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  1. #1
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008

    Exam3 تعابير جاهزة لامتحان باجر

    يبت لكم بعض المواضيع الي احتمال انهن ايين بااجججر
    internet pros and cons

    In the age of the technological development nobody who moves with the times
    can imagine existing without the Internet. However, its popularity makes us bear in mind all its side effects. Many argue that the Internet is a treasury of information while the others find it as a source of misleading information and danger. So, is the Internet a force for good or a force for evil?

    Firstly, the Internet is an invaluable tool which helps students learn. Without any effort we can gain an access to the study aids. Furthermore, we can save time avoiding queues thanks to a large selection of online stores, which is particularly important for the disabled. Moreover, the Internet gives an opportunity to get in touch with new people from all over the world and keep in touch with the loved ones.

    However the Internet cannot be always shown in favourable light. First and foremost, the Internet is incredibly addictive - surfers are often not able to bear without checking their mail hundreds of times per day. Moreover, unlimited possibilities of communication with surfers cause losing an active social life in the real world. Lastly, inappropriate information as even pornography await under-age users at every turn.

    To sum up, there are many advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. Some people say the Internet has ruined our lives but in my opinion it transformed the world for the better. Although the Internet may be dangerous, it is a great invention and a window to the world.
    __________________________________________________ ___________________
    Pros and Cons of Computers

    Computers were invented many years ago, but we began to use them recently. The technical progress is constantly developing. People always create new computer technologies. The computer has become a part of our daily life. Many people use computers at work, school, and at home, but we have not yet realized the advantages and disadvantages of the computer.

    On the one hand, computers help us and make our life easier. We can solve many problems using them. We can buy clothes, food and, even cars. This device has replaced typing machines, cinema, and record players. We can draw pictures with the help of various special programs, do difficult math operations, or design. Computers are used in every scientific sphere. They help to develop physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and other areas of science.

    On the other hand, the latest thing today is the Virtual Reality. People live in this reality and forget about real life. They can speak to each other, fall in love, and enjoy life only in social Networks. Moreover, small children play computer games too much. It’s harmful for children’s psychology. An international group of psychologists have suggested recently that anyone who surfs the Internet for long periods is clinically ill and needs a medical treatment. In addition, computer radiation is dangerous for human health.
    To sum it up, people must understand that the computer is a useful device, but they should think how and for how many hours to use it. We should spend less time using the computer. We shouldn’t forget about real life and other activities

  2. #2
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2010


    ثاانكس فديييييييييييييييتش واييييدتسلمييييييييييين واايد

  3. #3
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2011


    مشكورة اختي على التعبيرين
    المهم إذا حد يعرف التعابير المحتمل دخول إحداهن في الإمتحان يخبرنا الله يوفقه ونحن طلاب المنازل نبغي حد يساعدنا

  4. #4
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2011


    مشكووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو وووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو وووووووووووووووووورة
    ويا ريت لو تنزلى pros or cons School uniform/junk food

  5. #5
    عضو نشيط الصورة الرمزية المزيون.
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2011


    Essay about school uniform.docx

  6. #6
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2013


    شو هاذا الرابط

  7. #7
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008


    تعبير عن التكنولوجيا من مجهوود ربيعتي يزاها الله خير

    TechnologyTechnology is the fast growing industry as of right now. In fact everything will be ran by technology in the near future. Technology is around us all the time, lately with computers, smart phones and televisions. In this essay I will write about benefits and effects of technology.
    First the benefits technology it has changed within this particular field over the years, it has come a long way since the days of the printing press and the first cellular phones. Computers and cell phones help with businesses and work from home opportunities. Social networking and games are also a big part of everyday life of people all over the world within the technology aspect. The strongest advantage that technology can bring us is the much easier communication by the internet or by the cellular. Also, technology could also bring us entertainment by the millions chatting programs, multiplayer games, and movies.
    Second the effects of technology that makes life more complex. It causes Social isolate a lack of contact with other people in normal daily living. Also, Obesity more time people are spending engrossed in video games, talking to friends online and watching funny cat videos on YouTube, they are spending less time being active or exercising At the end,
    Technology is not all bad. The whole point of this is that people have to be sure that everyone is aware of all the good and bad aspects of technology. In my view, technology help people and make them live beater and easier.

  8. #8
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008


    The definition of fast food

    Learn a quick meal
    as a meal that contains the Fast-Food preparation such as sandwiches recipe,
    burgers and falafel, pies, pizza and chicken pieces deep fried, with a soft
    drink or a glass of juice, French fries, and most important characteristic of
    fast food they do not contain fruit and salads, and they are eaten in a hurry.

