملفات المرفقة

  5. #5
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2008


    إن شاء الله تستفيدون
    مع السلامة
    الملفات المرفقة الملفات المرفقة

  6. #6
    عضو جديد الصورة الرمزية رومنسي حتا
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2009

    افتراضي طالبكم بطلب ردو عليا .......

    طالبكم بطلب ردو عليا

    ابا حل الانجليزي الملون لو سمحتو.....

    صفحة (6-7-8-9-10) .............

  7. #7
    عضو جديد الصورة الرمزية ملائكة الظلام
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2009


    ما عليج أمر ... بس بغيت برقراف عن أنفلونزا الخنازير

  8. #8
    عضو جديد الصورة الرمزية حزينه زعاب
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2009
    خور زعاب


    أنأ بغيت براقراف عن برج العرب بلييييييييزززززز بسرعه اباااه

  9. #9
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2008
    frome palestine and live in rak


    مرحباا ثانكس كتيير

    أنا بدي حل الورك بوك من صفحة 1 _5 بليـــــــــــــــــز

  10. #10
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2008


    بليييييييييييز .. بلييييييييييييز
    بغيت تقرير عن اخمد بن ماجد

    بس انجليزي

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