المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : بليييييز وش بيجي في امتحان الاعاده انجلش

03-07-2011, 02:53 PM
الســـــــــــلام عليــــــــــــــكم

اللي يعرف شو اللي مقرر عندنا في امتحان الاعادة الانجليزي وشو باتجي من تعابير

لايبخل علييييييييييييييينا

الرجاء الرد بسرعه

03-07-2011, 04:10 PM
بلييييييييز حتى انا ابغي التعابير اذا عندكم


03-07-2011, 05:46 PM
بلييييييييييز حتى انا اباااااا

بسررررررعه الاسبوع الياي الامتحان

03-07-2011, 08:16 PM
وانا بعد دخيلكم بسرعه ما ابا اعيد السنه بسبت الانجلش

03-07-2011, 09:15 PM
بناااااااات انا سمعت انهم بيبوون نفففس الامتحان الي امتحناه الفصل الثالث يعني التعبير عن عمل المرأة
درسوا عدل حتى لو ما يابولنا عن عمل المرأة بيكون عن سلبيات وايجابيات

الله يوفقناا يااااااااارب وكلناااا ننجح
وحتى هذيج السنه يابولنا نفس الامتحان في ثاني >> كل سنه دور ثاني في الانقلش خخخخ

04-07-2011, 04:37 PM
اللي بعد عنده يخبرنا بالييييييييييز

الله يوفق الجمييييييييييع يااااااااااارب كلنا نااااااااااجحيييييين

تويتي الشاطر
05-07-2011, 02:26 PM
مرحبا للجميع
حد عنده موضوع عن عمل المرأة أو أي شيء عن المرأة بالإنجلش

الحل الصعب111
05-07-2011, 02:42 PM
Do you encourage the working mother ? "This question may result in long disputes whether a person would encourage or refuse it . For me , I see that the mother should care only for her house and bringing up her children , because her work would affect XXXX of her house and children negatively . on one hand , I may argue that there is working women who get nannies or maids to their houses , but this would not compensate her presence . On the other hand , others may try to match between their work and household but this would not be as good as the woman who is exclusively occupied with her house . A mother who dedicates herself to her house would , undoubtedly , breed her children better than the working one and present the good citizens who will take part in a productive society . And will help her husband to work better and be a successful man . And there it would be right to say behind any great man there would be always a woman .

07-07-2011, 08:29 PM

حتى انا تخبر عن هالمووضوع وقالوو انه نفس الامتحااااااان امره

والله يوفقنا يارب

حمود المنهالي
11-07-2011, 03:15 AM
Education is very important for our lives. It empowers people and countries. Now countries take care and try to develop the education to have cultured and educated people.
Education is the base of any nation. It reflects the civilization of the country and develops our mission and goals.
There are many ways of developing the education:
Firstly, by using the newest tools of technology such as, computers, internet, data show and many means of communication this to keep in touch about the latest devices that may improve the methods of education especially on line.
Secondly, we can develop education through looking to other developed countries and see how they are developed and improved in a short period of time.
Finally, we can bring experts from many different countries to help us in putting plans to develop the education and gain new experience in education methods.
In conclusion, I believe the education is very important and it helps the countries to be developed. The future of the country is safe in hands of educated people. So countries should take care of education because it has vital role.

حمود المنهالي
11-07-2011, 03:16 AM
انا سمعت انه عن تطوؤر التعليم وحطيته فوق