صفحة 4 من 11 الأولىالأولى ... 2345679 ... الأخيرةالأخيرة
النتائج 31 إلى 40 من 110
  1. #31
    عضو نشيط الصورة الرمزية أمورة يسومي
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2011


    وها عن اسبوع مرور لو يا عنه

    Expression of the Traffic Week

    Traffic Week is a program that Awareness is repeated each year designed to reduce accidents and public education systems and the application of Almrro sound leadership, because leadership is in fact the art and taste to be just before Nhrkha his family and move out.

    Still fatal accidents claim the lives of people because of the recklessness and lack of discipline and the reason is usually speed or cut signals in general away from the incidents of recklessness and Altvhit and risk-taking by some young irresponsible caused deliberately to kill himself and kill other people when they deliberately reckless riding risks and departure by car amid crowds of young people is very uncertain occurrence hated God has said: And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell to abide therein and God's wrath upon him, and prepared for him a great punishment, said the Prophet peace be upon him "Avoid the seven sins, recalled Guenl the soul which Allah has forbidden except by right

    My brother the driver you are still in the grace of where lost others there is a lot of disabled and paralyzed and disabled who have lost a lot of blessings that disrupted potential and messed up their lives and wiped out their future and there are a lot of children who are orphaned and women widowed after he is gone and died breadwinner who appoints them and protects them after God, imagine you left your parents big Ivrfan burning tears to your absence and imagine that if your children are orphaned and Badk Astglhm people and Ahanohm Astnzvohm without a shepherd and protector, but not God

    All of this could happen in a moment of recklessness is calculated, where you may lose everything in less than a second and perhaps because of something trivial is not worth Kadrack work, school or urgency to reach a destination without the need require that whatever the circumstances and reasons, and Tzcardoma that in the careful safety In haste makes waste, you reach the safe Maava better than that do not reach at all

  2. #32
    عضو جديد الصورة الرمزية راعي شلات
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2007


    انا اتوقع يا انه يكون عن الاسبوع المروري او عن الحيوانات او تفرق بين شيئين
    لله ما ادري بس المهم بعد شوي بيجين مدرس وبيعطيني اوراق

    بصورلكم ياه
    ساعه 8

  3. #33
    عضو جديد الصورة الرمزية راعي شلات
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2007


    والله انج كفو ياامورة

  4. #34
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2007
    ~ العــين


    يا جماعة انتوا حمنوا

    انا كلمت الاستاذ اليوم قالي والله ماايعرف بس قالي التعبير عن الامارات بس ماااحددلي بالتفصيل

    انا ويااااي امورة بسومي احتمال عن اسبوع المرور الي ازعجتنا فية الشرطة كم مرة زختني فية هههههه

  5. #35
    عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2011
    فلسطين نابلس


    There is a big difference in the education in the UAE between the past and present in many aspects. The education in the past and present is different in subjects, teachers, classroom, students, schools, transportation, and financial support.
    The education in the past differs from the education in the present in many aspects. In the past, the education was very simple. There were no universities, schools, and teachers. The teacher was a person who was called Al-Mutawa. Al-Mutawa was teaching the boys and girls only three subjects which are: reading, reciting the Holy Quran, and math. Al-Mutawa was paid by boys’ and girls’ parents. Actually, they paid to Al-Mutawa by giving him food, clothes…etc. The Al-Mutawa’s house was the class where the boys and girls were learnt. Also, the boys and girls did not have to attend everyday in order to learn in the past.
    The education in the present differs from the past in many things. There are two reasons that lead to the developments in education in the UAE which are: discovery of oil in the UAE and unity of the seven emirates in 1971. Nowadays, there are universities, schools, teachers, institutes, and colleges. There are many universities in the UAE covering most of the disciplines and majors such as engineering, arts, sciences, law, business, architecture…etc. Also, these universities provide opportunity for the students who want to pursue the postgraduate studies such as master and PhD. In the present, the government attracts the qualified teachers and professors to teach different subjects such as English language, Arabic language, history, geography, chemistry, biology, psychology …etc in the schools and universities. The government is supporting the education nowadays. It builds the modern schools, labs, universities, and institutes to provide an appropriate environment for studying. Also, it provides the adequate transportation for students to facilitate their movements and safety.

    At the end, the education in the past and present is different in many phases such as subjects, teachers, classroom, students, schools, transportation, and financial support. And there are two reasons that lead the development in education in the United Arab Emirates . And we know that country doing many things such as schools, university , and college .

  6. #36
    عضو جديد الصورة الرمزية نرجس العين
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2007


    ي الله اهم شي يكون موضوع نقدر نكتب فيه . .
    و مشكورة أمورة ع الموضوع . .
    بالتوفيق جميعا اهم شي لا تتوترون كل شي بيكون سهل إن شاء الله ^^

  7. #37
    عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2011
    فلسطين نابلس


    بالفصل الول حكو لأختي يلي بالصف السابع رح يجيهن موضوع عن عيد الاتحاد وفعلا اجاهن واجانا احنا متلهن واليوم حكولهن رح يجي عن الفرق بين الحياة في المدينة والقرية فالله اعمل يجينا متلو بس انتبهوا عليه كمان

  8. #38
    عضو جديد الصورة الرمزية *^__^*
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2008


    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة أمورة يسومي مشاهدة المشاركة
    نرجس العين انا مو معصبة بس لو مثل ما هالبنت متوقعة *^__^* عن التكنولوجيا في دوله الإمارات قديما وحديثا

    بالله عليج شو درانا كل الي نعرفه متقدم ومتطور !!!
    صح ..انا بعد أحس صعب انه يكوون ع التكنولوجيا يعني مو من كثر االلفوووكااب اللي عنا عشان نبدع فيه
    انا الصراحة نقلته لكم من خلال جوولتي فـ المواقع ههههه >> أعاني ><
    وان شاء الله يكون أسهل واحد فيهم
    صدقوني الامتحان بيراعي مستوى الطلبه مثل تعبير الفصل الـ 1

    بس للفائده لازم تتدربوون ع الأقل ع الكلمات والجمل اللي ممكن تستخدمينها للمقارنه بين شيئين بغض النظر عن الموضووع ..

    اتمنى يفيدكم هالشي >>>

    ( جمل ممكن تستخدموها فـ المقدمة )
    The focus of my essay is the similarities and differences between................... and............................
    They are similar because……..
    They are different because……..

    ( جمل للـ p1 > similatities )

    •There are many similarities between…… and…..
    •First, one similarity is……………………….
    •This similarity is important because…….
    •Second, another similarity is……….
    •This similarity is important because……..
    •This is also important because……
    •Other examples of similarities may include……

    ( جمل للـ p2 > differences )

    •There are also many differences between…… and…..
    •In the first place, one difference is……………………….
    •This difference is important because…….
    •Second another difference is……….
    •This difference is important because……..
    •This is also important because……
    •Other examples of differences may include……

    ( الخااااتمة )
    •In conclusion…
    •After comparing and contrasting the two texts I have found…..

    وبالتووفيييييييييييييييييق يا شطاااار

    >> أي إفادة تحصلوونها ضيفووها بليييييييييييييييييييييييز !

  9. #39
    عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2011
    فلسطين نابلس


    اسبوع المرور ما اتوقع يجي عنتو لانو ما فيه مقارنة

  10. #40
    عضو نشيط
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2011
    فلسطين نابلس


    يا جماعة بليز حدن ينزللنا البراجراف تبعيت المواصلات لانو ما عم بلائي الها شي ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

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