السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

أرجو المساعده ببعض الأسئلة التاليه من مادة الحاسوب للصف العاشر ، الدرس رقم 12 ..

الأسئلة :
Multiple Choice

Which view separates the column and row labels from the worksheet cell؟
A- Normal . . . . B- Page Layout
C- Page Break Preview . . . . . . D- Full Screen

The Undo and Redo commands are available on the ____.
A- status bar . . . . . B- Quick Access Toolbar
C- formula bar . . . . . . D- Data tab

A ____ is identified by the cell in the upper-left corner and the cell in the lower-right corner, separated by a colon.
A- worksheet . . . . B- cell reference
C- value . . . . . D- range

When using the AutoComplete feature, you can press ____ to accept a proposed entry.
A- Home . . . . . . B- Delete
C- Enter . . . . . Tab

Where are the zoom controls located?
A. Quick Access Toolbar . . . . . . B- Upper right corner of the document window
C- Formula bar . . . . . . . . D- status bar

Where are the sizing buttons that control the application and worksheet windows?
A- Lower left corner of the status bar . . . . B- Lower right corner of the status bar
C- Upper left corner of the window . . . . . D- Upper right corner of the window