
Presented by:
Explore the ancient human species distinct from the black stone is different from other known types of stones, as it was these stones that could attract small pieces of iron.

It was the Arabs who introduced the compass to Europe in the Middle Ages through Spain (Andalusia) and thus enable Europeans to achieve geographical discoveries and major trade during the centuries XV and XVI.
And the compass used by Muslims these days in determining the direction of the Kaaba.

And make some tools, such as magnetized screwdriver, if a small screw fell in a small space inside a computer, for example, do not get to hand easily, it is in the ability of art captured easily by using the magnetic screwdriver.

Perhaps the most surprising and surprised on the subject of magnetism is that we live on the surface of a giant magnet, poles Vllord Magnatician completely normal one magnet is located in the south, north of the geographical land and another is located in the south and north of the geographical land.

Story Magnet
Mythology tells that a shepherd named Magnes was tending his sheep, he noted that the party stick made of ferrous material attracted to certain stones, these stones became known as the "magnetic stones" attributed to him after he discovered this phenomenon.

And may be that the label for a boycott of Magnesia (Magnesia) in Asia Minor, near Turkey, where I discovered these stones magnetic for the first time, the Greeks called it the stone the name of the stone is strange, stone, XXXXl and later named as stone, magnetic as was the name of the magnet on the penis is made of material that can be gained magnetic properties of stone.

Magnetic materials:

A substance that attracts the magnet strongly magnetic materials, such as steel nails, paper clips ...
Substances are often made of iron, cobalt, nickel, chromium, manganese, gadolinium and other ...
And sometimes called Alhdido magnetic material or magnetic Vero.

Non-magnetic materials:

They are the materials that do not gravitate toward the magnet, such as copper, wood, glass, experience has shown that if we used the magnets are very strong, these substances affected by the slight of these magnets, and classified these articles into two sections: one called material semi-magnetic or bar magnets and the other section is called Daya magnetic.

Natural magnet:
It is a XXXXl extracted from the stone magnetic and has a chemical structure known as Almajntyt or a ** by the iron magnetic Fe3O4 which is black in color, and attract magnetic materials, especially iron, nickel, cobalt and alloys, and that if commented comment freely so as to facilitate movement in a horizontal plane, it moves to be stabilized completely in the direction of the north and south Amonatisien.

This type does not have a specific type or severity, was used by ancient people to make a compass. There is no longer XXXXXXXXX importance of the magnetic stone these days are used instead magnetic materials, industrial producer of iron alloys or special give powerful magnets.

Industrial magnet:
Use magnets in our lives in a variety of purposes, and is fit magnet natural Therefore, the difficulty of composition and his weakness, the magnets that we use are all magnets, industrial, and made of steel or a ferro-alloy, and a first in the form required and then magnetize one of the methods of magnetization, which we will discuss in a lesson coming.

Over time a person could make magnets in different forms, the mismatch is in the form of horse shoes, and some are in the form of a flat rod, including the cylindrical shape. There are also magnets in the form of workshops, and the other in the form of a letter U.

And is characterized by industrial magnet lodestone for the following:
1 - You can control the shape depending on the purpose you want to use it.
2 - you can control the magnitude of magnetism.

The first permanent magnet has a steel industry, while the modern magnets much stronger and is divided into two types:
A - magnetic alloys (Alloy magnets):
And contains some XXXXls such as iron, nickel, copper, cobalt, aluminum and its brand names such as Alinco and Alcomax and you can search across the Internet on these names to learn more about the details.

B - ceramic magnets (Ceramic magnets):
These types are made from powders called Ferrite Ferrites are composed of a ** by iron or ** by barium, which is fragile and trade names Magnadur, and this powder very close, which can be magnetized every part of it is used to cover the tape in the tape and computer disks.

It has been possible to take advantage of them in the manufacture of the compass as an application on the direction of the north pole of a magnet always about the geographical North Pole of the Earth, when commenting the free magnet is also used in generators and electric motors, speakers, phones and other ... .
While ferrite powder is mixed with plastic and rubber (elastomers) to be a magnet for the yen or the DNA capable of flexion in any form.

