المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : [استفسار] writing في امتحان اخر السنة بيكون عن شو ؟؟ ضرووووووري ؟!! :(

قلم المدرسة
11-06-2011, 04:26 PM
writing شو موضوعه ؟؟ عن شو بنتكب ؟؟

ارجو الافادة ؟؟

زعيم المدارس
11-06-2011, 05:21 PM
ننتظر من عندك ومن الاخوان الباقين

طالب من كنتاكي
12-06-2011, 05:24 PM
اظن انه بيكون عن التعليم

يفضل لو تبرشم الي عن التعليم .. و اعاده التدوير والبيئه ^_^

15-06-2011, 04:28 PM
انت تعلم تكتب تعبير ادرب ع التعابير

وانتبه لا تعتمد على البرشمه احذر

العام نور
15-06-2011, 04:31 PM
انصحك ماتبرشم في آلتعبير,,,

آلتعبير تكتب وتبدع,^^

بس آلمشكلة عن اي موضوع بآلضبط,.*!

ايات نبيل
15-06-2011, 04:46 PM
هو بيكون عن نفسك تتكلم عن عمل مهم انت عملته زي رحت دار ايتام كده ده الاول
الثاني ممكن يكون عن عمل بطول لشخصيه مشهوره
الثالث ممكن انك تتكلم عن حيوان اي حيوان

15-06-2011, 04:57 PM
هو يمكن عن العمل التطوعي او الحيوانات او المجتمع

برشمهم الثلاث ااا باجر امتحاني الانجليزي #_#

15-06-2011, 05:34 PM
آنزين عطونـآا انتو موضوع مكتووب ونحن بنبرشمه وبنضبط آلامور =)

15-06-2011, 05:39 PM
بلييييييييييييييييز الي عنده المواضيع الي عن البيئة او الحيوان او العمل التطوعي يحطه

لاني محتاجتنه ضرووووووووووووووووووووووري

15-06-2011, 05:41 PM
بلييييييييييييز الناس الي امتحنوا انجليزي يخبرونا شو ياهم بالضبط
عشان نعرف شو ندرس ؟؟

قلم المدرسة
15-06-2011, 05:55 PM
يا جماعة الحين قلتو فوق الخمس مواضيع

احفظ شوو انا ,, ما ابرشم ,, دوم انزخ ><

M.R friday
15-06-2011, 05:56 PM
الموضوع راح يكون عن ال education او البيئة

بنوته ارهابيه
15-06-2011, 06:09 PM
عن التعليييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييم

15-06-2011, 06:14 PM
بيكــــون الامتحان إماا عن the 3 R's اللي هن Recycle .. Reduce .. Reuse \\ او بيكون عن Tourism .. \\ او عن Inventors & inventions ...
نحن هذاا اللي قالتلنـا اياااه المس :(33):

15-06-2011, 06:18 PM
بلييييز نبا مووضوع عن التعلييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييم ..

انا لاني انا
15-06-2011, 07:19 PM
يا حبيباتي شوووو بتحديد ندرس
لان انا صراحة دخلت في الحيط
بلييييييييييييز مساعدة ذوقا وادبا hlep me

انا لاني انا
15-06-2011, 07:22 PM
بليييييييييييييييييييييييز شخص محترم يرد

انا لاني انا
15-06-2011, 07:28 PM
يا جماعة الخير anyone her

ونت شقاوة
15-06-2011, 07:51 PM
المس قاالت يمكن اكسبوزشن عن التعليم أو البئة
وهاذي معلومااات عن التعليم Why is Education So Important?
Why is education so important? Education is a self-enlightening process. It is an important component of life. Know more about the importance of education.

When I started thinking about why education is so important, I remembered my school years, the grounding years of anyone’s education. I went down memory lane to remember all my teachers, my school subjects, the study and the play! I never really hated school. But I have seen many who hate going to school; I have had some friends who did not like the idea of studying in classrooms. Many of you must have unwillingly entered your school gates.... But all of us know this dislike never lasts long. We soon start loving school and it is when it is time to leave school that we are in tears.... What is school life all about? It is all about laying the foundation of our education. It is a place to understand why education is so important and how important it is! It is an institution, where we learn to read and write. School transforms kids into literate individuals. It is where we get our basics cleared and at the point of leaving school, we are all set to soar high in life, enter the new world in pursuit of our dreams.

