النتائج 1 إلى 5 من 5

مشاهدة المواضيع

  1. #1
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2007

    افتراضي جاهز \شرح مفصل متى نضع - are \ is

    He - is – has( have in the past ) – does

    She – is – has ( have in the past ) – does

    It - is – has ( have in the past ) – does

    He - is – has( have in the past ) – does
    هي تأخذ .. هاز و از و هاف في الماضي و دوز

    he is very tall , he is a policeman


    She – is – has ( have in the past ) – does
    شي تأخذ .. هاز و از و هاف في الماضي و دوز

    she is like study , she is love english

    It- is – has ( have in the past ) – does

    ات تأخذ .. هاز و از و هاف في الماضي و دوز

    it is raining today . it is sunny today


    I – am – have – do (did in the past)

    They – are – have – do (did in the past)

    We – are – have – do (did in the past)

    You – are – have – do (did in the past)


    اسمي علي \ my name is ali

    اخي طويل جداً , انه شرطي \ my brother is very tall , he is a policeman

    رياضتي المفضلة كرة القدم \ my favorite sport is football

    اختي تعمل في البنك \my sister works in a bank
    سبب وضع s في كلمة work هو انه نتحدث عن شخص آخر ..
    القاعده he \ she \ it }+ verb +s }

    it is sunny today

    he is afraid of dogs

    he is taller than me

    she is drawing

    she is contacted me yesterday

    ali and I are good friends

    your keys are on the table

    those people are not English they are from uae

    they are play football every day

    you can turn off the tv , I am not watching it

    Please be quite I am working

    The weather is nice at the moment it is raining

    She is wearing a hat

    They are playing football

    We are watching TV

    Are you feeling ok ?

    Is it raining ?

    Is he working today ?

    Are they playing football ?

    Where are they going ?

    Are your friends staying at a hotel ?

    Who are you waiting for ?

    I work in shop

    You read a story

    My brother works in a bank

    He likes sweets

    She lives there

    He has a shower every day

    We have going now

    he- she- it تأخذ does
    و تأخذ did في الماضي
    i -they- we -you تأخذ do
    وتأخذ did في الماضي

    Do you work in the evening ?

    Do your friend live near here ?

    Do they wont play here ?

    Do they know how am I ?

    Where do your parents live ?

    Does ali often play football

    What does this word mean ?

    How much does it cost to fly to dubai

    Does ali play football ?

    i - they - we - you تـــأخذ have
    he - she - it تــــــــــأخذف has و تأخذ have في الماضي

    I have got blue eyes'

    They have got a horse

    He has got car

    Ali has got tow brothers
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة الحوسني_UAQ ; 02-11-2009 الساعة 02:27 AM

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