Properties of the magnet:
Whether natural or artificial magnets, the properties of a distinct and most important of the following:

General properties of the magnet:
1 - If a magnet suspended from the middle when its center of gravity, so that free movement in the horizontal plane, it moves first to be a dwelling so that one is heading towards the north magnetic poles and other pole to the south magnetic axis of the magnet and be applicable to the magnetic meridian of the Earth.

When the magnet attached horizontally comment is free, it tends to settle down by itself at XXXX ends towards the north is always, therefore, called a researcher from the north pole, which we call a shortcut to the North Pole, also called a pole located at the other pole is a southerner.

2 - magnet has two poles, one north and one south, and no matter how the magnet of the palace it has always been bipolar, and writes occasionally on magnet letter N on a terminal, and the letter S on the other side, this means that the first party is the North Pole while the other is the South Pole . And sometimes dying Arctic red dye, while the Antarctic blue.

3 - increase the power of attracting magnet material magnetic at two points next to the terminal, and called each pole magnet, called the line linking these two points, the center of the magnet, called the distance between the effective length of the magnet that has the symbol (2 l), while the so-called distance between the parties to the magnet length natural magnet.
When immersed in the center of magnet iron filings note that the refrigerator clustered at XXXX ends of the magnet, while the amount accumulates very little in the middle, called the middle area between the poles of a magnet in the region of neutral zone or lethargy.

4 - different magnetic poles attract each other and similar magnetic poles repel each other.

5 - the staple food magnet poles of one are equal.
6 - magnet attracts certain materials, called magnetic materials.
7 - the ability of the magnet to attract different things, as the magnet attracts iron wrought more strongly the power of attracting iron steel and nickel.
8 - strength of the magnet is carried out via non-magnetic materials not be carried out through the magnetic materials.

9 - lose magnet Magntth extreme methods and heating as well as heat and electricity.

Observed behavior between magnetic poles similar to what happens between the electrical charge similar and different, but there is a fundamental difference between the magnetic poles and electric charges, as can be separated electric charges negative for electrical charges of positive as can be produced shipments electric single negative or positive, while there can be no pole single magnetic (north pole or south pole single) Any attempt to cut the magnet in half or more magnets produce smaller and Baktabin two north and south.
When the magnet is cut in half to get Magnatisin their respective poles, and can not be this way or other to separate the North Pole to the South Pole magnet for him.

Which can not be separated one from the other poles of a magnet important we continue to cut magnets, each magnet no matter how small the dipole.
Our vehicle only to study the effect of the magnetic poles to each other is to use the magnets long, and can thus neglect the impact of long poles.

Basic Law in Magnetism:
When you bring poles of a magnet are similar to each other, the repulsion force affecting XXXX of them and make them diverge from each other, while at the poles of a magnet bring each different from each other, they Etjazban and approaching each other. Ie:
Similar magnetic poles repel each other, and different magnetic poles attract each other.

While any magnetic pole either Koreans or Koreans like it attracts ferrous materials which have no poles.

Therefore Valtnavr notes only between the magnetic poles similar in magnetic materials.

Abstract The first lesson:

Magnetic materials:
Is a material that strongly attracted to magnets like iron, cobalt, nickel, chromium, manganese, gadolinium and other ...

Non-magnetic materials:
They are the materials that do not gravitate toward the magnet, such as copper, wood, glass and paper, air and other ...

Natural magnet:
It is a magnetic stone has no form of specific type or severity.

Industrial magnet:
Made of steel or an alloy of iron, a form required by first and then magnetize one of the methods of magnetization and is characterized by industrial magnet lodestone for the following:
1 - You can control the shape depending on the purpose you want to use it.
2 - you can control the magnitude of magnetism.

Each magnet no matter how small electrodes Magnatician one north and one south, and when the suspension magnet from the middle of a free comment, it settles to the north and south Amonatisiein.

Basic Law in Magnetism:
Similar magnetic poles repel each other, and different magnetic poles attract each other.