Why is education so important?
The first thing that strikes me about education is knowledge gain. Education gives us the knowledge of the world around us. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on everything in life. People debate over the subject of whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge. Some say, education is the process of gaining information about the surrounding world while knowledge is something very different. They are partly right. But the conversion of information to knowledge is possible because of education. Education makes us capable of interpreting rightly the things perceived. Education is not about lessons and poems in textbooks. It is about the lessons of life.

The words 'cultivate' and 'civilize' are almost synonymous to the word 'educate'. That says it! Education is important as it teaches us the right behavior, the good manners thus making us civilized. It teaches us how to lead our lives. Education is the basis of culture and civilization. It is instrumental in the development of our values and virtues. Education cultivates us into mature individuals, individuals capable of planning for our futures and taking the right decisions. Education arms us with an insight to look at our lives and learn from every experience. The future of a nation is safe in the hands of educated individuals. Education is important for the economic growth of a nation. It fosters principles of equality and socialism. Education forms a support system for talents to excel in life. It is the backbone of society.

Education is important because it equips us with all that is needed to make our dreams come true. Education opens doors of brilliant career opportunities. It fetches better prospects in career and growth. Every employer of today requires his prospective employees to be well educated. He requires expertise. So, education becomes an eligibility criterion for employment into any sector of the industry. We are rewarded for exercising the expertise required for the field we venture. We are weighed in the market on the basis of our educational skills and how well we can apply them.

ЌђαlίĐ άlћαḿṃαĐί
15-06-2011, 07:59 PM
مجلس بوظبي ولا وين ؟؟

ЌђαlίĐ άlћαḿṃαĐί
15-06-2011, 08:15 PM
موضوع التعليم لمجلس بوظبي ولا كيف الحين ؟؟

15-06-2011, 08:27 PM

[ ونت شقاوة ] ؛
يعطيييج العوآآآفي خيتووو :(43): "

15-06-2011, 08:31 PM
الموضوع بيجي عن الحيوانات او عن الخدمات الاجتماعة community serves


بي لو سمحتم ابغى موضوع عن community serves !!!

ضروووري الله يخليكم الامتحان بكرة !!

15-06-2011, 08:33 PM
مجلس ابوظبي شراكة

شــــــوفو نحن مساتنا الاجنبيات قالن أنه مؤكد بيبون موضوعين

1) البيئة وشو المشاكل الي تواجها وحلولهن (اعادة التدوير واعادة الاستخدام وغيرهن) أو المشكلات البيئية في الامارات وكيف قامت الدولة بحمايتهن

2) عن العادات والتقاليد في الامارات يعني

قالن انه البيئة شيء مؤكد 90%

اما الكلتشر بنسبة اقل

هذا الي عندي والله اعلم
وبصراحة انا بدرب ع البيئة لانه اصلا محور وحدتنا ...

بالتوفيج لكم ..

15-06-2011, 08:34 PM
طيب يا ريت حد يكتبلنا موضوع عن community serves البيئة

15-06-2011, 08:38 PM
العمل التطوعي


Keen communities positive and civilized and informed consent to live Hizb in all aspects of her life running ambition to ensure it named a special and through fruitful cooperation, including by making a space strategy urgent establishment of social institutions of civil and keen to give these institutions a great deal of her time on the success of Musharaha civilization among beneficiaries of each individual with the efficiency he should have plenty of time spend to maintain the great family of the community.

Hence, I took these communities in making positive culture of voluntary service and to provide everything that serves the volunteer work and the resulting benefit to the largest segment of the community as well as real investment tack competencies submerged and reflected on the collective level.

