المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : برقراف متوقع 60% والله العالم دخوله في الامتحان عن البيئة

13-03-2012, 08:51 PM
السلام عليكم

The Environment:
By environment we mean the air, the sea, and the land which surround us.
This environment should be kept clean so as to make our life better. Man
Pollutes the environment and destroys it.
Air pollution:
Cars and factories send out harmful gases in to the atmosphere.
Moreover, the burning of fossil fuels- coal and oil- in factories increases
the amount of co2 which causes dangerous pollution of the air we breathe.
Land pollution:
land pollution causes great harm to people, animals and plants. Rubbish pollutes the environment. In the countryside many plants die mostly due to the use of
Pesticides. Using these pesticides year after year causes the crops to become
harmful to man. These poisonous substances get into the human food and may
cause fatal diseases such as cancer.
Water pollution:
Pollution of seas and rivers is an important problem as man needs pure water
For drinking. Fish,animals and plants in rivers and seas are also harmed by
This type of pollution. Detergents, poisonous waste products of factories and
Pesticides as well as weed- killers cause this type of pollution. Sewage is an-
other source. One of the most serious causes of pollution of seas is oil which
comes from tankers. When it escapes into the sea it forms large slicks, killing
sea animals and birds. These slicks may also spread out onto beaches and
spoil them .
Noise pollution:
Noise is another form of pollution.It is something most of us experience every
day. Noise is defined as unpleasant or unwanted sound. It could be caused by
radios,Tvs,cars,lorries,planes or road works.
It affects us in the city or in the countryside, in the classroom, at home and
at work. Noise breaks up activity,disturbs sleep, interferes with work and can
hinder learning at school. The recent rise in noise levels is due to the growth
of population in big cities, the increase in the number of vehicles and planes
and the spread of machines used in almost every activity.
Noise increases stress which can lead to high blood pressure, heart diseases
and damage to hearing.

13-03-2012, 09:22 PM
وهذاااااااا عن اسبوع المرووووور في الامارات

Traffic Week

Traffic Week is a program that Awareness is repeated each year designed to reduce accidents and public education systems and the application of Almrro sound leadership, because leadership is in fact the art and taste to be just before Nhrkha his family and move out.

Still fatal accidents claim the lives of people because of the recklessness and lack of discipline and the reason is usually speed or cut signals in general away from the incidents of recklessness and Altvhit and risk-taking by some young irresponsible caused deliberately to kill himself and kill other people when they deliberately reckless riding risks and departure by car amid crowds of young people is very uncertain occurrence hated God has said: And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell to abide therein and God's wrath upon him, and prepared for him a great punishment, said the Prophet peace be upon him "Avoid the seven sins, recalled Guenl the soul which Allah has forbidden except by right

My brother the driver you are still in the grace of where lost others there is a lot of disabled and paralyzed and disabled who have lost a lot of blessings that disrupted potential and messed up their lives and wiped out their future and there are a lot of children who are orphaned and women widowed after he is gone and died breadwinner who appoints them and protects them after God, imagine you left your parents big Ivrfan burning tears to your absence and imagine that if your children are orphaned and Badk Astglhm people and Ahanohm Astnzvohm without a shepherd and protector, but not God

All of this could happen in a moment of recklessness is calculated, where you may lose everything in less than a second and perhaps because of something trivial is not worth Kadrack work, school or urgency to reach a destination without the need require that whatever the circumstances and reasons, and Tzcardoma that in the careful safety In haste makes waste, you reach the safe Maava better than that never reach

13-03-2012, 09:31 PM
مشكوووور و ماقصرت
يعطيك ربي الف عافية
بس سمعت انه الموضوع بيكون كومبيرينغ اند كونتراست ( مقارنة )
فلا تعتمد و خذ احتياطاتك