المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مهم مهم مهم إمتحان باجر ضروري

طالب العلم95
18-03-2012, 05:31 PM
شباب ما تريد نقاشات ما لها اول ولا اخر
عظونا الزبده شو بيجي قصه مقال و ولا غيره ..
و عن شو,,,,

و ياريت كل واحد يختصر

18-03-2012, 06:29 PM
شباب ما تريد نقاشات ما لها اول ولا اخر
عظونا الزبده شو بيجي قصه مقال و ولا غيره ..
و عن شو,,,,

و ياريت كل واحد يختصر

ها امتحان امسا محيرنا صراحة
بس اتوقع Essay


وما اقدر اقولج انه اكيد واحد منهم


نادر لطفي
18-03-2012, 06:34 PM
اعتقد essay عن natural disaster

ونت شقاوة
18-03-2012, 07:26 PM
بسم الله الرحم الرحيم

نحن المس قالت لنا يمكن تكتبون قصــة او
دسكشن- مناقشة) يعني تكتون رأيين واحد مؤيد والثاني معارض للموضوع

والوضوع يمكن عن :
(مسؤلية المواطن نحو بلادة)

وهاذي معلومات عن مسؤلية الموطن ان شاالله اتفيدكم .....

A person who is aware of his duties and rights in his society is a good citizen. He knows that he is a member of the group with which he is associated by a thousand and one ties. He realizes that he should live in harmony with other members of society.
Man cannot line without a society. He can't live alone. He must live with his fellow human beings. But living in a society means co-operation with other members of that society. When you live in society you have to take care of the other people. There are certain customs that have to b followed and you have to accept the traditions of your society. In addition there are certain boundaries that that should be taken care of. These restrictions and customs are for the common good and welfare of the society.

A good citizen does his best to do his duty to the society. He always keeps in view the interests of his society and state. I think the most important thing that a person can do for the society is that he should live an honest life. The life has become very fast and it has become almost impossible to do something for others and everyone is busy in his life. So we should be careful about our behavior with others and if we are not able to help others then at least we should not be harmful for others. We should respect each other's views, so that others respect our views. I think live and let live is a better idea

ونت شقاوة
18-03-2012, 07:28 PM
وبالتوفيج للجميع ^^
Good luck ^^

طالب العلم95
18-03-2012, 07:30 PM
مشكورة اختي بس ما بيصير الا نترك البرجراف فاضي

ابراهيم العناني
18-03-2012, 07:36 PM
اختي ونت الحين هذي معلومات ولا مقاال..؟؟

18-03-2012, 08:14 PM
متأكديييييييييين وانتي أي مدرسة والمس متأكدة

بنوته ارهابيه
18-03-2012, 08:25 PM
نحن المسسسسسسسسسسسسسس قاالت لنا عن العادات والتقاليد والثقافة

والمتداووول عن مسؤلية المواطن
هاذا والله اعلم