The concept of volunteerism:

The concept of volunteering include humanitarian efforts, making members of the community, individually or collectively, based primarily on the desire and self-motivation, whether this motivation consciously or subconsciously does not aim at the volunteer to achieve a fee or profit special, but gain a sense of belonging to society and to take some responsibilities which contribute to meeting social needs urgent or cause of the issues plaguing the society which is defended primarily motivated comprehensive development economically, politically and socially and culturally, is striking evidence of the vitality of the community and the translation of feelings of belonging and loyalty to the homeland to reality and invest the time young people in the work of a noble, as well as to strengthen social ties and to reduce disparities among class members of society.

Who is the volunteer?

Is the person trying to help the positive in any field can be accomplished when the action and seeks to cooperate with members of the community for the betterment of a better life that would offer and the blocking needs

Constructive role and volunteer work.

The volunteer work is important to the most prominent role in the community's confidence in the positive view of the effects of social very important and that takes a community to the advancement and progress, prosperity, and that including Evsha of volunteering opportunities for collaboration between members of the community and fosters in the individual case of respect for others and appreciation of the useful work and tender, adding that give volunteers field experiences and management in charitable work and allow them the opportunity to be trained to contribute to the work and participation in decision-making, is also a work means the value of the ideal gives one the feeling of satisfaction and sense of belonging and contributing to overcome many of the diseases of this age such as depression and feelings of isolation and social and psychological stress.

Mechanisms voluntary work

Anyone who looks to find volunteer work is subject to the satisfaction of the individual and the extent of his feelings Palmswlip the basis of the degree to which work and volunteering, so shall interested in establishing a mechanism to secure this conviction and in the following manner:

First: to communicate the declaration on volunteering, especially when linked to the question of comprehensive development, economically, politically, socially and culturally and advocacy, including the need arises.

Second: raising the efficiency of the speech to an invitation to him to minimize the role of inhibitors and Alamadafeen and skeptics of the usefulness and importance.

Third: Determine the required number of work and explain the type of work and efficiency needed to ensure its non-prosecution or social.

Fourth: The right to choose the main role in the development of workflow easily and smoothly away from the inconsistencies and blunders that build on the visions and flimsy been frustrating and the deviation of the target.

Fifth: It is important is to train volunteers and rehabilitation on the nature of the tasks entrusted to them and deepen their experience will share with those who preceded them acquire new skills and improve their performance.

Organization and motivation

The organization of volunteerism as a source of strength when facing the volunteer obstacles and difficulties which impede its continuity, which may lead him to resort to methods more improvisational and ill-considered complexity of the work by adopting the hierarchy its foundation, in decision-making, or consultation is far from selfish and thought mono.

Also plays a stimulus a major role in maintaining the volunteer and the utmost that he has made to service to work with all the devotion and dedication, tirelessly and that his participation in the decision-making and Interview with transparency, clarity and thanked him for all completed and announced on the ears of his fellow volunteers and grant letters of thanks and appreciation between now and then .

And follow-up and evaluation

Volunteering is a great sensitivity than almost all the work in terms of yield and actual output and the extent of success of failure as the consequent shock to either volunteer or community itself as a result of any failure, God forbid.

Therefore require the supervisors of administrative tenure follow tireless efforts to work regularly and to express opinions and evaluated through meetings of the submission of reports prepared and periodically to allow the volunteers to discuss the requirements of the period and their satisfaction and the extent of the achievement realized or not and what are the obstacles that may be encountered and ways of removing them.

The commitment to the commitments and hard work and the effective integration of volunteer service is a requirement is necessary and urgent in order to gain the confidence of the community with his children and grow as required and when the success of this commitment to loyalty away from the exploitation of the benefit of personal or involve it in a disabled help to paralyze their movement and loss of confidence in them as a service-care community.


Become a volunteer work a fundamental pillar in the community-building and dissemination of social cohesion between the citizens of any society, and volunteerism human practice were closely linked with all the meanings of good and righteous deeds at all groups of human beings since time immemorial but differs in size, shape and trends, and motives from one community to another and from one time period to other, it is in terms of size at least in periods of stability and calm, and increases in times of disasters and calamities and wars, and in terms of shape, it may be an effort manually intramuscularly or professionally, or donation of money or otherwise, and in terms of direction may be automatically selected or directed by the state in social activities or educational or developmental, in terms of motives, the motives may be psychological, social or political.

