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Received the word "culture" in place of a large European literature in the twentieth century, and had a significant interest in the world of journalism also, a word from me by some meaning of "civilization." This story is still evolving and growing and taking dimensions and forms were not there before and still gain new dimensions. With this development we ask: Is culture also means "civil"? Is it also "knowledge"? In this article I try to shed light on the concepts and meanings of culture and development.

Definition of Culture:
The poet T.. Q. Elliot from the months of care the subject of culture since the beginning of the twentieth century and to realize the development of culture conditions Elliott three if achieved, is to achieve the culture: first: building organic, and felt that it helped the transition of the culture within the genetic particular culture and society. Second: Alkabilp for analysis: the view that it should be a culture (from the geographical point of view) to be analyzed to local cultures (the regional dimension of culture). Thirdly: the balance between unity and diversity in religion. He believes that this condition is important because in many cultures can not be ignored or marginalized the religion factor. In this context, he added others to the policy of that culture and education.

When present some anthropologists and sociologists to define the concept of human culture and behavior they said was derived by individuals learn as members of groups living in the same society. In the seventies of the nineteenth century a number of anthropologists more than one definition of culture, and ultimately agreed that culture is that whole complex, which includes knowledge, belief, art, and morals, law, social customs and any other potential social natures and even acquired rights as a member of society ". and then they consistently deliver many improvements and variations on this general definition of the meaning of culture, but more important is that everyone is agreed that culture is the behavior of learning is often contrasted with the behavior talented heritage.

Proceeding from the fact that every human society has a system of behavior that is governed by the criteria may vary relatively society to another, even within one culture (for example, the Arab culture and its subcultures are governed by factors such as coercive regional factors, geographical and perhaps a case of bilingualism among the Berbers of Algeria and Arab), as governed by other criteria lead to other types of knowledge (such as colonialism, migrations, wars, etc. Such is a matter of bilingualism and perhaps again but this time we see duplication between French and Arabic in the Maghreb countries), it is a community coalition of individuals and Tthaqvia. Rights system and enjoy this behavior since birth but evolve behavior and grow with him as long as live in that society.

From here we can say that culture is the concept of culture is different from the concept used to describe a person highly refined polished, with familiar music, literature, philosophy, politics and speaks a universal language in addition to the original language of his mother, and perhaps also includes other cultural orientations common with the civilized life of the knowledge of the modern world of communication such as the Internet and Garinath and the like.

From another angle we see that the concept of human culture include the technical features of the trivial and mundane behavior necessary for daily life such as social courtesy (which is what some like to call etiquette b), and temperament and eating habits, etc. of the polite arts community. As can be trivial to discuss a specific communities around the world, building on the foregoing, it can be considered as a quantitative culture of the total of human knowledge and behavior within the social context of AIDS per capita, and this leads us to recall that there is a body of knowledge not shared by all human societies at any time not shared by all individuals in any society, that this body of knowledge to be limited to certain individuals in certain social circles, and therefore they often make up as little as a whole but they are part of human culture.

In this context, it can take, for example, is not limited to agricultural crafts or craft fishing we believe that each of them represents an important aspect of the first human culture and contemporary as well, and not of tradition to share a lot of natural communities, such as producing other pastoral communities, hunting (jungle Africa and the forests in Latin America and Australia), and the nomadic life and travel (the Sinai desert and the deserts of Sudan and the deserts of the Maghreb). It is obvious that agriculture has all the patterns of specificity of their presence in the fertile land, and that fishing can not be only on the shores of the Sea and the banks of rivers.

Another example is the XXXXXXX energy and heavy industries that are now part of human culture, which are indispensable at all, it was mostly confined to a limited number of communities, the owner of the industry high. In addition, we believe that in these societies there is only the full number of technical aspects is owned by a small number of scientists, engineers and owners of capital potential.

