المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : إمتحان الإنلجيزي باجر و أنا راسبة كنت في الفصل الأول =( ساعدوني

فراولة 99
26-03-2013, 05:22 PM
السلام عليكم . . .

مثل ما تعرفون باجر بكون إمتحان إنجليزي ..
أنا وايد خايفة أرسب في الامتحان لأني الفصل الأول يبت 40
والله وايد صحت مع أني كنت أول مرة أحل عدل في امتحاانات الإنجليزي

باجر الامتحان والله وايد خايفة

كيف تقدرون على الأقل توصلون درجة النجاح ؟
كيف أكتب جمل عن الصور بالطريقة الصحيحة > حد يتبرع ويشرح لي :(20):

والتعبير الكتابي أبا مقدمة وخاتمة تصلح لكل المواضيع

حياتي عذابي
26-03-2013, 05:39 PM
وانا بعد نفسسسسسسسسسج :(46):وما اعرف شو آسووؤي :(10):

حياتي عذابي
26-03-2013, 05:42 PM
فراوله99 سو بتسوووؤين ؟؟؟ :(27):

حياتي عذابي
26-03-2013, 05:53 PM
شششششووووووووو ؟

الريم السررروحي
26-03-2013, 06:22 PM
ربي يوفقكن ياصبايا
مي تو الانجليزي العقده عند الكل

26-03-2013, 06:26 PM
هآي شويةة برجرآفات تستفيدي منهم آن شآء الله :(2): ~

United Arab Emirates
Ministry of Education
Grade: 12 / Science - Second Semester Essays

Unit 3

(1) A visit to a historic place تحدث عن احد المعالم الاثرية التي رايتها أو زرتها.
People are interested in visiting beautiful and special places here and there. And they usually ask themselves a lot of questions about that place or building. In this essay I will write a short report about …………………….
Why and how did the people make this thing? Some people believe that this place refers to special meaning or reference. It appears that people did their best to show their traditions and civilization. Every detail was designed in a special strange way. Some other people think it was built to suit the needs of people in that area . In the past the life was very harsh and difficult. And survival was for the strongest not for the best. Of course people suffered a lot till the work was completed. Also, A lot of money was spent to finish this monument.
In fact, this masterpiece will still be a live in spite of the years and the disasters. And visitors will still try to know more about its secrets. Whenever we look at it we will think of man's well to do what is beyond the impossible.

(2) Dubai City مدينة دبي
People are interested in visiting beautiful and special places here and there. And they usually ask themselves a lot of questions about that place or building. In this essay I will write a short report about ……………………
Dubai is one of the world's famous and modern cities. It is located in the UAE . It has a population of about 1.3 million people and an area of 3883 square km. It is a fast growing city in business and education. Many people from all parts of the world visit Dubai either for doing business or spending nice time with their families .They like shopping in its modern shopping malls and relax in its beautiful parks. In addition to that, Dubai has many industries.
In fact, this masterpiece will still be a live in spite of the years and the disasters. And visitors will still try to know more about its secrets. Whenever we look at it we will think of man's well to do what is beyond the impossible.

Unit 4

1- A comparison Between Eastern and Western Cultures (http://www.rajputbrotherhood.com/knowledge-hub/essay/a-comparison-of-eastern-and-western-culture-essay.html) مقارنة بين الثقافة الغربية والثقافة الشرقية
A close look can show you that there are great differences between the culture of Europe and that of Asia. These differences vary in degree but are still considerable. "Is it true that the Westerns are superior to the Easterners?"
On one hand, the East stand for spiritualism while the West for materialism, people of the East care more for the development of the soul and for life after death. But the Westerners are worldly minded. They do not care for any future life, but want to enjoy their present life. Hence, we find in the West a mad race for wealth, luxury and comfort.
On the other hand, The Easterners are tolerant and self-sacrificing. They are peace-loving. They do not like to cause the least harm to others. They can bear the greatest hardship for others, and can sacrifice their own good for the common cause. Their social life is peaceful. The Westerners are quarrelsome and aggressive. They care more for their own good than for the good of others.
No doubt, the Westerners have greater means of comfort and luxury, but all their worldly wealth does not bring them any greater happiness. They live in constant fear of war and destruction. The Easterners believed in the limitation of wants and so they are happy in spite of their poverty.

