المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : [تقرير جاهز] هذا التقرير عن الدرس الثاني دخلوووووووووووووووو

مزنه الخاطري
26-10-2010, 07:42 PM
:(31):Bcmsh warm, sometimes hot .. The cold breezes of the night .. Bajwa Trimmer which turns to dust or rain in a few moments .. To prepare for the examinations last year .. All types of allergic eye and skin diseases that afflict some of them .. Or something else?!

Perhaps cheating on your memory to remember sometimes, but your nose will never forget that smell .. The smell of wet grass green and smells of jasmine, Jasmine and cloves mixed with each other.

May forget the existence of the spring which passes unnoticed among the coldest winter and the summer heat, but you will not forget the receipt of colors and red, white and violet.

Now we are on the threshold of summer, and about the spring that Eodena .. Will not keep us from all manifestations except that roses smell a breathtaking and the colors that the cheerful and calm to yourself.
O Lord .. Maine Iserek?
All this with roses and flowers that you see in gardens or in the club or even in Streetkm, flower shops and all natural, dried and filled in all the industrial cities of the world, not think one day in the cultivation of small garden inside your home, but inside your house?

Did not even thinking of buying a small plant in front of you sponsored to grow and become better the old people sometimes, tell and talk with them and smell it for a moment of happiness?!

If you've ever thought, and carried out this proposal, this is a beautiful thing, but if you want to and do not know how to take care of a flower, Come with us to review the methods of cultivation of flowers and plants, and take care of it, and also many uses of the Lord one, XXXX in the decorations, or treatment and medication, or XXXXXng .. Etc..

• First, do not choose large vase for a handful of roses, and vice versa; because it will not show her beauty, and sponsor of the package should not be crowded, all in one place.

• If there were a variety of flowers in a bouquet one, do not coordinate each group in the side, as if put all the red roses in hand, and jasmine on the one hand, and so on, but try to diversify between the groups so you can see all the colors from all angles.

• Make sure the vase or pot, which put the flowers do not leaking water.

• are not you spoiled flowers if you cut the legs and then she discovered she was too short for flowering, you can address this error by putting some gravel or wear or granules and small stones and then put them flowers, will give the length you want, and at the same time aesthetics if The floral transparent.

• Also not intended roses petals (petals), you can either put them in a flat bowl or dish to float on the water and around some scented candles, or you can Tkhaltha-dry and one aromatic oils and put them in the glass container and Trjh well .. To give a pungent smell inside the house.

• to give the size of a large bouquet of roses .. Place the longest in the center of the vase or basket, then shorter on the sides.
In a basket or vase?!
• Place the bouquet of roses in a large bowl full of water in the tub.

• Hold a group of flowers, you want to format, from the leg .. , And a pair of scissors cut the bottom stems of plants are in the water, in order to prevent air bubbles from sticking legs.

• scissors cutting the legs should be inclined at an angle and not straight.

• must be cutting on a piece of marble or wood, dedicated to that use and be far away from food, and must also wear rubber gloves so as not to hurt by the thorns.

• You do not need to be a flowering (vase) are expensive or form values, you can use the bottles of colored or transparent.

• Place the basket in the middle (spongy foam) of the type that is used in shops roses to plant stems inside.

• Start planting roses in the middle and even the edge, in a circular motion.

• to give full effect on roses .. Put some green plants on the short vase or basket on the edge .. To make the package look like (fluffy).
Girls names .. Each color
As for the colors of roses, the color of a certain significance for every special occasion and provide them, language of flowers is a universal language, like music, to be implemented into your heart and your soul Once you see it or smell it.

Vihdawha to someone, shows his love and interest in it, as it is one of the simplest gifts that strengthen social relationships and emotional bonds; as they enter the joy and happiness of the heart receives, the more value to the moral worth of material.

Because the names of roses is beautiful and attractive, we find that many people like to label their daughters to their names such as Jasmine, rose, flower, and other names are different.

How you may be considered that the provision of a bouquet of flowers is easy, but it needs to skill and art, for example:

• When you go to visit people in a hospital, preferably the purchase and Ruud is not pungent smell; because it does not fit the atmosphere of the place, and be light colors to give joy and happiness to the patient and those around him.

• When greeting a new baby boy, the package blue or purple if he was a boy, and pink (Rose - Pink) If you were born a girl.