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Transmission of culture:
But before and after all human societies consist of organized groups of individuals are often of XXXX sexes and various ages, and they have a system of rules of behavior transmitted from one generation to another generation. This talk applies to other tendencies of life until it reaches the non-living organisms such as many animals, including mammals, insects, these communities also have, but the way of transfer of social behavior differs fundamentally from the ways that human societies. Social insect movement behavior of biological inheritance.

The social behavior of most mammals, is transmitted in a natural and a major gene genetic, but also, to a lesser extent, this is done by the decay of social behavior, or indoctrination. You can see the impact of learning on dogs, monkeys, dolphins, sea and comes to these animals to understand the rights and deal with and respond to his orders.

Human behavior is learned, either in whole or be modified radically by social learning. Even these powerful biological aspects, or instincts such as sex and hunger are modified and developed culture, for example, be regulated sexual behavior in practice using the expressions reflect the implications of social disadvantage in all human societies taboo, and perhaps even refuse to hungry people deprived of food, which violates the religious (what is wrong religiously) such as eating the meat of dogs and cats is common among the peoples of Southeast Asia, or pork is common among the peoples of Europe and Latin America, or violate the laws of diet, or what they see as an abhorrent violation of their culture, eating frogs and locusts and some other insects.

Hence, I can say he has become possible, the most part, the adoption of human behavior education and biological manifestations of this rare human rights as the biological species. Since the beginning of any matter relevant for success, we believe that close attention must be relatively long life-cycle of the child and the period of growth, which is that a human child, relying on his parents, and educated them and those around them than other adults. In this regard, I believe that it is important to develop the human capacity for language that they lead to the complex development of the brain, and nervous system, and vocal cords, throat, and the parts of the audio.

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Language and culture:
At the outset let me say that there is nothing more important than language in the development of human culture, a culture has become extremely complex at the present time. This language enables humans to use symbols to create and develop the meanings of life, and that means, that the owners of the language they were able to provide the blessings and the transfer of meaning through the sounds and arrangements sounds into words and sentences. And then it became possible to teach many of the animals to respond to the language, but only in the form of signals, sounds, symbols and not reality.

Some studies have indicated that chimpanzees can be taught to use a certain number of symbols in response to certain sounds and gestures; but they are only human beings who can communicate with each other using the language of order. All human cultures based on language, all human languages, even languages of those peoples uneducated, the languages are complex enough that the transfer of human culture as an integrated whole. As well as it was, any language is flexible and pliant enough to expand in its terms and their combinations have become the culture of society as more complex.

Children acquire the culture of their community through Akedzaba major language. However, the language and culture are not related to the installation of genes or the human race, for example, if Arab children are raised in a family of North America (United States) or Canada, it will gain and learn and speak English style of North America or Canada, depending on the situation and will act socially and culturally, as a child act in a North American, Canadian, depending on the situation as well. This leads us to say that any person of any race or type of human biological, learn a language if they lived in dependents, and by this language can bring to the human culture of the language and its people.

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Cultural differences:
Human cultures vary widely in the earth, even up the difference to the fullest extent by regional factors, geographical, religious and class lines. There is considerable variation between societies and cultures of the Amazon or central Africa Those communities are still primitive, and enjoy the cultures of other societies, civilized by education, such as communities of the Mediterranean basin, then there are societies that are more educated, technology and civilized as the United States, Canada, Australia and Japan.

Cultural diversity of these concepts seems to us clear and obvious in the form of customs and social beliefs have sometimes a recipe and a religious dimension in some communities usually practiced by people single marriage (a partner, Omar, and one or one as in the Christian Marriage Catholic) this habit has been protecting systems and strict laws set by the and supervised by the state and worked to protect it, as in the United States, Britain, France and the rest of Europe; There are other communities where there are two marriage (a couple with one woman at the same time) and it exists in some countries in Latin America, in a third case, there are communities permitting and exercise plurality of marriage ( several wives), as in Islamic societies, XXXX Saudi Arabia and other Arab, Islamic or non-Arab countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan and others.