In general, The Westerns with their feeling of superiority came to the East only to rule and to exploit it. They looked down upon the Easterners and considered them uncivilized barbarians. But now the conditions are changing fast. More and more Westerners now realize the reality of Easterners.
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Top of Form

2-"Compare between two teachers in your school."اكتب موضوعا تقارن فيه بين اثنين من المدرسين في مدرستك
Describe how the two characters are the same or how they are different.
Best teachers are those who like and take good care of their students, right? Of course, yes! Meet Mr. Hlal, a teacher of English and Mr. Hourany, a teacher of Math. They are two of the best teachers in my school whom all the students like and respect.
On one hand, Mr. Hourany is not very tall but a little fat. It's clear that Mr. Hourany is a very hardworking man. He is as clever as a scientist because he knows every thing about math. He explains the subject in a very easy and simple way so we understand everything. Although he is a serious teacher, he loves all the students as his sons.
On the other hand, Mr. Hlal is very tall and slim. He always smiles and tells us jocks in English to XXXXXXX us. Like Mr. Hourany, Mr. Hlal is a smart teacher who doesn’t let anything without explaining. He knows our needs and cares a lot about us.
In general, we are lucky to be in the same school with those intelligent and gentle teachers who do their best to push us forward.
3- "Compare between boys and girls." اكتب موضوعا تقارن فيه بين الاولاد و البنات
Who is Smarter: Boys or Girls? The Ancient Debate!
It is said that women are not smarter than men, but they are more aware and recognizant! This has been a worldwide controversy notion since the beginning of creation. People seem to ignore the subject in order to avoid any embarrassment. Some say that boys are smarter in a way that boys are physically stronger hence; they can learn new experiences like building a house, or cutting a tree etc. While some advocate that girls are way smarter because they are deep thinkers and imaginative!
Though they are physically weaker, but they are much better than boys mentally speaking. They think before they act and they remain calm in crises. Boys on the other hand tend to reason things out and find XXXXXXXXX solutions to problems. They don’t waste time and they like to hit the subject right away. That’s why boys don’t like to chat (http://hubpages.com/hub/Who-is-Smarter-Boys-or-Girls-The-Ancient-Debate##)for hours on the phone without a goal. While girls are more emotional and tend to share their experiences, and that’s why girls are way better than boys in art. They tend to “split-hairs” and discuss more since they are minute about details.
So, while boys consider girls talking on the phone boring, women find it very useful because they want to share their story with someone else.
4- Write an essay comparing between two of your friends.قارن بين اثنين من اصدقائك
My friend Ali is different from my other friend Salem in many important points. And here are some of the most interesting differences.
On one hand, Ali is tall but he is a little fat because he likes to eat fast food everyday. He rides his bike and go to the beach to meet his friends there. Also, he doesn’t like school and usually sleeps in the classroom because he watches too much TV till 3.00 am.
On the other hand, Salem is short and thin. He likes to eat fresh XXXXXd food at home with his family. He plays computer games only one hour a day. Moreover, he likes school and listen to teachers very well.
In fact, I like Ali and Salem very much because it is very rare to find real friends that love and respect you.
5- Compare between studying abroad and studying in your country.قارن بين الدراسة في الخارج و الدراسة في بلدك
Studying abroad is different from studying in the country because of many important reasons. And here are some of these points.
On one hand, the student who likes to study in the USA must pay more money. He needs more new clothes and lives in a hotel. And he has to eat fast food. But in the country a student doesn’t need to much money because he lives with his family and eat fresh XXXXXd food.
Then, in the USA learning is very good. But the students must speak English only all the time. Unlike the USA, learning in the UAE is easier and students speak Arabic only.
In the USA a student can see a new culture different from ours. Also, in schools boys and girls study to gather.
In our country a student sees his old friends.
In fact, I like to study abroad and know new people who have different customs and life style.

6- Compare between the ancient world and the modern world.قارن بين الالعالم القديم و العالم الحديث
The ancient world is different from the modern world in many important points. Here are some of these ones.
On one hand, the ancient world has special features like castles and old buildings. They were built of stones, wood and sand. People lived hard life and they were very poor because they worked in land or in hunting. But they loved and helped each others like one family.
On the other hand, the modern world is better than the ancient one. People have new large houses, fine cars and a lot of money. Also, they work in business. They travelled by planes, cars and busses. And the use new means of communication like mobiles.
In fact, life in the past was hard but simple. Unlike the past, life now is easy but complex.
7- Compare between the city and the village. قارن بين المدينة و القرية
The city is different from the village in many important points that make some people prefer living in it. But other people like the life of the village. Here are some of these differences.
On one hand, the city is very large and has high buildings, big malls, and a large number of cars everywhere. Streets are very wide and very good. There are modern hospitals, schools and hotels. People work in business and offices in the city so they don't have enough time to visit each others. But the smoke and pollution make life very hard and causes many diseases.
On the other hand, the village is small and quiet. There is little number of cars because the streets are bad and the people are poor. People live in normal houses and work in land. But they have time to visit relatives and friends and enjoy their time together. The air is clear and fresh.
In fact, I like to live in the village more than the city because I find it nice to see people happy together.