• The flowers are placed on the dining table is preferred to be white, yellow, or orange with some green, which colors all of which help to good digestion and has a significant impact on the appetite and calm the psychological

هذا الثاني .............


Welcome to separate the summer, Bcmsh bright and warm faces and Naseema fresh, and everyone is preparing to enjoy the outdoors, hiking and doing various activities in the outdoors.
We at the gate of "Healthy Living" Astaddna in our own way to the summer; Vhoudrna for our customers a range of interesting articles, which increase your enjoyment of the summer, and enable you to take care of your health at the same time

Risks of hot weather

With the onset of summer heat begins to rise gradually and much heat at the height of summer, people begin to enjoy the warm weather and the outdoors and doing various activities in the open air, ignoring the effects of exposure to the sun shining for a long time .., which exposes them to different health risks.
Here and knocking on the most important risks that must be Twkdhuha into account during the hot weather:
• Drought
Drought mean water loss of the human body in addition to the salts found in human blood such as potassium and sodium the task to perform the functions of the body such as kidneys, brain and heart.
And drought of the most risks that can be exposed to the individual during the severe heat wave, with infection leading to confusion and lethargy or drowsiness, breathing problems and disorder in the rate of heart beats.
• heat stroke or exhaustion
The human body produces sweat when he feels too hot to cool down and reduce the temperature, it evaporates from our skin when the cooling process occurs.
But it is possible in the days of intense heat, or when we exercise ourselves a lot to stop the work of this device (race), and therefore the body temperature begins to rise up to dangerous levels.
The high body temperature much to the incidence of heat stroke or get very tired, causing headaches, dizziness, muscle cramps, and sometimes may threaten this life.
The danger of heat stroke because they happen quickly and without notice if we did not notice signs occur.
• sunburn
It may seem sun during the summer a wonderful thing, but it is important factor of damage to the skin.
We must remember that the sun burns are painful, but also accelerate the emergence of signs of aging and old age, and increase the chances of skin cancers, including the most serious kinds of "Melanoma" Melanoma.

To avoid these risks must do the following:
• Drink plenty of fluids
Remember that we are in the summer, we lose a lot of fluids more than normal situation, so it is necessary to compensate for the missing.
The best way to preserve through which the amount of fluid in our body is to drink water, and the amount of water required depends on the weight of the individual,
In hot weather must increase the amount of water consumed, but not excessive because the excessive increase may cause other types of problems.
We may think that drinking soft drinks to help cool the body and replace fluids, but it is not as well; as the more negative aspects of these beverages in the long run, if you who do not like to drink water a lot you may wish to drink fluids such as natural juices.
• Modify diet
Recommended reducing the intake of foods hot and heavy in the summer, and a lot of eating and drinking cold milk liquid milk (skim).
• stay away from the sun
Times in the hot sun, the best place to Towon is the shadow, and if you are forced to sit under the sun, preferably for short periods, and to put the sunscreen protection factor of at least 15 SPF.
If you feel tired or nausea preferred to stay away from the sun as soon as possible and sit in the shade.
• Exercise moderately
Not exert exercise at times warm, preferably to exert Riyadtkm such as running or jogging early in the morning or at sunset.
When you exercise in the summer physical cautiously watched your case; If you feel breathlessness or tachycardia is abnormal, they stopped immediately and tried to cool your body by taking a cold shower, and take a rest if you feel dizzy or dizziness.
• Maintaining the body cooler
Wear lightweight clothing and wide and cotton the best thing in the summer to allow sweat evaporation.
And remember to wear dark clothes absorb heat and heavy, but beware that some kinds of cloth light does not protect against the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation.
And preferably wear a hat and sunglasses to protect the head and Enein from the sun.
• ventilate the house
Advised to open the windows of the house all day and night and can be used as fans, this is very important to cool the body, especially at night.
Do not be too of the use of air conditioners, they tried to use in times of extreme heat. • Paying attention to those who are most at risk:
Those most vulnerable to the effects of hot weather and intense sunlight are:
o Children under the age of four, and the elderly over 65, because the body slowly adapts to changing temperatures.
o above the rate of obese normal weight; because their bodies retain heat.
o patients.
o infants; that the growth of sweat glands they have.
Necessary to take care of these categories, and secure all protective measures to them, are also advised not to cover the children with blankets or heavy clothing selection of them in the hot weather, and not at the same time exposing them to direct sunlight.