السلام عليكم

ما بطول عليكم

page : 32

2 - snaped
3 - swirled around
4 - swayed
5 - crashed ito
6 - shattered
7 - riped off
8 - jumbed

page : 33

- time : 7:00 , he was enjoying his breakfast on the hotel room
- time : 7:05 , he heard alow distant rumble and his chair shouk
- time : 7:06 , he heard shouts come from the beach he went to the window and he saw the ocean pulled back 200 m .
- time : 7:09 , he saw avery huge wave swallowed up everything .
-time : 7:14 , he saw the second wave it shattered the window .
- time : 7:20 , he was thankful to have a room in the third floor and thankful to still alive .

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