    It is noticeable that more people are turning to fast food are children
    and adolescents, which has become the fast food part of the daily routines

    Fast food recipes:

    - Fast preparation, the
    consumer does not need to wait for the meal a great eye

    - Contain large
    amounts of fat, calories and therefore high

    - Poor in nutrients, such as
    vitamins, salts and essential minerals calcium and iron

    - Rich in sodium
    in the salt

    - With a distinctive taste attracts young people and
    adolescents as well as advertising and gifts that are included with it in many

    - Provide a lot of fast food restaurants home delivery service

    - Represents a change from the monotony of normal life and food

    Disadvantages of the spread of fast food restaurants:

    - Frequent consumption of fats and sugars, proteins and lack of
    fiber, vitamins and minerals beneficial, and this leads to the accumulation of
    fats and sugars in the body and then increase the weight

    - Eating fast
    without chewing it well, causing hardship in the digestion

    - Lose a fun
    family to sit together at the dining table

    - Exposure to food poisoning,
    especially in the summer

    How can I minimize the problems of junk

    The fast food is not inherently evil and can be some
    changes to make it better and more appropriate health and away from damage

    It means helping to bring about these changes include:

    Health education for children and adolescents in schools and in the media and in
    the media and explain the types of food and the number of shares to be taken
    from each type

    - Controls for licensing restaurants include the addition
    of fresh food, fruits, and the authorities and prevent the sale of soft drinks
    and sweetened juices and bottled

    - Prevention of advertising unhealthy
    food or that do not conform to the standard health

    - Preferably at the
    request of the pizza selection of species that contain greater amounts of
    vegetables and less meat and cheese and to be the rule to reduce high-calorie

    - In the case of eating in restaurants burgers, preferably request sized
    sapphires, preferably grilled instead of fried, and avoid French fries, soft
    drinks and replace a piece of fruit and a glass of fresh juice unsweetened

    - Choosing the authorities that contain fresh vegetables and away from
    fatty additions such as mayonnaise and toasted bread, legumes

    Selection of desserts based on fruits such as fresh fruit salad or desserts with
    a selection of small size to reduce the amount of calories in


  9. #9
    عضو نشيط الصورة الرمزية المزيون.
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2011


    Argumentative Essay Writing
    Some people believe that space missions should be stopped because they waste our money and endanger the lives of astronauts, whereas proponents of space missions believe that the future of the human race lies in the outer space.
    Discuss XXXX views and express your own opinion.

    Since the early beginnings of the space age in the late 1950s, space exploration has always been a topic of debate. Many people believe that all space missions should be stopped because they waste our money and endanger the lives of astronauts. Many others, however, argue that space missions should continue because the future of the human race lies in the outer space. This essay will shed light on XXXX viewpoints.
    On the one hand, those who believe that space missions should be stopped have a number of reasons. First, these missions are very expensive. In fact, they have cost humanity billions and billions of dollars in the past fifty years. Unfortunately, the reward that we have received from space is insignificant compared to the amount of money spent. This money could better be spent to help the millions of poor people around the world and provide them with food, XXXXter and medical care. Secondly, space missions are also too dangerous. The short history of space exploration has witnessed many tragic accidents in which scores of astronauts were killed. An example of this is the explosion of the American spaceship ‘Challenger’ in the mid-1980s. This accident claimed the lives of eight astronauts. Finally, space missions have a negative impact on the environment as they cause air pollution and contribute to global warming.
    On the other hand, those who promote space missions have a number of arguments, too. First, they think that the future of the human race lies in the outer space. As the world population is expected to multiply many times in the next few centuries, the resources on our planet will not be able to support all those masses of people. The only answer to this inevitable situation is to explore the outer space in order to find a habitable planet which we can colonize. Secondly, space exploration has brought about important advances in different fields such as medicine, agriculture and telecommunications. Without space exploration, for example, the revolution in satellite technology and telecommunications that has tremendously improved our lives today wouldn’t have become a reality. Finally, space exploration satisfies a human instinct and imagination to discover the world in which we live and the wider universe which we belong to. This instinct and this imagination are the very same qualities that enabled primitive people to leave their caves and make all the great discoveries that have been achieved throughout our history on earth.
    In conclusion, it seems that the controversy about space exploration is far from being resolved because XXXX parties have valid arguments. My personal viewpoint is that space exploration is of great importance to the well-being and future of the human race. For this reason, I believe that space missions should never be stopped.
    Argumentative Essay
    Many people think that the school cafeterias should not sell junk food to students and that only healthy foods should be offered.
    Write an essay in which you discuss the pros and cons of selling junk food to students.
    __________________________________________________ __________________
    The question of selling fast food in the school cafeterias has always been a topic of debate. Many people believe that this type of food should not be offered to students, whereas others see no better choice than selling fast meals in the school cafeterias. This essay will discuss XXXX opinions.
    On the one hand, opponents of offering fast meals in the school cafeterias have a number of reasons. First, fast food is very unhealthy. Research shows that it can cause serious diseases such as obesity, diabetes and heart diseases. Second, it is the responsibility of schools to teach students good habits and help them avoid bad ones. Eating junk food on a daily basis is certainly a bad unhealthy habit. Finally, when children get sick due to eating lots of junk food, their academic achievement will be negatively affected. This is because they will either be absent from school more often than normal, or perhaps too tired to concentrate and pay enough attention to their teachers in the classroom.
    On the other hand, those who promote selling fast meals to students have a number of arguments, too. First, these meals are convenient and easier to handle than hot meals, taking into account the space and time limitations during the school day. The short time of the breaks between classes, combined with the large numbers of students means that fast meals are way more XXXXXXXXX than healthier hot meals. Second, freedom of choice is an important value that should be promoted by schools. When we force students to eat only one type of food, we are actually giving them no choice. Finally, having one fast food snack a day is not as harmful as many people think. When children go back home after school, they can make it up by eating homemade food.
    In conclusions, the debate about selling fast meals to students seems to be far from being resolved in the short run. My personal viewpoint is that only healthy meals should be offered to our children at school. This way, we keep them healthy and help them acquire a good habit at the same time.

