المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : خبر حصري...

18-03-2012, 08:29 PM
فالبداية استسمح من الاعضاء وخاصة (مقامي ،دلع اجرامي) واوجه لبعض الاعضاء نصيحة من كتاب الله وهي (-إن بعض الظن اثم-)

الخبر هو ان الامتحان باجر باذن الله سوف يكون مناقشة عن التلفاز

والسموحة من الجميع

شاطئ الشوق
18-03-2012, 08:31 PM
آنت متآكد .؟

ولآ يعني تخميين ولآ حد قآل
لآن الفصل الآول كآن عن التلفآز فـ مستحيل آييبونه آقيين ><"

18-03-2012, 08:35 PM
لآآه يوم كان التلفآآز كآآن ححق العرربي ..

بس تدري اشلون يمكن انت صح لآني سامع الربع يقولون انه التلفاز مدري التلفاز ..

18-03-2012, 08:37 PM
انا متاكد من هذا الموضوع xxالفصل الاول كان كتابة قصةxx

واذا انتبهتم شوي سوف تعرفون ان امتحان امسا السنة الماضية العربي كان نفس هالسنة والاستاذ اكد لنا المعلومة

شاطئ الشوق
18-03-2012, 08:38 PM
هيه صصح هههه ><

المهم آنتوآ درسوآ عن التلفآز و الكوآرث الطبيعيىة و الأمآرآت من حيث التعليم و الصحه و جي

لله يوفقك اليمييع

ابراهيم العناني
18-03-2012, 08:41 PM
لا هنت يا الكعبي..وجزاك الله خير..^^

18-03-2012, 08:41 PM
فالبداية استسمح من الاعضاء وخاصة (مقامي ،دلع اجرامي) واوجه لبعض الاعضاء نصيحة من كتاب الله وهي (-إن بعض الظن اثم-)

الخبر هو ان الامتحان باجر باذن الله سوف يكون مناقشة عن التلفاز

والسموحة من الجميع

الكعبي انا ماظنيت فيك ابد ،والسموحة منك لو غلطنا بحقك ، ونحن لبعضنا
بس شو رأيك بالاعضاء الي يعملو مواضيع فاضية ...؟؟؟!!!

بارك الله فيك
استمر في طرح المواضيع المفيدة

الله يوفقك في امتحاناتك ..


ابراهيم العناني
18-03-2012, 08:42 PM
انزين حد منكم يا الربع عنده عن التلفااز.؟؟

18-03-2012, 08:48 PM
هذي بعض المعلومات وليست المناقشة

What are the benefits of television:

We also note that of course this device at that time became a necessity which exists in every particular Menzlepeshkl and other work in general.

Resulting in a variety of benefits depending on the place where.

I will speak about some of them.

First, m point of social and family n

1 - may be able to gather family members and the atmosphere fun with each other.
2 - means, which enable them to develop the individual cultures and information.
3 - is a means of teaching methods to contain the educational channels.

These are some of the benefits of this area.

Second, an administrative point of m and n government

1 - in business administrative and governmental user of this device in the presentation of documents, projects, and many things are imaginary cosmetic to help them do their projects.
2 - in the work easy for them to show market gains and losses for all individuals at one time.
3 - helped in terms of educational schools in the backs of some activities and educational applications via this device.

These are some of the benefits of this area.


We also know that each device has the benefits of what it contains some of the damage, but I'm not talking about the damage this device only in terms of social and family just because of their significant impact on them.
The first of these damages, some people watch television for more than one hour a day for what they are doing other work, which led to that in some houses became this machine exist in large numbers in the house the one least five TVs with so-called receiver and open all the time.
This led to some of the parents to minimize their concerns for their children and their care, and some parents are using this machine as (Aldadah electronic).

Second, are the many programs and multiple containing the Chapel of scientific scant any programs useless, resulting in this device to reduce the concentration and thinking mental when the person, and in terms of scientific and Gedo Alalma that in a minute or more of television viewing, it is his mind, taking a rest, like comfort of sleep, it is this point of causing a lack of focus and think because we can see that some people are sitting in front of him Balsat Twal, comes the most harm in children, because children who watch TV long, continuous influenced in their focus on what they are doing and less educational activities for him.

Third damage caused by this device is a method of intimidation and terror that appear in the screen in real facts that appear in the news or movies or television programs.
These landscapes are intimidated or Afjaa spectator, which affect the mind causing him sometimes nightmare in his sleep, and on the Okhryalbrmj that contain clips Action convey to some people that they may believe that this is not something exotic or regular, comes when the minds of some people possibility of fighting, murder and other heinous crimes.

Because of this damage affects another device on the person not to object to a real life in which they live and show them as the characters appear ubiquitous in movies and programs they have to find it obscene and richness of the many other things that affect a person.

The latter is the damage that may be where we are not clinging to an addiction to view it.

How to weigh treatment, in a simple and suitable.

The most important thing at this point is to show caring, parents and care fully for themselves first and then for their children, and followed up on what they see, they see, and For the members should they have to put themselves to specific times for the watch and not Itapoonh in Ohtmamih large and attention on themselves.
التراجع عن التعديلات

18-03-2012, 08:54 PM
مشكووور وما قصرت يالكعبي
وربي يوفقك

دلع أجرامي
18-03-2012, 09:26 PM
شكرأ لك يا خوي الكعبي
ومسموح بالحل
ما تقصر الشيخ
ولو بدر مني خطا في حقك السموحة

الكعبي 1995
18-03-2012, 09:33 PM
توه استاذ الانجليزي طرش لي مسج على الهوتميل و قال يمكن التعبير يكون عن التعليم في الامارات في الماضي أو العادات و التقاليد و طرش بعد نماذج لscaffold و قال يمكن تساعدكم في الامتحان .

زعيم المدارس
18-03-2012, 09:53 PM
مشكووور يالكعبي..