Volunteering as a donation from a person with the same, which is not obliged to impose. Came in to San Arab Ibn Manzoor Examples: came willingly and was not forced, but they were doing voluntarily or involuntarily; the Almighty said: (it is volunteered good is better for him), a reference to the usefulness of volunteer mental large volunteers, scientists have found that the voluntary work people have devoted themselves to help others by nature, and chosen to serve the community in which they live, but to volunteer as an act of charity is a way for the convenience of self and a sense of pride and self-confidence of the volunteer; because the effectiveness of the strengthened when individuals desire for life and confidence in the future so that it can be used to volunteering for the treatment of individuals with depression and psychological distress and boredom; the fact that volunteering in the work of charity to the community to help these patients overcome their personal and transcendent about good touches the vicinity of the person and his relations, to feel their importance and their role in the progress of society in which they live; giving them hope for a new life happier

15-06-2011, 08:40 PM

Is nature, including neighborhoods and districts of any of the world around us above the ground. And Ecology is the science that attempts to answer some questions about how nature works and how to deal with the living organisms of others or with the surrounding medium by either chemical or natural. This center is called the ecosystem. That's why the ecosystem is composed of the components of living and other dead or rigid. He knew the environment is the study of living organisms and their relationship to what Ptoterha around our relationship to the land. And the ecosystem is all non-living factors and communities of species ghee in a region. The nature of the recycling process automatically for things that used to bring them back for something useful. And the food chain above the ground, an image to show the flow of food energy in the environment, wherein the food go from one object to another to give the energy of the animal, which digested food and every food chain starts with the sun. </SPAN>And animals, including humans would be unable make their own food. Hence must get the Tafadtha of plants or other animals. This is consuming animals. At the end of life of the animal decomposition by microbes and plants also become part of the land absorbed by the soil for new plants from the new food Sta. This is what we call the food chain.
And natural factors in the ecosystem and have an impact of sunlight and shadow and the average temperature, geographical distribution and wind rises and depressions and the nature of soil and water. And chemical agents affecting the ecosystem level of water and air in the soil and the rate of soluble plant nutrients in the soil and water and the presence of toxic substances with them and salinity of the water of the marine environment and oxygen </SPAN>dissolved out.
Rights and the environment
Man is subject to its own environment and even linked them closely linked to Rabat, if disturbed this disrupted the balance of people and sickened and déjà vu with things and aches and chronic diseases. This diaper on the environment in which keep him and the generations after him, including the magnitude of the genetic legacy inherited from his predecessors and inherited genes neighborhoods with millions of years ago and kept us on the environment of these genes campaign successive generations and generations, even fallen behind us.
</SPAN>With the development of means of transportation and communication have been made for mutual economic relations man after he was living in isolated areas or far apart. With this development have been achieved unity of economic and environmental. The notion of compensatory coordination between the countries through exchange or purchase of goods and crops