8- Compare modern life to life in the past قارن بين الحياة في الوقت الخاضر والحياة في السابق
Modern life of today is completely different from life in the past in many aspects of life. Modern life has changed in terms of food, entertainment, transport and technology.
In the past people ate what they could catch or grow and they used to cook over fire. They didn't have many entertainment activities and they used to transport on horses or camels. It took people time and effort to do their tasks because of the lack of technology.
On the other hand, modern life of today is easier. Nowadays people have a variety of types of food and they can choose what they like from the restaurant menu. Most of food today is junk food that has bad effect on health. Now people can travel to the farthest destination in a short period of time by planes, trains and cars. All works in companies , banks and schools depend on computers where speed and accuracy is needed.
9- Compare between junk food and fresh food. قارن بين الطعام الطازج و الطعام الجاهز
I will try to compare and contrast between fast food and fresh food.
On one hand, the taste and shape of junk food tempt people to hurry and eat it. But unfortunately, this kind of food is full of fat and other harmful components that can harm the body and cause diseases. Also, it costs a lot of money.
On the contrary fresh food is XXXXXd well and it is very clean because it is made at home under women's eyes. Also, it makes the body strong and healthy.
Finally , I think people must leave away junk food and return to the healthy fresh XXXXXd food. We must protect ourselves and our coming generations.
Compare between farm animals and household pets قارن بين الحيوانات المنزلية الاليفة و الحيوانات التي تعيش في المزرعة
In this essay I will try to compare and contrast between farm animals and household pets .
On one hand, farm animals are very important for life because people depend on them for food and as means of transport. The cow, for example, is the main source of food like milk and meat. The horse is very fast and strong. Also, without the hen people can't get eggs or chicken to eat.
On the other hand, household pets are not as important as farm animals. The cat needs much care to keep clean. And not all people have cats at home. Also, people can continue their life with or with out a dog. Moreover a pet sometimes is a burden more than a need.
Finally, I think farm animals are more important than pet animals because we can’t live without them.

الريم السررروحي
26-03-2013, 06:41 PM
)There is no doubt that

Plays agood part in our life .
with out it life will be like body without soul .so

we are in favour of it as it has many
benefits that affects our life


Finally ,Ican say that
and progress are two sides for one coin,
aren’t they?

I hope all people make use of it as possible.

26-03-2013, 09:34 PM
شدي حيلج ... ركزي ع الصور الي بيحطونهن وها التعبير لان اكثر شي الدرجات منهن ... والدوائر بعد لان لكل سؤال ثلاث درجات

بنوتتة اليوم
26-03-2013, 11:31 PM
السلام عليكم والرحمة
سوري على التأخير
أول شي لازم اتحفظي prefix
مايخلو امتحان من هذا
مثلا شو معن هذه الكلمة واذا كنتي حافظا هذا بتعرفي اطلعي
ثانيا لازم اتعرفي noun verb adjectives adverb

suffixesفتحي الكتاب صفحة 161 بتتشوفي الناون والفيرب والادجكتف
لازم اتكون اتحفظي
اما الادفيرب هو حرف واحد بنهاية الكلمة وهو ly
اما باقي الامتحان عبارة عن فقرة وعليها اسئلة على الاقل تاخذي قراءة سريعة صح انج مابتفهمي كل شي
والاسئلة تتعلق بالفقرة
رابع شي الصور والجمل
اول جملة اتكتبي I can see يعني انا اررى بالصورة اي شي اتشوفي بصورة كتاب كرسي اي شي
فتتكون الجملة I can see book تاخذي على هذي الجملة 3 درجات
نفس الشي الجملة الثانية
اما الجملة الثالثة والرابعة والخامسة لازم اتحطي كلمات الربط
وهي and but so والخ
مثلا Ican see book and Ican see table
وبتاخخذي على هذي الجملة 3 درجات
يوم اتحطي كلمة الربط لازم جملة بعدين كلمة الربط بعدين جملة نفس نسق لاولى
مثال :

There is woter and There is grass

اما البرقراق
تكتبي المقدمة
ثم الموضوع
ثم الخاتمة
وعلى الاقل اطرحي سؤل في المقدمة نسألي اقارئ

