تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اللي عنده مواضيع مهمه حق امتحان باجر يساعدنا

حبوب بلا حبيبه
16-03-2011, 12:41 PM
السلااالام عليكيم ورحمة

شحالكم ....شخباركم

اللي عنده مواضيع مهمه حق امتحان باجر يساعدنا

عشان الكل يستفيد


ام سلامي الحوسني
16-03-2011, 12:49 PM
نترياكم حطو المهم

ام موزااني
16-03-2011, 01:15 PM
mee tooooo بليز

قمه الاذواق
16-03-2011, 01:57 PM
هيه والله اللي يعررف شو الموضوع عن بااجر يحط لناااا

لان عليه 30 درجه

محرومه من البسمه
16-03-2011, 02:34 PM
وينكم ياانااس معقوووله مافي حد يعرف ..
انا والله ما معرف شي فهالمااده ~
لووو أعرف ما كنت بقصـــر ...
بليــــــز عطونا وريحــونا ..
بس بســرعه
ما بقى الا القليل ... ماشي وقت بليز

16-03-2011, 02:38 PM
الكل يدور

والى يحصل يخبي عنده فالفلاش هذي شغلتكم :(

16-03-2011, 02:59 PM
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
الصراحة ما أعرف شو بيجي في الامتحان
بس عندي عن الـ
Dogs & Cats
قلت يمكن يفيدكم

التحميل من المرفقات

بالتوفيق للجميع ان شاء الله 100 في الانجليزي

سلعاوي بن ال سلعاوي
16-03-2011, 03:43 PM
السلام عليكم

ان شاء الله بعد ساعه بنزل ليكم مواضيع
عشان رايحين على المدرسه عند استاذ الانجليزي

لا تحاتوا ما يصير إلآ الطيب

16-03-2011, 04:22 PM
نحن آآلمسس عطتنآآآ برغررآآفآآت بس مآآ عرـرف آآي ـوآآحد بي فآآلـآآمتحآآآن ..~
هآآآلبرآآغرآآفآآآت :
1_ آستخدآم آلهوآتف آلمتحركه دآخل آلمدرسه .
2_أهميه تحديد الخطط والـآهدآف في آلحيآه .
3_ آلحيآه قديمآ وحديثآ .
4_ هل آنت مع آم ضد حظر آلتدخين في آلـآمآكن آلعآمه .
5_آلحيآه في آلقريه وآلحيآه في آلمدينه .

آآن شآلله آآلـآآخ سلعآآآوي يقولونه آآي موضوع بيبون وآآذآآ يآآآبوآآ وآآحد من هآآلموآآضيع آآلي ذكرتهم رآآح آآنزل لكم آآلموضوع كله بآآلـآآنقلش ..~

سسلعآآآـوي ننتتتظرـرك ع آآحرـر من آآلجمرـر ...~

16-03-2011, 04:38 PM
سسلعآآآـوي ننتتتظرـرك ع آآحرـر من آآلجمرـر

نتظــــــــــــــــــــــــــــرك :)

( بنت المهيري )
16-03-2011, 06:02 PM
جاري الانتظـــار

16-03-2011, 07:33 PM
وبعدين ...؟؟؟
هنرسب بكره يعنى ""؟؟
حد يشوفلنا حل يا ناس وين البرجرفاااااااااااااااااات

هدوة العين
16-03-2011, 08:50 PM
بليز الله يوفقكم ردو علينا والله تعبت ما أعرف شو ادرس

16-03-2011, 09:03 PM
مقال حول من هوأكثر ذكاءالكلاب أو القطط
Dogs and cats are XXXX smart animals. They consider as one of the intelligent animals like gorilla, elephant and dolphin. These animals have many similarities and differences.
Let’s talk about the similarities, XXXX of them dogs and cats are smart animals as they can solve many different problems. Such as predicting natural disasters, sniff diseases like cancer and seizure, also they can be used for protection and can save people who suffers suffocating.
On the other side, dogs and cats have many differences. Cats have acute sense of hearing, which enables cats to hear the little beep as it can rotate it’s ear to all directions which helps it to hear the light vibrations on the earth. While dogs have acute sense of smelling, so dogs are used in hunting and searching for missing people, criminals and drugs. Moreover dogs are very friendly and loyal to their owners.
In conclusion, it is difficult to say who’s smarter dogs or cats?. Because XXXX of them have different abilities to stay live. But what is obviously clear that you will say smarter to the animal you own.


5- Compare between boys and girls. Who is Smarter: Boys or Girls? مقارنة بين الأولاد والبنات

It is said that women are not smarter than men, but they are more aware and recognizant! This has been a worldwide controversy notion since the beginning of creation. People seem to ignore the subject in order to avoid any embarrassment. Some say that boys are smarter in a way that boys are physically stronger hence; they can learn new experiences like building a house, or cutting a tree. While some advocate that girls are smarter because they are deep thinkers and imaginative! Though they are physically weaker, but they are much better than boys mentally speaking. They think before they act and they remain calm in crises. Boys on the other hand tend to reason things out and find XXXXXXXXX solutions to problems. They don’t waste time and they like to hit the subject right away. That’s why boys don’t like to chat for hours on the phone without a goal. While girls are more emotional and tend to share their experiences, and that’s why girls are way better than boys in art. They tend to “split-hairs” and discuss more since they are minute about details. So, while boys consider girls talking on the phone boring, women find it very useful because they want to share their story with someone else.


