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الموضوع: E-Cart about citizeship

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  1. #1
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2010
    Abu Dhabi

    828158747 E-Cart about citizeship

    this my first message
    i need about citizenship
    wish u help me :'(

  2. #2
    عضو جديد الصورة الرمزية koko221
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2010


    meeeeee 2 i need please :'( if some1 can help us please reply

  3. #3
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2010


    لو سمحت ابا E-CART عن citizenship please الله يخليكم

  4. #4
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2011


    السلام عليكم لو سمحتم اريد E-CART عن
    citizenship and civic responsibility
    ابا باجر لان لاخر يوم :'(

  5. #5
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2011


    محد عنده

    good luck to us 50 mark vanished for this e-cart

  6. #6
    عضو جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2011


    والله لقيت هذا
    Citizenship status, under social contract theory, carries with it XXXX rights and responsibilities. "Active citizenship" is the philosophy that citizens should work towards the betterment of their community through economic participation, public service, volunteer work, and other such efforts to improve life for all citizens. In this vein, schools in some countries provide citizenship education.
    Generally citizenship is seen as the relation between an individual and a particular nation. In ancient Greece, the main political entity was the city-state, and citizens were members of particular city-states. In the past five hundred years, with the rise of the nation-state, citizenship is most closely identified with being a member of a particular nation. To some extent, certain entities cross national boundaries such as trade organizations, non-governmental organizations as well as multi-national corporations, and sometimes the term "citizen of the world" applies in the sense of people having less ties to a particular nation and more of a sense of belonging to the world in general.
    In recent years, some intergovernmental organizations have extended the concept and terminology associated with citizenship to the international level,[1] where it is applied to the totality of the citizens of their constituent countries combined. Citizenship at this level is a secondary concept, with rights deriving from national citizenship
    In Wales the model used is Personal and Social Education.
    Citizenship is not taught as a subject in Scottish schools, however they do teach a subject called "Modern Studies" which covers the social, political and economic study of local, national and international issues.[7]
    It is taught in the Republic of Ireland as an exam subject for the Junior Certificate. It is known as Civic, Social and Political Education (CSPE).

