المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : [استفسار] تعبير نهاية السنة

زعيم المدارس
06-06-2012, 08:38 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاتة

مبروووك عليكم قرب نهاية الدراسة

ممكن يعرف احد التعبير مال نهاية السنة ؟

ما هو ؟

08-06-2012, 12:01 PM
بيكون نص نقاشي و اتمنى اكون افدتك

زعيم المدارس
08-06-2012, 06:01 PM
بيكون نص نقاشي و اتمنى اكون افدتك

عن اي موضوع راح يكون النص

زعيم المدارس
11-06-2012, 01:37 PM
الي عارف رجاء لا يبخل علينا

موضوع التعبير عن ايش ؟؟؟؟

نادي القرن
12-06-2012, 09:27 AM
اعتقد عن المجتمع

او العادات والتقاليد

زعيم المدارس
12-06-2012, 09:50 AM
اعتقد عن المجتمع

او العادات والتقاليد

مشكووور على الافادة

بنوتة المدارس
17-06-2012, 03:28 PM
مؤكد بيكون عن وحدة من خدمات المجتمع :(2):

زعيم المدارس
17-06-2012, 05:07 PM
قال الاستاذ عن البيئة

17-06-2012, 06:45 PM
بيكوون نص نقاشي عن الخدمات في المجتمع يعني تكتبون مع او ضد

زعيم المدارس
17-06-2012, 08:05 PM
بيكوون نص نقاشي عن الخدمات في المجتمع يعني تكتبون مع او ضد

ثااانكس على المشاركة

عديم الاحسان
19-06-2012, 02:01 PM
السلام عليكم لو سمحتوا اريد ثلاث جمل للوحدة 5 وللوحدة 6 والبرجراف للوحدة 5 و6 رجاء باجر الامتحان
ساعدوني لانه اخوي أبد ما يعرف للانجليزي help me بلييييييييييز

مهروو البلوشي
19-06-2012, 05:15 PM
* Writhe a paragraph about how to stay healthy and fit *

There are many things you can do to stay healthy and fit. So I will give you some advices to keep yourself healthy First, doing exercise is good way of keeping yourself healthy. Exercise makes you fitter and helps you relax. For example, take a daily walk for at least half an hour. Second drinking a lot of water, water is very important to your healthy. Third, eat healthy food. The main 4 groups of food are cereals, fruit and vegetables, meat and milk, and butter. Fourth, you should ask your doctor for a health check once a year. The doctor will be able to help you spot other problems that you might not have noticed. Some things are bad for your health, like fast food. It is better to try and give up these things or at least eat them less .Take these advices to keep yourself healthy because it important for you to live comfortable .

مهروو البلوشي
19-06-2012, 05:21 PM
* Writhe a paragraph about how to stay healthy and fit *

There are many things you can do to stay healthy and fit. So I will give you some advices to keep yourself healthy First, doing exercise is good way of keeping yourself healthy. Exercise makes you fitter and helps you relax. For example, take a daily walk for at least half an hour. Second drinking a lot of water, water is very important to your healthy. Third, eat healthy food. The main 4 groups of food are cereals, fruit and vegetables, meat and milk, and butter. Fourth, you should ask your doctor for a health check once a year. The doctor will be able to help you spot other problems that you might not have noticed. Some things are bad for your health, like fast food. It is better to try and give up these things or at least eat them less .Take these advices to keep yourself healthy because it important for you to live comfortable .

زعيم المدارس
19-06-2012, 05:37 PM
* Writhe a paragraph about how to stay healthy and fit *

There are many things you can do to stay healthy and fit. So I will give you some advices to keep yourself healthy First, doing exercise is good way of keeping yourself healthy. Exercise makes you fitter and helps you relax. For example, take a daily walk for at least half an hour. Second drinking a lot of water, water is very important to your healthy. Third, eat healthy food. The main 4 groups of food are cereals, fruit and vegetables, meat and milk, and butter. Fourth, you should ask your doctor for a health check once a year. The doctor will be able to help you spot other problems that you might not have noticed. Some things are bad for your health, like fast food. It is better to try and give up these things or at least eat them less .Take these advices to keep yourself healthy because it important for you to live comfortable .

ثااانكس على الموضوع

زعيم المدارس
19-06-2012, 05:37 PM
* Writhe a paragraph about how to stay healthy and fit *

There are many things you can do to stay healthy and fit. So I will give you some advices to keep yourself healthy First, doing exercise is good way of keeping yourself healthy. Exercise makes you fitter and helps you relax. For example, take a daily walk for at least half an hour. Second drinking a lot of water, water is very important to your healthy. Third, eat healthy food. The main 4 groups of food are cereals, fruit and vegetables, meat and milk, and butter. Fourth, you should ask your doctor for a health check once a year. The doctor will be able to help you spot other problems that you might not have noticed. Some things are bad for your health, like fast food. It is better to try and give up these things or at least eat them less .Take these advices to keep yourself healthy because it important for you to live comfortable .

مشكووور مهروو البلوشي

احمد رسول
19-06-2012, 06:50 PM
Healthy Food

اولفت العباسي
19-06-2012, 10:47 PM
يمكن يكون عن الهيلثي

زعيم المدارس
20-06-2012, 01:20 PM
Healthy Food

مشكووور على الافادة

زعيم المدارس
20-06-2012, 01:21 PM
يمكن يكون عن الهيلثي

نحن امتحنا عن ( المجتمع )

نادي القرن
20-06-2012, 04:54 PM
ثانكس البلوشي

مناير الجسمي
11-12-2012, 11:11 PM
الاستاذ قال لنا الموضوع يمكن يكون عن الفصول الاربعة او عن التعليم في الامارات

مناير الجسمي
12-12-2012, 01:28 AM
Seasons in the year او education in the uae او the weather in the uae او your favorite season او your favorite subject

مناير الجسمي
12-12-2012, 01:37 AM
A Day at the beach
Last holiday, my friends and I decided to go to the beach. It was a sunny day and we wanted to have some fun. So we packed some food and drove to the beach We arrived at 10 o’clock and we were very excited to see the blue water. First , we played afootball match for half an hour. Then , we swam in the cool water and had a swimming competition. I was very happy to be the inner Suddenly, one of our friends cut his foot on a broken bottle. Unfortunately, he was badly injured and he was bleeding. Was saw there wasrubbish everywhere. We took him to the nearest hospital. Later, we decided to do something about the rubbish. In fact, we tried to makEpeople aware of the dangers of littering. We made some posters about the importance of keeping the beach clean.

Finally, we noticed there was a big change in people’s behavior and the beach was clean again. People knew that they should take care of the environment to be safe