مقارنة اضرار الكمبيوتر , الانترنت

- Should students stop surfing the internet?

Although the internet is useful and full of unlimited information, it has many bad effects on students, physically, educationally and psychologically. First of all, it can cause bad effects on health and hurt the eyes, the back and the neck. These damages happen because a student stays for a long time staring at the screen of the computer. Second, it may waste time and interfere with school work. Sometimes a student may leave the main work to surf another interesting site and forget about his main purpose. Moreover, it can make a student loner because of spending long time alone. Of course, when staying most of the day at home, friends and family members will not be seen. Finally, it is necessary to balance between surfing the internet and achieving other works and duties. We can have fun, but not before doing our main work.


Essay about who is smarter Dogs or Cats.

مقارنة القطه والكلب
Dogs and cats are XXXX smart animals. They consider as one of the intelligent animals like gorilla, elephant and dolphin. These animals have many similarities and differences.
Let’s talk about the similarities, XXXX of them dogs and cats are smart animals as they can solve many different problems. Such as predicting natural disasters, sniff diseases like cancer and seizure, also they can be used for protection and can save people who suffers suffocating.
On the other side, dogs and cats have many differences. Cats have acute sense of hearing, which enables cats to hear the little beep as it can rotate it’s ear to all directions which helps it to hear the light vibrations on the earth. While dogs have acute sense of smelling, so dogs are used in hunting and searching for missing people, criminals and drugs. Moreover dogs are very friendly and loyal to their owners.

In conclusion, it is difficult to say who’s smarter dogs or cats?. Because XXXX of them have different abilities to stay live. But what is obviously clear that you will say smarter to the animal you own

سموحه منكم

( بنت المهيري )
16-03-2011, 09:19 PM
مشكوور خووي ان شاء الله فميزااان حسناتك ..^^

( بنت المهيري )
16-03-2011, 09:40 PM
انا لقيت ها الموضوع ..

عن ( مقارنه بين صديقين )

People of the world all have different personalities, but some are similar in nature. Not only do your actions reveal a lot about you, but your friends reveal just as much. I know that different aspects of my personality are more dominant with certain people. Two of my best friends, Amanda (http://www.123helpme.com/search.asp?text=amanda) and Tim, are very different from each other, although XXXX have sparkling personalities.

Amanda and I have been friends since we were nine years old. We have always (http://www.123helpme.com/search.asp?text=always)
shared our most enjoyable and our most trying times. For instance, every time Amanda
and I are together, we always have fun. We have always been able to laugh at ourselves,
and we always think of some new inside XXXX to have the next day at school. With the rest
of our friends, we have always been able to share our silly escapades and ridiculous
humor. Just sharing our stories brings back memories of more and more of our escapades.
On the other hand, when Amanda or I have a rough time, we are always there for each
other. When Amanda's Grandfather died, I was there for her. She was very upset and I
was there for her to talk to. Then, when my Grandfather was very ill and in the hospital, I was worried about my family. She was there for me the whole time my Grandfather was in the hospital.

Tim, on the other hand, is more of a mentor (http://www.123helpme.com/search.asp?text=mentor). He has been a friend of mine since
we were nine years old as well, but he was always a little more serious. We always talked about things rather than going out and doing things. Tim has been there to give me advice about guys, choices I have to make, and other problems that may come up. Just as Tim has been there for me, I have been there for him as well. When Tim has something on his mind, he will talk about it with me. If he ever hesitates to talk to me, by the time I have told him he can trust me, he will begin to pour his heart out. I would almost regard him as
a brother.

As you can see, these two friends are different but XXXX are very important in my
life. XXXX play important roles and XXXX would cause a major change in my life if our

16-03-2011, 11:27 PM
آآلحيييييييييين نحن نببببآآآ آآلموـوضوـوع آآلي بيييبوـونه بآآآجرـر ..~
آآلي يعرـرف يقوـولننننننننه ...~

16-03-2011, 11:52 PM
شو هالمواضيع ياللي اول مرة اسمع فيها !!

احنا عندنا الشراكة ... أظن 90 % بيكون انشا الله عن وسائل المواصلات قديما وحديثا ... واللي يؤكدلي انهم قالو مقارنة بين الحياة قديما وحديثا في الامتحان التجريبي ... والله أعلم ...

بالتوفيق للجميع إنشا الله

17-03-2011, 02:13 AM
يوـوـوه آآنآآ حفظت مآآل آآلحييآآه قديمآآ وحديثآآآ ..~
وآآن ششآآلله آآيييبون آآلي حفظته ...~

طالبة مطالبة
17-03-2011, 02:23 AM
الله يوفقنا فأمتحان باجر انشآء الله ويسهله علينا ..