Stay tuned for the next lesson ...
On ways of magnetization


Lodestone is magnetic iron ore, a mineral and is widespread in nature and is known since ancient times and an initial component in igneous rocks. Were concerned by the Muslim scholars and indicated many of the properties, the most important lured to a piece of iron if you brought him, and devoted al-Biruni in his book: Aljmaher to know Gems chapter on the magnet, and pointed to the commonality between the magnet and amber (electricity), which Jzbhma of things, and that magnets outperform to amber in this capacity, he Peronist that more raw materials magnets found in Anatolia and were made of nails used in the shipbuilding industry in that country, the Chinese They were making their ships to include and link slabs of wood to each other with ropes of fiber plants, so that there are mountains of the magnet stone submerged in the waters of China Sea was extracted from the bodies of iron nails Vtaatvkk ships and sink in the water.

The Peronist magnet to deposits in eastern Afghanistan and among the parts of the sediment surface magnetism is weak compared with the internal parts of them, and the reason is parts of the surface sediments of the sun. Muslim scholars and sub-iron and stone magnet Baxq and adored, Valhdid attracted to the magnet to the adored lover Kangmab

And among Muslim scholars that the lodestone attracts iron filings, even if there was a break between them, but it attracts the iron needle it, and this in turn attracts the needle If needle brought them and so on to see the needles associated with each iron is strongly felt. Besides the attractive force of magnets, the repulsive force has also, if put magnets on a hill inhabited by ants, ants abandoned immediately. The Muslim scholars, including Shaykh al-Qazwini and Hittin some factors for the loss of magnet strength of attraction be that if the rules of engagement with a piece of garlic or onions, and when cleaning the magnet of the smell of garlic or onions, immersed in the blood of goats, a warm back to his property.
And among Muslim scholars that the knife or sword, gaining status in the itch if magnet lodestone. And retains all of the sword and the knife Boukoas magnetism for a long period of up to a century. And studied the magnetic properties of lodestone in a vacuum, including Razi, who wrote a letter entitled: Bug attract lodestone for iron, and between Altevasche that the cause of affinity iron of the magnet is their union, in essence (ie, that are complex chemically and one language of this era). He spoke for the Arabs and the attractive force pointed out that there is a relationship between some minerals and some of the other example, Shaykh al-Hattin in selected age that gold is a magnet mercury. It was no surprise that weaves rights in ancient times some of the myths about the lodestone.

It is these legends legend statue Iron commentator in a vacuum within the dome is made of lodestone in the monastery of the idol, India, and the reason for comment this statue in space is attracted to the Dome of the magnet was known secret that when he visited the Sultan Mahmud bin Spktin of that temple and pulled off a companion Sultan stone of the dome magnetic balance jeopardized statue commentator and hue to the land of the dome.

And use the magnets in ancient medicine to remove phlegm and prevent cramping, The Muslim doctors that if caught patient lodestone still muscle cramps of the limbs, and were using lodestone to rid the body of the iron pieces that fall to the path of error and therefore be passed a magnet over the body injured, and stated that lodestone live arthritis pain and gout if Mode - after Dekh vinegar - click placements pain.

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Magnetic therapy is one of the types and means of treatment, alternative medicine that uses magnetic energy in the treatment of many diseases that affect the body, and magnet in itself does not go out, but create a balanced environment for the body to speed up the healing process.
Studies have shown that the power of modern scientific Earth's magnetic field has decreased by 50% from what it was centuries ago; which led to the reduced amount of magnetic energy that takes advantage of the human body. Also contributed to the modern industrial society surrounds us with its frames and XXXXl hardware - absorbs part of the magnetic energy emitted from the earth to us - to reduce the interest and the strength of magnetic energy that we can get.
Therefore adopt the idea of magnetic therapy to the same rules of magnetic energy in nature. Where the magnetic energy penetrates the skin in a certain position to absorb through the capillaries in the skin overlying this position, marching in the blood until it reaches the bloodstream, which feeds the main all the capillaries in the body. Because of absorption of magnetic energy in the blood to contain hemoglobin molecules on iron and other shipments of electrical energy has been absorbed magnetic; arises magnetic stream into the blood stream carries the magnetic energy to different parts of the body.
And cause the magnetic energy absorbed in stimulating vascular Vtaatmdd, thereby increasing and improving blood circulation; which could lead to an increased flow of food - of food, but Jane ** - to all cells of the body Vtsaadh to get rid of the toxins better and more efficient. And therefore XXXXXalent hydrogen XXXXXXX of the cells and tissues of the body, helping this balanced environment to improve the performance and functions of the body, and thus the body heal itself.
Magnetic energy is to help the body to heal itself by stimulating the biochemistry in the body and thus healing takes place automatically.
It is noted that the magnetic energy of the impact on all parts of the body, and this effect may remain for several hours even after the removal of the magnetic field from the body.
Benefits of Magnetic Therapy
For the treatment of magnetism many benefits including, for example, and not limited to:
Increase the capacity of hemoglobin molecules to absorb only ** Jane, which increases the levels of energy in the body.
Strengthening of blood cells is active, leading to increased number of cells in the blood.
Gently stretch the blood vessels which helps to increase blood flow into the cells of the body. Standing, providing them with food and increase their ability to get rid of toxins more effectively.
Reduce the proportion of cholesterol in the blood and remove it from the walls of blood vessels; leading to reduce high blood pressure to the appropriate rate.
XXXXXalent to the pH in body fluids which helps to balance the acid with alkali in the body.
Hormone production and release of increased or at least according to the requirements of the body during the treatment period.
Modify the activities of the enzymes the body, commensurate with its needs.
Increase the speed of renewal of body cells, which helps to delay aging.
Help to regulate the functions of different organs in the body.
Help to get rid of the pain by calming the nerves, when signals are sent by express pain to the brain is magnetic energy by reducing electrical activity and close the channels and the arrival of these signals to the brain; Vizul pain.