    Did you ever wonder what it means to be a good citizen? You will soon find the answer to this question. To be a good citizen, you need to be involved in your community. Also, a good citizen respects other people's property. Finally, to be a good citizen, you need to know what's happening in your community. If you're a good citizen, the community will be a better place to live.
    It's important to know what's happening in your community. At least that's what a good citizen would do. A good citizen would know what's happening whether it's good or bad. If everyone were a bad citizen, there would be much confusion. Also, if everyone were a good citizen there would be no confusion. That is why you should be a good citizen. You don't want confusion in your community. That's why it's important to be a good citizen.
    A good citizen is involved in their community. They could make the town a better place by cleaning it up. Also, a good citizen could also organize the town events. If everyone were a good citizen, the town would be a much better place to live. That is why it's important to be a good citizen. In addition, if everyone were a bad citizen, the town wouldn't be good place to live. It wouldn't be a good thing to live in a bad community. So, you have to be a good citizen.
    A good citizen respects other people's property. So, you need to be a good citizen. If you weren't a good citizen, the communities would be a bad place to live. That's why you need to be a good citizen. Furthermore, if everyone were a good citizen, nothing would ever be stolen. That is also why you should be a good citizen. If there were no thieves, how could you're property be stolen? Those are some reasons you should be a good citizen.
    One way to be a good citizen is to get involved with wars and community issues. Maybe you're thinking, "Who cares?" right now just like thousands of others. I can only tell you a few of the people who do care. The troops in Iraq who risk their lives to protect us are a good example of this. Others are the people whose lives are affected by the wars. Also, the government cares because it helps a lot of people. Here are some ways you can get involved. You can listen to news or radio broadcasts for information. People can also read newspaper articles. The main way to get involved is to have a part in the issue.
    Another way to be a good citizen is to obey the law. If you do not follow the law, there will always be consequences. Even if you escape, you will have to go into hiding. Here are only three laws, but they are some you should always follow. You should never commit murder because you are killing innocent people. You should never steal either, because it is someone's property you would be taking. Last of all, you shouldn't go over the speed limit. The speed limit is a safety measure, and without it, it becomes easier to crash and possibly kill people.
    And lastly, you should always be nice to people. Because you wouldn't want to be treated unkindly, you shouldn't treat others that way either. Here are three ways you can be nice to people: One way is to help people that need help. That will make their lives a lot easier. Another way is to share with them so they can enjoy what you have. It will make them happier also. And the last reason is to be cheerful to everyone around you, so they will be happy too..
    Staying involved is one thing you could do to be a better citizen. If you stay involved you can know what's going on in the world. For example, you could stay involved in the world by watching the news and reading the news paper. By staying involved you will also know about the people in your community. You could learn about whom you should be friends with. You will know what your neighbors are like and what your neighborhood is like as well. That way you could make friends with the right people. That's one thing you could do to be a better citizen.
    Helping others is another way to be a good citizen. If you help others you will be doing the right thing. For example, if someone gets hurt you should help them. You would also be helping someone that needed help. So when you need help they will help you. When you help people they think of you as a good citizen. Helping people will make you a good citizen, and it also makes you feel better to help people. In my opinion those are some reasons why it is good to help others and some good examples on how to become a better citizen.
    If you do the right thing you will be a good member of the community and a good citizen. By doing something to help clean up around the community it would be a way to do something right. Participating in fundraisers is also a good way to help around the community. Supporting local sports will also help make you be a good member of your community. Volunteering in schools is a good way to help your community too. When you make good choices people will remember you for it. People will know that you are a good citizen. Being a good citizen is important to the success of a good community.
    In my opinion these are all good ways in which a person could be a good citizen and a member of the community. Helping others is important to make your community a better place. By staying involved and participating in community activities, fundraiser and volunteering one can show how they care about there community. I hope more people
    The first piece of being a good citizen is having good life skills, like being responsible. Being responsible, means keeping track of your belongings at all times. For example, when you go on a sleepover don't forget your socks or toothbrush. Another part is doing your chores or jobs on time. If your job is taking the trash out on Tuesday and you forget, you're stuck with a whole bunch of trash. Speaking of time, one more part of being responsible is being in the right place at the right time, like not being late for school, appointments, and sport practices. If you are late to school too many times you will get after school detention, and you have to make up missed work. Being late for practice may cause you to run extra laps and you would be letting the coach and your team down. Being responsible is the first strategy to becoming a better citizen.
    The next part of being a better citizen is being organized. It is important for students to keep their locker in tack, so they don't lose any important papers. If you lose assignments you lose points and get bad grades. If you get bad grades you might get held back. The solution to this is putting your worksheet into your binder behind the right tab. Along with keeping your binder organized make sure your text books and dear book are where you can get to them easily. Getting to your text books is important because you only have five minutes in-between classes. So as you see being organized is important part of being a good citizen.
    The final part of being a good citizen is being involved with your community. Volunteering to coach a sport team is good community service. This is important to the kids, so more kids can play, they are always looking for good coaches. Volunteering at church great idea for serving your community. For example I help with Awana in game time along with George. Another way you can volunteer is to organize a canned food drive in your community. We need canned food drives so we can help families who are less fortunate than others. The last way you can stay involved, with your children and talk about what they should stay away from. For example drugs, alcohol, and people who are bad influences. This will help to make them better citizens.
    Those are just a few thought of what I believe makes a good citizen. That is why we have kind and helpful Americans today. If we all try to be better citizens we will form a better tomorrow.

    Citizenship Essay
    Sean M.
    What does it mean to be a good citizen? Being a good citizen could mean a bunch of things, like helping others, being involved in the community, or learning about the government. These are all great ways to be involved in the community. There are other ways but this essay is going to talk about those three main things.
    We also need to learn about the government. We need to know how the government works. It's important because if we don't think something is right we can vote against it. Or if we don't know how it works and we think something is wrong, then we can learn how it works and understand if it is right. Also we need to vote. Voting is our patriotic duty and we need to honor it. It's important to vote because at least we have a say in it. Some countries have dictators that take a gun and hold it to somebody's head and say "I'm going to be president got it." Last tell others to vote. It's not only your duty it's theirs too.
    Good citizens need to be educated about things going on in the world. Illnesses and diseases are good things to know about, for they affect many people in the world. It's also good to be aware of weather and areas where hurricanes, tornadoes, and many other natural disasters affecting people around the globe; you could find out how you can donate money or help them out. Cultures and religions are great things to know about, because not a lot of people take the time to learn about cultures and religions different than their own. From India to Saudi Arabia to America there are so many different cultures and religions. Pollution and wars are good things to know about because they are things that affect the world and people every day. History and people who changed this county such as Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr., and Benjamin Franklin have helped this world out so much. African Americans wouldn't be treated equally as white people without Martin Luther King Jr. We wouldn't have electricity without Benjamin Franklin, and Albert Einstein was smart and came up with the theory of relativity. These people were the building blocks of America as it is today, so they are very important to know. Finally the world and the people who inhabit it are very important issues to know about

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