Global warming has become perhaps the most complicated issue facing world leaders. Warnings from the scientific community are becoming louder, as an increasing body of science points to rising dangers from the ongoing buildup of human-related greenhouse gases — produced mainly by the burning of fossil fuels and forests.
Our planet’s atmosphere is warming up rapidly. Researchers are certain that emissions from human activities have caused this unnatural change
Fortunately, everyone can be a part of the solution in slowing down global warming. It requires strong commitment from big corporations down to everyday people. This combined effort can make a significant difference.

All of us can play vital part of the climate change solution. As a citizen, you can ensure that governments recognize the importance of global warming and follow through on their promises. As a consumer, you can support companies that are making the biggest strides in fighting climate change and encourage other companies to make reducing greenhouse gases a priority. If you’re really passionate about having your voice heard, you might even want to consider joining a group dedicated to spreading the word about global warming. You can also make many changes in your daily life some that seem small, some less so — that cut back on the carbon emissions for which you’re responsible. You’re probably already familiar with many of the little steps you can take to be more climate friendly:
Making your home more energy efficient: Better insulate your roof, basement, and walls; seal your windows; and replace your old light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs.
Reducing the amount of garbage you produce: Take a reusable bag with you when you shop, buy unpackaged goods, and recycle and reuse materials.
Using energy wisely: Turn off lights and appliances when you’re not using them, use the air conditioner less in the summer, and turn down the heat in the winter.