And technologies, raw materials and natural resources. That's why global famine may be for economic reasons or political cause often reluctant to wars where farmers cultivate their land, which reduces agricultural production and livestock and leave a workers from their factories, which reduces the target of industrial production. </SPAN>This stop synergies affect the agricultural and industrial regions in which spin the war first, or to the world as a whole in the world wars. It also affects the movement of world trade and that reason is political. Because some states are a result of civil wars, regional or global, or of the embargo prevents them access food stocks exhausted from it, as happened in Britain the Second World War despite the abundance of production in the colonies. </SPAN>Not any time to Isiradh due to the circumstances of World War II, putting herself and Europe to famine. Because the ships, trucks, railways and ports were being bombed. Also led to high costs of war to the deficit in the balance of the Warring States, making it the Atqoi to buy food from the sources. The unusual drought ravaging parts of the earth, and as a result of a cascade of change in climatic conditions born of drought and famine. Which reduces the productivity of wheat, rice and Alsairwaldhirp in production areas for a large periods of the sequence. These grains live on humans and animals.
And our concept of environment is the cover Jawalalloi above ground and below the cover surface surface of the football ground and this is what we call the land and Allehaumahitat and rivers and out. And the whole legacy of the neighborhoods republication them and they have the right to life and Atqsr on the rights of a partner in solidarity with them. </SPAN>For this we find that the relationship with the environment related to behavioral but it did not improve the traffic and behavior Bhaa. Spoiling them out of ignorance between the greed of unrestrained and selfish in the extreme and indiscriminate wasteful and non-codified. Vofrt rights in the use of pesticides and fertilizers Alimoip to double the crops in fear and panic from hunger, especially in poor developing countries. </SPAN>Making the major industrialized nations appetite for food and seduced seduced by pesticides and fertilizers are banned internationally in pursuit of profitability despite the dangers of environmental Stlm tags. </SPAN>And helped in this risk rulers of these countries by Namipoualemsiolin for agriculture in pursuit of commissions and bribes, without taking into account the conscience of the following health and life of their peoples. </SPAN>Getty has thousands of them are born deformed or lack immunity, or develop cancers or diseases of unknown and deadly. For this on these welding or Ionowa equitable impact of their people and the prevention of them from the dangers that lie has become of these peoples in the water and eating and drinking, air and soil.</SPAN>

15-06-2011, 08:42 PM
افااااا عليكم بسس

قلم المدرسة
15-06-2011, 08:46 PM
مشكور خورفكاني ,, بس مال يئة صعبة وايد :(

قلم المدرسة
15-06-2011, 08:47 PM
حد عنده اسهل؟.؟

15-06-2011, 08:48 PM
تعرف شو الحل ادخل الوورد وصغره للرقم 6 الخط

واطبع هههه

قلم المدرسة
15-06-2011, 08:52 PM
ههههههههههههه ,, فكرة

15-06-2011, 09:26 PM
هني براقراف عن البيئة ومشكلاتها وحلولها ف الامارات

http://www.study4uae.com/vb/study4uae73/article170176/#post1499207 (http://www.study4uae.com/vb/study4uae73/article170176/#post1499207)

السموحة الوقت متاخر

15-06-2011, 09:36 PM
ومين بيحفظ كل هذا هههههههههههههههههه ما في واحد مختصر ؟؟؟

على العموم مشكووور خوي خور فكان

15-06-2011, 09:54 PM
الله[/color] يستر عليكم يا جماعة شو ها يا خي اللي ياي حياه الله المهم الخبرة العامة ..
وحسستكم ..صح ..^-^[/color]

15-06-2011, 10:06 PM
خلـي الخـط رقـم 4 أحسـن شـي وخلي لـونه أحمــر

15-06-2011, 11:14 PM
ادخل البوير بوينت وصغر الخط الى 4 او اي خط الي تباه

واطبعهاا على ورق شفافه وراح تظبط معك

لاتخلي كل اعتمادك ع البراشيم

3 سنين في اول ثنوي وان شاء الله ينجح الجميع بدون دور ثاني

15-06-2011, 11:20 PM
ادعولي بتوفيق ف الامتحنات

الجميع ناااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااجح باذن الله

16-06-2011, 01:14 AM
شباااب هذا موضوع عن الحيوانات وان شاء الله يكون هو يلي جاب بالامتحان بكرة

as amatter of fact , I can not imagine a world without animals to understand life we love them andsome others do not love them and this is what we are talking about will be in the following theme ...

Who love animals:
They love animals because it helps them in their daily lives.
Pets are loved ones that do not hurt.
Because the animals eat anythin .
Because the animals live in any place.

Who do not love animals:
Because the animals Dirty
Because some harmful animals

Final in my opinion, animals are wonderful they are living at any place and help to clean the world , so I'm with those who love animal

والسموحة على التاخير

16-06-2011, 06:54 PM
يمكن عن الصرصور و القرش و العمل التطوعي يعني ادرس كل المواضيع
انا سئلت المدرسة يلي عندي و هايدي المدرسة حكيها موثوق منو يعني بتعرف شو رح يجي