المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مواضيع الانجلش :)

عروسة المنصورة
01-06-2010, 03:19 PM
for grade 11 writing exam, some examples of topics:

1) write a persuasive about , why is it important to have responsible citizens?
--> remember the importance of a good citizen .. we talked about it in class
in the impotance of a responsible citizen we should talk about the effects of a responsible citizen, for example you can talk about how can it improve your values, how can you improve your country by being a responsible citizen.. etc also you can think of other ideas.

2) write a story about any natural disaster.
---> story is narrative, you took an exam about the earthquack remember girls? also we took an article about bushfire in Australia. all of these are natural disasters stories. you can include also the role of a responsible citizen. how can he/she react in such a situation.

3) write an informational text about citizenship.
---> okay remember information text .. you have to list the information about something and here we have to write information about citizenship. information text is the one with SUBHEADING. please do not forget that. also, an example of an information text will be is that you write the first subheading is the difintion of citizenship. second subheading is the difference between a good citizen and a bad citizen. a third subheading can be the rules of a good citizen.

all of these are examples and nothing is 100% sure
you should just keep practicing writing and keep practicing and practicing =)

and good luck everyone http://gfx2.XXXXXXXXXXXX/mail/w4/pr01/ltr/emoticons/rose.gif

كيلو هبال
01-06-2010, 05:49 PM
مشكورة . بس لو ترتبين الموضوع ، بيكون احسن واسهل للقرآئـه

ويآلـيت ، تحيطـن لكـل موضوع " المقدمه ، الموضوع ، والخاتمه " يعني كل الاشياء الي تتبع الموضوع ، ..!

سعيد اليحراوي
01-06-2010, 06:52 PM
هيه صدق لووو سمحتي حطي مقدمة وخاتمه وموضوع لاني ماعرف اكتب شي

01-06-2010, 09:19 PM
بس سؤال ؟

هذي احتمال تدخل الامتحان ؟