النتائج 41 إلى 50 من 54

مشاهدة المواضيع

  1. #1
    عضو فعال الصورة الرمزية Al-Hameli
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2009
    الأمـــارات العــــــربية المتــــــحدة

    599334851 برقرافات الوحدة 1 و 2 و 3 و 4 و 5 و 6

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    هلا والله ومليون غلا تو مانور المنتدى

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    اليوم يبتلكم برقراف عن كل وحدة من وحدات كتاب الانقليزي

    الوحدة الاولى :


    Education is a noun has more then one meaning . you can find the education

    in a lot of places but the most place is the school for example

    the education is important for every one and it's help the student

    in the futur to have the expeirienc he or she need and it's important

    for the next generations . every cantry has schools and every school

    has a defult education system . however some people thing that the

    education is not important and the work is the important and the are WRONG

    so the life can't be alive without the education

    الوحدة الثانية :

    Daily life

    daily life means our life in everyday . every one has he's daily life

    the teacher has he's life and the student has he's life . so every one

    has he's life . my daily life like any people in the morning I wake up

    and after that I eat my break fast ......(اكتب ما تفعله عادة ً في اي يوم )

    الوحدة الثالثة :

    work and business

    work and biusnesst in the futur your going to have a job to work in

    and every job need an experince for it . every one see he's father

    work but did any one ask he's self about what he's fathe work in

    and why ? in this age you w'll not care about it but in the futur you

    w'll think about and if you didn't get ready from now maybe you w'll

    be in a big truble or other things . so work is important but not for this age

    الوحدة الرابعة :

    Scince and Nature

    scince is the way to learn and it's important for any one however he or

    she is and the Nature is where we live and or the place where any

    alives live at there .in the scince there are a lot of things like the scinetest

    and he's who do tests and there is a lot of famuse scintest but they are

    dead now . however scince is important but did this mean the scince is the

    most imporant thing . of curse not be cause the nature is more importan

    and the the scince things detected from the nature

    الوحدة الخامسة :

    the physical world

    the pysical world or the hol world is where we live . i live in the UAE (united

    arab emerates) and it's a buteful country it's kind from 7 united emerats.

    a lot of countries has united but not like our country . however the country

    is the place where you live and this country Protects you from any dangur

    there is a hundreds of countries in the world and there is a big countries but

    my country is small as you know and there is 7 contunit and the bigest is

    Asia and after it it's come Africa and the smollest is Astoralia . my country is

    in asia and it's the bigest contunit

    الوحدة الاخيرة 6 :


    safety is important in our life and there is a saftey tools in every where

    you go and there is people there job is make saftey like the police man

    and the Firefighters and a lot of people do there job by safety ways

    and there is a safety Guidelines in every where you go and if you didn't

    find it the place you are in ..... leave the place to make sure you w'll

    go to a safety place not like the one that don't have . safety is in

    every where and you can find it in the streets for example and towrs

    and bridges ... this places must have it I mean the safety and it must

    have it be cause there is a lot of people goes there . so think what

    w'll happen if there is a tounsend of people goes to a place and the

    place is not safety . I don't know what w'll happen and I don't want to

    know what w'll happen . so after this all you must know the saftey is

    very emportant thing in our life but we don't feel it .

    تم تعديل الموضوع الاخير

    انتظر ردودكم

    شكرا للقراءة

    ملاحظة : أي موضوع تبونة اطلبوا ولا تترددون

    Thanks for reading
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Al-Hameli ; 31-05-2010 الساعة 05:51 PM

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