Having mentioned the husband and wife say that in some cultures frequently make fun of the wife's mother and the launch of XXXXs about it are common and this case is available in Arabic culture, especially in Egypt, honoring the Levant. In some societies the father is a strong personality if acting Kaltagip with members of his family. In other societies, is good if the father was the protector of the family and tolerant with them. The short supply in XXXX cases, the contemporary Arab culture and control these things controls the environment and the general atmosphere of the family and the proportion of their education and so on.

Despite the enormous disparity between human cultures around the world, but there are certain generalities exist in all societies, which reflect the reactions of the basic needs of human beings. These generalities include primitive means of survival - for example, as already mentioned, fishing, agriculture, and industry. Some of these generalities of the family aid; system of kinship; set of rules of social behavior; religion; material culture (tools, weapons, and clothing), and styles of art; and many other institutions that refer to general trends in all human societies in the direction of natural environments mixed.

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Patterns of Culture:
In any case, the model of culture in general refers to a tract of cultural or elements that form an integral component of more than one level, if we began with the early ways of life say that the first plow is a component of cultural pattern originally consisted of the plow itself, a pet that is used to pull Plow and the old world grain crops such as wheat, barley, and plowing more land in the area of gardens, and the use of fertilizers from animal dung pets. Agriculture came Bamahrat and common factors with, a cultural pattern, came from the Middle Ages, in about 500 BC. M.

Such a cultural pattern continues through the days; agriculture spread from one culture to another, and add new elements to it from time to time, which is what we call the technological development of agriculture. Plow agriculture today is known as a way of cultural, have been incorporated into crops using high-tech scientific methods and using new types of fertilizers, resulting in us other types of crops and other vegetation. All this falls under the name of cultural pattern of society one.

Sometimes uses the term cultural pattern to mean an arrangement of homogeneous human behavior, and social customs, and the system of values associated with a Wilk values that will be one of the properties or the future of civilization. There are scientists Antrebeologia look at the civilizations in the context of the pattern of the dominant figure in any civilization, a personal favorite is when each culture, which appears in the nature of social organizations, and methods of teaching children and training, and funeral customs and traditions, and religious values, and the consequent application of the means on the XXXXXXXXX realities of life. There is a historical cultural patterns can be noted by the traffic in some cultures such as ancient Greece, it was what is the culture of frenzied and violent, including what is the culture of an organization and calm. Power here is the time and place.

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Cultural relativism:
Habits and behavior that are Ktaep in the culture, it might be totally unacceptable or even commending and loved in another culture. Most scientists Alontrubiologia look at comparative look at human culture [is the theory of relativity says that everything is relative in this world and there is absolutely nothing], and the concept that all cultures are systems in which the rank and social traditions and institutions in the logical sense of. This can be seen faith Hindus not to eat beef and to ensure special treatment for the cows can be seen as functional and logical, this is not only within the religious traditions of the sacred cows, but also in the context of the usefulness of the cow dragged like an animal and a source of manure for fertilizer and fuel. Most anthropologists recognize as well that human cultures sometimes include the customs and anti-values of well-being of humanity.

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Transformation of culture:
Associated with transformation of human culture is closely linked to technological development, a shift by which the human environment in complex ways to invest a great complex is increasing day after day, and we have the example in the history of the evolution of technology, in the nineteenth century made many scientists Alantrubiologia astronauts and scientists, the theory of says that he must go through all human culture to specific phases of transformation, and even some section of this development into three stages consisting of the following: the basis of stage (stage of Atrocities), when human beings gather seeds and grains; followed by a second phase of Her Highness (stage Berber) , when human beings grow grain, and used some hardware to do so, and lived in permanent housing; Finally, a third phase when cared civilization, which began creating characters voice and writing. Alantrubiologia scientists and archaeologists, historians no longer believe that civilizations are not necessarily specific to make progress in the stages of a fixed date.

