تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : يايبتلكم كلمات الانجليزي ومعناهن

اليازيه الكعبي
23-04-2010, 06:55 PM
اتمنى تستفيدون منه

Equipped for: made for.

1-My home is equipped for living.

2-The laboratory is equipped for experiment.

Withstand: to experience something bad without damage.

1-My friend with stands his sickness.

2-Many people withstand life diffiwfties.

Exceptional: very special

1-phophet Mohammed birthday is an exceptional day.

2-My father is an exceptional person.

Path: way

1-I go to school from different pathes

2-There are many pathes leading to our house.

Dangerous: able to hurt or kill.

1-Sometime the internet is dangerous.

2-The lion is very dangerous.

Dinosaur: a reptile that lived millions of years ago.

1-The dinosaur is very old animal.

2-The dinosaur lived millions years ago.

Disgusting: very unpleasant and sickening.

1-the snake is very disgusting.

2-the cockroach is very disgusting and dangerous.

Amazing: very surprising and difficult to believe.

1-If we look at Allah creation will be amazed by its ability.

2-I was amazing when I saw my cat died.


Appetite: desire to eat.

1- Open up my appetite when I see my favorite food.

2- Fat person must resist the appetite for weakening.

Attack: to try to hurt or kill.

1- Football is divided into several players, including player attack
2-Scorpion attack on any enemy suffered.

Creature: a living thing.
1- Allah created the creature to the Service of Man
2-Frog is one of the amphibious creatures.

Crevice: narrow opening.
1- In the past, were placed in the tunnel lighting, 2-Did you know that the cockroach is able to enter into his body in a Crevice if its size is smaller than the millions of times

Feared: frightening to people.
1-All Mother fears for their children from anything that a loss of life.
2-Maha fear the examination paper and the
degrees of incomplete

XXXXl: a material like steel,tin,or iron.
1-Diamond is one of the hardest XXXXl on earth
2-Aluminum XXXXl is extracted from underground is used in the aircraft industry

Powerful: very strong.

1- Extend the milk bones and makes them Powerful

2- 2- The Powerful animal in the forest is lion


Scatter: to run in different directions

1-Ahmed scatter in different directions.

2-when cockroaches scatter, it scurry away.

Scurry: to move fast.

1- Cockroaches scurry away on long.

2- The man scurry from noise of children

Survive: to stay alive.

1-cat eats the mouse to survive.

2-the fish can't survive out of water.

Warning: to sign of danger.

1- Traffic police warn young people of the consequences of speed.

2- Parameter warned students from cheating on the exam


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