    Argumentative Essay
    Many people think secondary school students should not be allowed to use their mobile phones at school. Write an essay in which you discuss the pros and cons of allowing mobile phones to be used by students.
    __________________________________________________ ______________________
    The question of allowing students to use their mobile phones at school has always been a topic of debate. Many people think it is important to allow high school students to use their phones at school, whereas many others think they should be strictly banned. This essay will shed light on XXXX opinions.
    On the one hand, those who promote allowing students to use their cell phones at school have a number of reasons. First, students need these phones to contact their families, especially in case of an emergency. For example, many students suffer from chronic diseases like asthma and epilepsy. Those students may suddenly get sick and need to contact their families immediately using mobile phones. Secondly, modern smart phones have many applications which can be useful for students in certain classes such as Math, Science and English. Such applications include dictionaries, calculators, Internet browsers and many others. Finally, when students are allowed to use their cell phones, this will have a positive effect on their attitude towards school. They will find their school a more attractive place than one that bans the use of cell phones. This will eventually improve their sense of belonging and their academic attainment.
    On the other hand, opponents of allowing students to use their mobile phones have a number of arguments, too. First, mobile phones are a major cause of distraction in the classroom. For example, when a phone suddenly rings during a class, XXXX the teacher and students will be distracted, and it usually takes a long time to restore order and restart the lesson. Secondly, mobile phone may be easily misused by some students against the teacher or classmates such as using the cameras in cell phones to take photos of other students in undesirable situations. Finally, the argument that mobile phones may be needed for emergency calls is actually invalid because the school landline phones are easily accessible and can always be used when needed.
    In conclusion, the controversy about allowing mobile phones at school seems to be far from being resolved. Personally, I believe that students do not really need to have their mobile phones at school. In my opinion, the large numbers of teaching resources that are available in our classrooms, in addition to the availability of landline phones eliminate the need for mobile phones, which, if allowed, may only serve as a source of distraction.

    Argumentative Essay
    Some people believe that university students should be free to choose their majors at college. Others argue that such choices should be made by the parents because they know what is best for their children.
    - Discuss XXXX views and express your own opinion.