It is clear that a society composed of a few simple hundreds of individuals in the Negev Desert or the Sinai instance, can not develop its own social system of their own, without mixing with other societies or other cultures, but we can say that the people of the Stone Age can Isoqgua bikes and cars and tractors directly, that they will fix them when they are providing such equipment to their culture. This is a clear understanding of the meaning of culture and of making Japan after China and the Asian Tigers, making it able to change itself from a feudal agricultural societies to industrial societies advanced beyond the border. Based on the above, we say that human culture is growing and growing, and that means, it can expand from one community to another within the geographical limits of the environment, according to society's ability to absorb new ideas, and positive engagement with them.

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The spread of culture:
Are evolving elements of culture from society to society to communicate, directly or indirectly between individuals, groups or communities and groups, and the process can be called to deploy. After European explorers arrived to the Far East and to the Americas in the fifteenth century, borrowed a XXXXphor broad cultural elements from different continents in the world. And brought new agricultural crops from the Amazon to Africa, and vice versa.
As part of the continuing evolution of the means of communication and means of travel, increased exchange of elements of culture increased steadily. However, there are still significant cultural differences existed not only between some nations but also between ethnic groups and other non-racial, by region. Furthermore, it does not spread all the elements of culture with the same speed and ease. People tend to easier and easier and more efficient, regardless of their origin.

However the system is political, religious, a model of what is beautiful and thus be better able to spread from the physical aspects of culture. Socialist Cultural Revolution in China by Mao Zedong, began in 1966, in an attempt to revive the jealousy and the sense of revolutionary China. At that time, the students organized and trained radical Red Guards and walk the street demonstrations and led the Chinese repeatedly in the violent attack on the four "ancient", namely: old ideas, old culture and social values, ancient and old habits. During the campaign overall is an exotic and intellectuals outside of China, which was considered of things foreign, they were accused "elements of old" need to "reform", and forced to do an annual rally has been humiliated in the "struggle interviews." In 1968, when China has become on the brink of civil war, when the radical factions fought each other, were then unlocked the Red Guards, was to bring the army to impose order while the revolution continues. The Cultural Revolution destroyed the credibility and ethics of the Communist Party. Revolution officially ended in 1969, but many of the means under constant until the death of Mao Tse Tong in 1976. The wife of Chiang Ching, Mao Zedong the leader of the Cultural Revolution, which ended with the death of thousands of Chinese people.

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Between culture and chaos:
In an article entitled (culture and chaos) (1869), the English poet and critic Arnold Mattheo risk, which he called "the confusion between culture and chaos," Arnold has the diagnosis of British society as composed of several cultures divided according to class distribution, which made him one of three general classes: first : Berber (upper class), and secondly: the opportunists (middle class) and III: mob (working class). And that each of these layers privacy and language, airspace and territorial ambitions, has had in society that the hope lies in the sincere people of the impact of culture on society, and the impact of advocates of beauty and truth, the society and may even consider them "real apostle of social equality."

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The geographical distribution of Culture:
Usually the culture Jgeravalle provinces where the population share living in similar cultural attributes, and patterns of cultural environment, and ways of life are similar. Cultural characteristics include anything that has a material form, and function information, and recognized the value of them when one cultural group. This behavior can be classified as a cultural social institutions have all the means of control in the community, and has a procedure that govern the interaction among its members; ideological institutions that include the Faculty of knowledge and belief, shared by the culture and tools for communication; a technical institutions include all the tools, skills and technological capabilities; a trends established, and emotions, and concepts that combine to affect human behavior.

Does not work any of these factors alone; on the contrary, where it affects each and every one of them on other factors in the analogous institutions of global cultural institution such as religion, political and economic systems, and the means by which the community is trying to maintain internal stability, and defends himself by against threats, real or perceived, and keeps using the same sources of environmental damage. Linked to the cultural environment that produced the obvious relationship of culture, with the natural environment surrounding culture. Vary the elements of earth in nature, abundance, and methods of access, and geographical distribution, and quite like it the relevance of these elements in each culture, and these relative importance, of course.