حل صفحة 75

Exercise A
1_ nine colours: black, blue, brown, green, grey, orange,
red, white, yellow

2_seven natural features: forest, island, lake, mountain,
river, sea, sky

3_five weather conditions: (choose from) cloud, fog, rain,
snow, sun, thunderstorm, wind

Exercise B

1_ grass c green
2_ cloud g white, grey or black
3_ sun d red, yellow or orange
4_ sky a blue or grey
5_ flower e red, yellow, orange, white or blue
6_ snow f white
7_ tree b brown and green

Exercise C

Science is the study of how things work in the world.
A scientist usually works in a laboratory. He or she tests
things to find out the facts. He or she often puts the facts
in a table, with columns of information, or in a graph, with
blocks or lines that represent the information.

حل صفحة 76

Exercise B

1- In a newspaper with TV and radio listings.

2- 9.15.
3- Science as a career.
4- People who want to be scientists.

Exercise D
1 g showing that something is always true
2 e a way of doing something
3 c an idea of the truth
4 a a test in a laboratory
5 b looking up information, e.g., in a library
6 d information before it is organized
7 f what you learn from an experiment

Exercise G

a prove

b display
d table
e past
f disprove
g hypothesis
h experiment
i lab
j happen

حل صفحة 77

Exercise B

1 It’s about predicting words.
2 It helps you to listen with understanding

Exercise C

1 world
2 know
3 true
4 method
5 data

حل صفحة 78

Exercise A

1 Make g a hypothesis

2 Test e the hypothesis
3 Do a an experiment or some research
4 Collect c data
5 Display f the results in a table or a graph
6 Draw b conclusions
7 Prove d the hypothesis, or disprove it

Exercise B

Think of an experiment to prove that plants need sunlight
and water to live.