    The question of who should choose the major for a university student has always been a topic of debate. Some people believe that students should be free to choose their majors, whereas others think that such choices should be made by the parents because they know what is best for their children. This essay sheds light on XXXX opinions.
    On the one hand, those who believe that students have the right to choose the subject they want to specialize in have a number of reasons. First, students know their dreams and ambitions better than anyone else and, therefore, are the best qualified to choose the subject that leads to these ambitions. If they are forced to study a major that they do not like, they may be frustrated and eventually fail. Secondly, making their own choices teaches students responsibility. College students are at an age that allows them to plan and make decisions about their future, and then feel responsible for their decisions. Finally, college students are more likely to be updated about the latest majors that are trending and required by modern employers. Parents, on the other hand, may be influenced by older assumptions that are no longer valid nowadays.
    On the other hand, those who hold the opinion that parents should choose the majors for their children at college have a number of arguments, too. First, parents are more mature and more experienced than their younger children, and consequently, more qualified to make the right decisions. Secondly, students may choose to specialize in a subject simply because they think it’s cool or easy to handle, without taking into consideration the implications of their choices in the long run. For example, the prospects of future employment may not be fully comprehended by the students upon making their decisions. Last but not least, parents, who have brought up children since their birth, certainly know their abilities and what is best for them. So, children should trust whatever their parents choose for them.
    In conclusion, the debate about who should choose a major for a university student seems to be far from being resolved. Personally, I believe that college students are at a stage of life which allows them to be independent in their decisions. In my opinion, the role of parents should be limited to providing advice and consultation for their children, rather than imposing choices on them.

    Children today spend a lot of time playing computer and other electronic games. Write an essay in which you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of electronic entertainment.
    Computers and electronic games have become an important part of our modern life. In spite of the numerous advantages of these technologies, many people still feel worried about their negative effects, especially on children. This essay sheds light on the advantages and disadvantages of electronic entertainment.
    On the one hand, electronic games have undeniable benefits. First, they provide immense mental exercise which improves children’s concentration and intelligence. The fact is that most of these games involve puzzles and tricks that sharpen children’s overall mental and physical abilities. Secondly, since these games are mostly available at home, they provide a safe and secure play environment for children under the supervision of their parents or older family members. The alternative would be going out to play outdoors, which exposes them to high risks of being hit by cars or getting serious infections from other children. Finally, computer games improve children’s command of computer skills. This will be very useful in their future studies and jobs.
    On the other hand, electronic games may have serious side effects. Recent research provides evidence that being overly absorbed in this kind of entertainment may trigger mental disorders in children such as epilepsy and insomnia. Secondly, if children are left unattended, they may get addicted to these games. This will, of course, harm their physical well being as long exposure to the computer glare hurts their eyes. Obesity is another potential risk as children spend extended hours on their computers without doing any physical activity. In addition to that, children’s social life may be negatively affected by these games because they spend a very long time alone instead of interacting with their friends and families.
    In conclusion, I believe that the advantages of electronic games outweigh their disadvantages. However, I recommend that children should not be left unattended with these games for long periods of time. Parental supervision and guidance provide enough protection from the potential side effects of electronic entertainment.

    Some people think that electronic games are the best way for children to spend their free time. Others believe that it is more useful for children to engage in physical activities outdoors.
    Write an essay of at least 250 words in which you discuss XXXX opinions.
    Computers and electronic games have become an important part of our modern life. Many people believe they are the best pastimes for children, whereas others think that children should spend more time outdoors doing physical sports. This essay sheds light on XXXX viewpoints.
    On the one hand, people who promote electronic games argue that they have undeniable benefits to children. First, they provide immense mental exercise which improves children’s concentration and intelligence. They point to the fact that most of these games involve puzzles and tricks that challenge and sharpen children’s overall mental and physical abilities. Secondly, since these games are mostly available at home, they provide a safe and secure play environment for children under the supervision of their parents or other family members. The alternative would be playing outdoors, which exposes them to high risks of being hit by cars or getting serious infections from other children. Finally, computer games improve children’s command of computer skills. This will be very useful in their future studies and careers.
    On the other hand, those who support outdoor activities for children have a number of arguments. First, participating in physical sports such as football, basketball or swimming is much healthier than being inactive at home. These sports activate the blood circulation and improve children’s general fitness and immunity against diseases. Secondly, since outdoor sports are usually played in a team, they improve and refine children’s social skills. Children learn how to interact, cooperate and compete with their peers, skills they would be deprived of if they stayed on their own at home. Finally, being overly absorbed in electronic entertainment may lead to serious mental disorders like epilepsy and insomnia. They think the best way to keep children away from these risks is to involve them in outdoor activities.
    In conclusion, I believe that children should be encouraged to participate more in physical sports outdoors and to reduce their dependence on electronic entertainment. This way, we can keep our children much healthier physically and mentally.

  10. #10
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2010


    شكرا على هالمجهود الرائع بس كأنوا حاطينهم بالعربي ؟؟؟
    أخوي بدنا ياهم بالانجليزي لو سمحت من بعد إذنك وبأسرع وقت ....
    وشكرا مرة تانية

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