Cases can be treated by magnetic therapy

In the study by Dr. Nakagawa, director of the hospital Iishe Tokyo (Dr. N. Nakagawa Chief of Tokyo's Izusa Hospital) was used magnetic therapy to treat 11 thousand patients suffering from muscle spasms in the shoulders and neck area, has been achieved healing by 90% among these patients.
A case can be treated using magnetic therapy as follows:
Roughness and the weakness of the joints of hands, legs, arms, feet and shoulders.
Digestive problems such as: indigestion, inflammation of the stomach ... etc..
Non-regularity of the body's XXXXbolism, such as lack of insulin production.
Cure some types of cancer.
Injuries such as cuts and burns.
Bleeding caused by weakness of tissues and organs such as bleeding gums.
Various forms of arthritis.
** T joints and bones.
Infection and kidney stones.
Flexion of the joints in any part of the body
Irregular breathing diseases such as asthma and bronchitis.
Skin problems such as acne and eczema.
Change so that the movement of calcium ions increases in the areas of bone ** t to help speed healing, or at least in the areas of joints for the treatment of infections that affect them.
Magnetic therapy and is not intended to treat specific diseases as far as aims to supply the body with ideal conditions; which helps it to heal itself. As we have stated before that the whole body is affected by magnetic energy regardless of the region dealt with in the body. He was d. Kmet MacLean (Dr. Kenneth McLean) a magnetic Scholars Institute, New York, U.S. treatment magnetism it is the gift of God; where it is useful in the treatment of all diseases and with no side effects whatsoever.
Is magnetic therapy safe?
It is calculated for the treatment of magnetism, it is not drug addiction, such as some medicines, it also does not interact with any medication, as research has shown that its side effects are very small.
Clinical signs side effects of treatment of magnetism may appear - if any - clearly for a few days after treatment magnetism; because it helps the body get rid of toxins and increase its ability to absorb liquids. The symptoms represented in headaches, insomnia, high body temperature. These symptoms disappear after a day or two days of treatment and automatically.
Starting treatment
The degree of disease severity and duration are determined by the strength of the magnet stone of the user. It is preferable that the patient starts using the stone of a magnet power is low, then increase the strength gradually after that, and should be the treatment of children, and young, the elderly through the magnet low electric power.
The research found that magnetism increases the duration of treatment if the patient suffers from anemia, or calcium deficiency, or treatment with drugs suppress the body's immune system is automatic.
Cases makes it difficult to use magnetic therapy
There are difficult cases treated with magnetic therapy, such as:
Pregnant women
Persons who suffer from epileptic seizures.
People living heart of industrial
Persons who have their bodies on the compensatory XXXXl parts such as artificial limbs.
It also should not use high-strength magnetic field on the children, or eyes, or area of the brain, or heart.
Should not be used as a south pole of the high-strength magnets in the treatment of tumors and cancer cases and cases of bacterial and viral infections.

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