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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ابا تلخيص عن السمنه

مكتومة الاحزان
23-12-2009, 07:45 PM
[OVERLINE]ابا احد يلخصلي هالموضوع السمنه بس بالانجليزي[ضروووووووري اليوم /OVERLINE]Obesity

Most people don't take the issue of Obesity seriously .In this report, I'm going to highlight what is meant by Obesity , the causes of obesity, the effect of being obese and what we should do to fight Obesity.
Obesity means being overweight .It happens when the natural energy reserve, stored in the fatty tissues of people, is increased to appoint where it is connected to certain heath conditions .Being obese means having so much fat that that your health can be in danger.
Most people aren't aware of the causes of Obesity ,that is simply why they are obese .Therefore , I believe it is worth mentioning the causes of Obesity so as to know what to eat and what to refrain eating .As a matter of fact , Obesity can be related to the following factors :
Firstly, people are obese because they have bad diets. They eat too much of one food. They eat too much bread and consume a lot of fatty food. Moreover, they eat a lot of sweets. Secondly, when you take in more calories than you burn off, you gain weight. How you eat, how active you are, and other things affect how your body uses calories and whether you gain weight.
Thirdly, if your family members are obese, you may have inherited a tendency to gain weight .And your family also helps form your eating and lifestyle habits, which can lead to Obesity.
Finally, Also, our busy lives make it harder to plane and cook healthy meals .For many of us, it's easier to reach for prepared foods, go out to eat, or go to the drive- through. But these foods are often high in fat and calories .Portions are often too large. Work schedules, long commutes, and other commitments also cut into the time we have for physical activity.
There is no quick fix to being overweight. To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you take in...
11Risk for diseases
"Obesity is considered to be a real health hazard. According to the World Health Organization, in 1995, there were an estimated 200 million obese adults worldwide and an other 18 million under five children classified as overweight .As of 2000,the number of obese adults has increased to 300 million"1.
Several serious medical conditions have been linked to Obesity including diabetes," which is a lifelong condition where either your body doesn't produce enough insulin, or your body can't use insulin it produces " 2.Your body needs insulin to change the sugar from food into energy . Doctors have concluded that most diabetic people are obese .Additionally it has been found that the more obese you are, the higher the chance for getting diabetes.
Additionally , medical researches have shown that Obesity is the major cause of hypertension , which is high blood pressure .Most obese people develop certain heart problems related their high blood pressure. High blood pressure is classified to be number one killer .Those with high blood pressure usually live shorter than others as they are usually exposed to heart attacks which can result in their instant death. Moreover, Obesity is I also linked to higher rates of certain types of cancer which lead to immediate death or permanent sufferings .Doctors have concluded that there is a direct relation between Obesity and cancer cases in most patients.
Other diseases linked to Obesity include, gallbladder disease, liver disease, breathing problems as obese people are unable to run or exercise for a long period of time. They are usually inactive because they are breathless .Furthermore; doctors have found that Obesity can cause pregnancy problems in women.
Additionally, Obesity risks are not only limited to physical problems; emotional suffering may be one of the most painful parts of Obesity. Overweight people feel unattractive and often face prejudice or discrimination in the job market. At school and in social situations. Feeling of rejection, shame and depression are common cases in obese people. They usually isolate themselves from others, because they are shy of their shape, they are also deprived from sharing in sports activity because they can't share actively as others.
How do you know if you are obese?
You can use a measurement called a body mass index, or BMI, to decide whether your weight is dangerous to your heath .The BMI is a combination of your height and weight. If you have a BMI of 30 or higher, your extra weight is putting your heath in danger .If you are Asian, your heath may be at risk with a BMI of 27.5 or higher.
Use the (Interactive Tool: Weight and Heath Risks) to check your body mass index.
Where you carry your body fat may be as important as how many extra pounds you have. People, who carry too much fat around the middle, rather than around the hips, are more likely to have health problems .In women, a waist size of 35in. or more raises the chance for disease. In men, a waist size of 40 in. or more raises the chance for disease. In Asian people, health problems are seen with a smaller waist size .In Asian woman, a waist size of 32in .or more raises the chance for disease. In Asian men, waist size of 36in. or more raises the chance for disease.
Before talking about what we should do to fight Obesity, I think it is worth mentioning some facts and statistics about Obesity worldwide and in the UAE in particular."Statistics have shown that 50% of males and 60% of females in the UAE are seriously obese and many teenagers have diabetes .Another study said that 74% of the people were obese or overweight "3. Statistics show that 8% of children below 6 years old are also obese. Statistics have also shown that there are probably 320 million obese people around the world. Doctors have concluded that the heavy dependence on technology and comforts have reduced physical activity and also lead to overweight problems.
Due to the dangers of obesity on our health, we should do our best to fight obesity and that can be achieved by talking the followings into consideration:
• Avoid eating fast food as it is usually fatty and can increase your weight. • Stop eating between meals. • Don't lead an inactive life but do exercises instead. • Stop watching TV for a long time. • Avoid eating too much rice, bread and sweets in particular. • Do exercises regularly and check with your doctor for advice. • Avoid depending on technology so as to lose weight. • Remember the slimmer you are, the better your health gets. To conclude, obesity is getting more and more common between people. People should be aware of the fact that obesity is the shortest way to diseases and death. Therefore, we should consider fighting obesity and reducing our weight before it is too late

عزتي فوق ذاتي
02-01-2010, 04:35 PM
هههههههههههه يوم بتلخصة عطا حقنا

المزروعي 2011
23-02-2011, 08:57 PM
الله يديك بعد ............... ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