وانشالله افدج
وماتحاتي الامتحان انشالله سهل بعون الله وبتيب درجة ترفع الراس
انتي ماتحطي بالج انه صعب
مافي شي بالدنيا مستحيل
وانشالله اكون صدق افدتج
واذا صدق افدتج مابي منج رد بس ابي دعاء في ظهر الغيب

ملكة سورية
28-04-2013, 04:54 PM
الله يكووون بعون الجمييييييييع

الله ينجح كل طلاب الثانوية العامة وان شا الله الكل بجيب فوق 95
والله ولي التوفيق

غير هالناس
17-06-2013, 11:59 AM
أرجوووووكم تخبرونااا عن موضوع الانجليزي بكره ...... تراني راسبه ونسبتي عاااليه
والله حرااام اعيد السنه عسبت ماااده وحده 90.3

17-06-2013, 12:25 PM
والله ماعندي فكرهـ بس سمعت انا بنقارن بين شيئين ايجابيات وسلبيات !!!

الله ياخذ الإنجليزي دوووووم سبب مصايبي !

17-06-2013, 01:37 PM
أرجوووووكم تخبرونااا عن موضوع الانجليزي بكره ...... تراني راسبه ونسبتي عاااليه
والله حرااام اعيد السنه عسبت ماااده وحده 90.3

رد بنت الوهيبي
اليوم رمست الاستاذ مالي وقالي ان احتمال ضعيف اي عن الطعام الصحي واحتمال كبير اي عن التلفون او الكمبيوتر ....

البرجراف لازم يحتوي على ( مقدمة - موضوع - خاتمه )
المقدمة لازم تحتوي على فكرة عامة عن العنوان والموضوع
اما الموضوع لازم اتكون فيه ايجابيات + دعم الفكرة و سلبيات + دعم الفكرة
اما ف الخاتمة لازم يكون فيها الراي الشخصي

اما عن الصور انا نزلت قبل جمل بسيطة ومركبة وتضيفون عليها بس كم كلمة من الاشياء الموجوده ف الصورة

والــــســمووووووحه ع الــقـصووور

17-06-2013, 07:51 PM
Pros and Cons of Computers(ايجابيات وسلبيات أجهزة الكمبيوتر )

Computers were invented many years ago, but we began to use them recently. The technical progress is constantly developing. People always create new computer technologies. The computer has become a part of our daily life. Many people use computers at work, school, and at home, but we have not yet realized the advantages and disadvantages of the computer.

On the one hand, computers help us and make our life easier. We can solve many problems using them. We can buy clothes, food and, even cars. This device has replaced typing machines, cinema, and record players. We can draw pictures with the help of various special programs, do difficult math operations, or design. Computers are used in every scientific sphere. They help to develop physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and other areas of science.

On the other hand, the latest thing today is the Virtual Reality. People live in this reality and forget about real life. They can speak to each other, fall in love, and enjoy life only in social Networks. Moreover, small children play computer games too much. It’s harmful for children’s psychology. An international group of psychologists have suggested recently that anyone who surfs the Internet for long periods is clinically ill and needs a medical treatment. In addition, computer radiation is dangerous for human health.
To sum it up, people must understand that the computer is a useful device, but they should think how and for how many hours to use it. We should spend less time using the computer. We shouldn’t forget about real life and other activities

internet pros and cons(ايجابيات وسلبيات الانترنت)

In the age of the technological development nobody who moves with the times
can imagine existing without the Internet. However, its popularity makes us bear in mind all its side effects. Many argue that the Internet is a treasury of information while the others find it as a source of misleading information and danger. So, is the Internet a force for good or a force for evil?

Firstly, the Internet is an invaluable tool which helps students learn. Without any effort we can gain an access to the study aids. Furthermore, we can save time avoiding queues thanks to a large selection of online stores, which is particularly important for the disabled. Moreover, the Internet gives an opportunity to get in touch with new people from all over the world and keep in touch with the loved ones.

However the Internet cannot be always shown in favourable light. First and foremost, the Internet is incredibly addictive - surfers are often not able to bear without checking their mail hundreds of times per day. Moreover, unlimited possibilities of communication with surfers cause losing an active social life in the real world. Lastly, inappropriate information as even pornography await under-age users at every turn.

To sum up, there are many advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. Some people say the Internet has ruined our lives but in my opinion it transformed the world for the better. Although the Internet may be dangerous, it is a great invention and a window to the world.

17-06-2013, 07:52 PM
هذول اكيد انشالله واحد منهم بيجي فالامتحاان ويالله بالتوفيق ودعواتكم بالنسبه الي ترفع الراس ارفقت عليكم^^