"The method of processing has several significant advantages:
• there is no isolation of accounting information users from documents as has often happened
their processing earlier in computing centers, and in methodology and processing
accounting information no longer engages staff of other departments,
• Computerized accounting agendas have made it possible to deepen analytical sorting
accounting information, improved presentation of management information, and
the possibility of using them,
Accounting systems and computing
• Document circulation has also been simplified in companies - after initial formal and in-kind control
paper data is stored in the computer's memory and the document no longer needs to be stored in its memory
physical form to go to other departments that need to get information.

The development of accounting automation has contributed to the development of some basic accounting functions,
• information and control functions of accounting (incorporation of accounting information into corporate accountant)
information system),
• emphasizing the function of accounting information as an operational control tool (option
detailed analytical classification, availability and timeliness of the information),
• adjusting accounting information by appropriate mathematical methods and their use
even for long-term planning and strategic management.

We in ANTONIO GHALEB do our best to never get into a cross with the tax office.