النتائج 1 إلى 3 من 3
  1. #1
    عضو جديد الصورة الرمزية ملك الشباب
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2007

    324839272 ورقة عمل عن الجزر الأماراتية الثلاث (لا إله الى الله ).

    ورقة عمل عن الجزر الأماراتية الثلاث (لا إله الى الله ).
    الملفات المرفقة الملفات المرفقة

  2. #2
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008


    هذا ما انقليزي الله يهديك

  3. #3
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2011



    Theme 3

    Boss: the person who employs you or who is in charge of your work.
    Career: a job or profession that you have been trained for and intend to do for a long time.
    Colleague: someone you work with.
    Degree: a unit for measuring temperature.
    Diploma: an official paper showing that someone has successfully finished his high school or college education.
    Employ: to pay someone to work for you.
    Employer : a person company or organization that employs people .
    Experience: to be happening to you or affecting you .
    Field: a area of land in the country where crops are grown.
    Industry: the production of goods.
    Manager: someone who directs work of something such as business.
    Promotion: a move to a better.
    Qualification: a skill or a type of experience.
    Service: the help who work in a restaurant.
    Advisor: someone who gives advice.
    Clerical: relating to office work.
    Creative: good at thanking of new advice.
    Customer: someone who bay things from a store or a company.
    Department: any of the groups of people working together that from part 0of a large organization such as college.
    Lazy: not liking to doing work or to make an effort.
    Manual: a book that gives instructions about how to do something such as use a machine.
    Outgoing: wanting to meet and talk to new people or showing this quality.
    Retail: the sale of goods in stores to people for their own use.
    Shy: nervous and embarrassed about meeting and speaking to other people.
    Benefit: the money or other advantages that you get from something such as insurance or the government or as part of your job.
    Care: the process of doing things for someone because.
    Employee: someone who is paid to work for a person.
    Freelance: doing work for one or more companies.
    Mass media: all the people and organization that provide information and news and the public.
    Requirement: some things that someone needs or ask for.
    Shift: to change your opinion or attitude.
    Achieve: to succeed in getting a good result or in doing something you want.
    Contribute: to give money.
    Document: a piece of paper that has official information written in it.
    Educational: to teaching and learning.
    Exchange: the act of giving something and receiving some things else from.
    Involve: to include or affect someone or something.
    Prize: something that is giving to someone who is successful in a competition.
    Profile: to write or a give a short description of someone or something.
    Responsibility: to take care of something.
    Result: something that happens or exists because of something that happens.
    Society: all the people who live in the same country and share the same laws.

    Theme 4
    Collect: to get things and bring them together.
    Conclusion: something that you decide after considering all the information you have.
    Data: information or fact.
    Display: to put things in a place where people can see them easily.
    Experiment: a scientific test doe to show how something will react in a particular situation or to prove that an idea is true.
    Graph: a drawing that show how two or more sets of measurements are related to each other.
    Ice: water that has frozen into a solid.
    Laboratory: a room in school or college where students can listen to tapes of a foreign language.
    Method: a planed way of doing something.
    Prove: to show that something is definitely true.
    Research: serious study of a subject that is intended to discover new facts about it.
    Science: knowledge about the physical world that is based on testing and proving facts. .
    Scientist: someone who works in science.
    Scientific: relating to science.
    Table: a piece of furniture with a flat top supported by legs.
    Test: a set of questions or exercises too measure someone skill.
    Diagram: a drawing that shows how something works where something is what something looks like.
    Dust: dry powder that consists of extremely small pieces of dirt sand.
    Explain: to tell someone about something in a way that it is easy to understand.
    Explanation: a statement or piece of writing intends to make something easier to understand or to describe how something works.
    Instructor: information or advice that tells you how to do something.
    Longitude: a position on the earth.
    Menu: a list of all kinds of food that is available in a restaurant.
    Pole: a long stick or post.
    Rainfall: the amount of rain that falls on an area in a particular time.
    Row: a line of things or people next to each other.
    Source: the thing place or person that you get something from.
    Sunrise: the time when the sun first appears in the morning.
    Unit: a person or thing that is one whole part of something larger.
    Average: the amount that you get by adding several figures together and then dividing the result by the number of figures.
    Decrease: to become less.
    Increase: a rise in number amount.
    Small: not large in size or amount.
    Steady: not moving or shaking.
    Steep: a road or hill that is steep goes down or up at a sharp angle.

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